What is Dads Against Predators?

An incident that police say led to a gun being fired in a North Carolina Target store has raised questions about the group “Dads Against Predators,” its history and its presence in the state.

Three men with ties to the organization lured a 25-year-old man to a Winston-Salem Target in late June and attacked him, according to police, leading the man to fire a gun in the store. It’s not the first time the group, also known as “D.A.P.,” has had run-ins with the law.


47 thoughts on “What is Dads Against Predators?

  • July 8, 2022

    Does the fact that Dads is on Facebook violate Facebook/Meta’s policy on hate speech? Obviously I think that it does, but my opinion isn’t the law.

      • July 8, 2022

        Thanks. I will give it a read.

      • July 8, 2022

        From your viewpoint, how do you address the bullying?

        • July 10, 2022

          When it comes to personal trolls, the only thing we CAN do from a practical standpoint is to learn to ignore them.

          Police don’t take any threats against us seriously, but my experience so far is that these threats are empty. Internet gangsters are often cowards in real life.

          You could sue for harassment, but who among us has the money to file such litigation? I don’t.

          One other thing I learned is that trolls tend to suffer what might be described as a “Notice Me, Sempai” condition. We make their day when we mention them or even mention what they do. They’re “noticed” and it makes their miserable existence less miserable. They like to imagine you’re crying, angry and hitting the desk, or depressed because the troll says mean things about you. Whether that actually happens or not is irrelevant, in their eyes, you noticed them and it gives them euphoria.

          Even mentioning the trolling isn’t working encourages them because it is simply about being noticed.

          Ignoring them (blocking them on social media) puts you back in control. I believe many trolls feel actual physical pain at being ignored because then they realize nobody gives a rip about what they’re doing and they get depressed.

          • July 10, 2022

            Again, I thank you. I’ve seen a few trolls, and have been attacked by more than a few.
            I have no desire to let them shame me for one stupid mistake from years ago. So, I am grateful for the counsel from those who’ve been there. Live long and prosper.

          • July 11, 2022


            We have dealt with these types for years. Many neighbors have made our lives Hell. But what is funny is, we trusted God to help us weather the storms and He did. Over the years over 15 neighbors have moved because I refused to move no matter what they threw at me/us.

            We stood our ground. And yes, new neighbors have moved in, some nicer and some meaner. Lately a new battle has been brewing since the Nextdoor app came out. Now we have people harassing us who do NOT even live on our street. Wow. So we are looking for what new spiritual weapons God will bring out of the storage locker for us to wage war with.

          • July 11, 2022

            God has blessed me with a restored family and surrounded me with good neighbors. I hope no one is offended by my using the term “GOD”.

  • July 8, 2022

    So despite a man being attacked in the store police are not investigating and although this may not be a policy for all big box stores, Target’s spokesperson has not banned any of the men from the stores.


    Not only does Target representatives not speak against violence, but when looters steal and set one of their stores on fire, they commemorate the violence with a mural! https://thefederalist.com/2021/04/27/target-honors-violent-minneapolis-riots-with-mural-of-burning-building/

    Violent people are always welcomed at Target as guests!

    • July 8, 2022


      And we have all lost the irony of the man being “Targeted” AT Target!

    • July 8, 2022

      The article suggests that these guys traveled to Carolina from Ohio. So how is it that only the gun crime unit cares?

    • July 10, 2022

      I hate Target. I remember applying for a job with them back in 2005, and the manager wanted to hire me, even sent me to a clinic to do the pre-employment drug screening, only to get a letter from corporate headquarters stating they’d never hire me because of my record. Wish I still had the letter because the actual wording was a lot worse, I don’t remember all of it but they were very VERY nasty. And this was from their Minneapolis headquarters, NOT the local store.

  • July 8, 2022

    Oh great another bunch of people who think that rhey are law enforcement. Or they’ve been watching too much Dog, the bounty hunter. I’ve got to wonder, much like Cherokee, how much good work they do. It seems like their evidence and tactics would be inadmissible in court. But I guess the shame and embarrassing situation that they create for their victims is what they want.

  • July 8, 2022

    Legal law enforcement say they don’t like this approach. Ok than put a stop to it. Where are all the legislators jumping all over this to solve the problem?

    • July 8, 2022


      Because they DO like it, but they have to put out a statement stating they do not condone this behavior. Again, it is like the scene in Willy Wonka where Augustus Gloop falls into the chocolate river and his Mother says “Why don’t you do something”. Wonka replies “Help, Police, Muder” then proceeds to just stand there and do nothing to save the boy.

  • July 8, 2022

    The past two years have seen a proliferation of citizen sting operators. They vary in sophistication— some do a better job, for example, of preserving evidence, getting people to open up in interviews, etc.

    Dads Against Predators is one of the most confrontational and aggressive of these groups, and they should have seen this coming.

    • July 8, 2022


      And for those of us who are not getting violated (Funny word to use if I am not on probation) or caught in a sting, they make up some Bull Hockey excuse that we did not register an old pair of socks we own. I mean really if I am working in the yard and cut myself and it becomes a scar, I realize if I am arrested, they document that.
      But someone not on “Official” paper or sanctions (Oh but we are we all know it) how do we have to take a day out of our lives to go register this? Is crime so low these days that cops are just bored out of their minds?
      There is an old saying that I hate but is usually true. “Things will get worse before it gets better”.

    • July 9, 2022

      I don’t approve of bait and switch stings that get gullible and often desperate men confused and wrongly targeted, but for those out there looking for trouble with an underage person, their stupidity will lead them to stupid outcomes like this eventually.

      None of these guys will likely read this before they end up among our number, but I try to at least admonish my sons in the hope they will avoid making my mistakes someday.

      Let’s do what we can to protect our loved ones and lead them in the right way, and pray a more merciful and restorative Justice system may one day prevail.

      Extrajudicial actions like this aren’t the answer.

      • July 9, 2022

        I did not even own a computer until I got released from prison in 1997. I had no clue what I was doing back then. Now I do tech support for my elderly parents. I even do the accent. They do not think it is funny but I enjoy making myself laugh LOL

  • July 8, 2022

    There is a channel on youtube called
    Cᴏʟᴏʀᴀᴅᴏ Pᴇᴅ Pᴀᴛʀᴏʟ. This is a guy who gets online and tricks guys into meeting fake underage people then holds them at gunpoint until the police arrive.
    Not sure how the charges stick since none of the stings are done by cops. But all the back and forth between him and those he catches is turned over to the police. He also gives out the name and address of each one he entraps on his channel along with all the video coverage and any previous charges they have.
    From what I have learned there are 100s of these vigilante groups targeting registered folks, all over the U.S. Some might say that if you are not doing anything wrong, you won’t get caught in these traps. At least this guy is not as bad as the ones who go after registered people at their homes not doing anything wrong unless eating dinner with your family is a crime?

    • July 8, 2022

      But the thing is many of these groups di eventually start targeting registered people. They also post memes promoting violence against registrants. DAP said in a 2020 interview they support castration and execution of “pedophiles.” They attract the kill ’em all types.


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