Warning: You could get arrested for obscuring the “Sexual Predator” stamp on your Florida Drivers License.

A registered sex predator was jailed in Clay County after he tried to alter his driver’s license to hide the words “sexual predator” on his driver’s license, a police report said.

The Clay County Sheriff’s Office said XXXXXX, 63, placed a sticker over the Sexual Predator decal on his license.

XXXXXX is charged with possession of an altered identification card by a sex predator, a felony.

Police were conducting an address check on XXXXXX on Sept. 21. When a deputy asked XXXXXX for his license, he complied, police said.

The deputy saw a sticker on the bottom right of the license and peeled it off, revealing the words “sexual predator”, the report said.

Sexual predators in Florida are warned not to alter their driver’s licenses. Police said XXXXXX knew he couldn’t alter his license because he’s signed sex offender papers dozens of times since 1995, when he was listed as a sex predator.

[FAC NOTE: We looked into the registrant. He has a single sexual offense from more than 20 years ago and nothing subsequent other than one registration violation. His crime was committed before the existence of the Florida registry]


40 thoughts on “Warning: You could get arrested for obscuring the “Sexual Predator” stamp on your Florida Drivers License.

  • July 25, 2019

    322.212 Unauthorized possession of, and other unlawful acts in relation to, driver license or identification card.—

    (5)(c) It is unlawful for any person designated as a sexual predator or sexual offender to have in his or her possession a driver license or identification card upon which the sexual predator or sexual offender markings required by s. 322.141 are not displayed or have been altered.
    (6) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, any person who violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

  • July 12, 2019

    Does anyone know any case law for this issue? I read somewhere where it was put into law so LEOs could identify you And was a “discrete mark” for law enforcement use but can’t find that.

    • July 23, 2019


  • June 7, 2018

    I hate this myself, was given a brake because i knew nothing about obstructing or defacing id or drivers license. have not been mistreated or harassed. guilty or innocent deal with it, you have the title. the pen is mightier than the sword, it may take time just don’t give up the fight. we were arrested because someone pointed the finger at us and the cops came running, if one of us called the cops i am sure they will come running. stop complaining and man up. it is what it is. religious or not God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change the strength to change the things that we can and the wisdom to know the difference. to sum it all up just make the best of a bad situation. i have a place to stay, a job, just sold one car and got a new one. the bare necessities.

  • October 1, 2017


  • September 25, 2017

    @ArrestedForStickerOnLicense I thought of you Friday night as my back was hurting and I went to a Massage (legit) place. First thing the ask for was my drivers license. I would have been mortified showing it. My heart goes out to you. I dont know what I would do if they did that to sex offenders. Find a job I can work from home and have Amazon deliver everything to me or would it be the last straw?

    Stay strong my brother.

    • September 26, 2017

      @ArrestedForStickerOnLicense I know what is it like to have that label on for over 20 years. In August it was 21 years. I understand all to well about trying to find a job. I did start my own company and that lasted for 13 years. But I did lose business when someone found out. I have lived in the same house now for 18 years, yes I have been shunned by some put most of my neighbors are my friends. I never had the sheriff come out and pass out flyers. I guess I am fortunate.

  • September 24, 2017

    I am thankful for any organization that takes a stand against the constitutional criminality exercised by many of our bureaucrats. One day this battle will be won and we will have organizations like FAC, NARSOL, and the ACLU to thank. I look forward to the day that I can get into my car and take that ‘nostalgia’ trip I have long been planning in my mind.

    • April 23, 2018

      The ACLU will not help you in all instances, I wrote to them and told them about my case of being arrested for an American Legion sticker on my driver’s license, they declined to take the case, it’s 7 months now since arrest and it is still being tried as a felony


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