“Unique Identifier” revealed for Sex Offender Passports

The US Department of State issued a press release friday announcing the “unique identifier it will be using for the passports of covered sex offenders. it reads:


On February 8, 2016, Congress enacted the International Megan’s Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes Through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders (IML) (Public Law 114-119).

The IML prohibits the Department of State from issuing a passport to a covered sex offender without a unique identifier, and it allows for the revocation of passports previously issued to these individuals that do not contain the identifier (22 USC 212b).

The identifier is a passport endorsement, currently printed inside the back cover of the passport book, which reads: “The bearer was convicted of a sex offense against a minor, and is a covered sex offender pursuant to 22 United States Code Section 212b(c)(l).”  Since endorsements cannot be printed on passport cards, covered sex offenders cannot be issued passport cards.

Only the DHS/ICE Angel Watch Center (AWC) can certify an individual as a “covered sex offender.” Therefore, any questions by the applicant about such status must be directed to and resolved by AWC.

Applicants who have questions for AWC regarding their status or believe they have been wrongly identified as a covered sex offender as defined in Title 22 United States Code 212b(c)(1) should contact AWC at DHSintermeganslaw@ice.dhs.gov.

69 thoughts on ““Unique Identifier” revealed for Sex Offender Passports

  • May 28, 2021

    725964 248443Hmm, I never thought about it that way. I do see your point but I think many will disagree 141500

  • March 13, 2019

    What about the state of KY? It is against a minor, but I don’t know where to look for the info.

  • November 3, 2017

    It’s my understanding that they can still indefinitely mark your passport even if you are no longer required to register. The only provision made is if someone with the same name was mistakenly put on the Angel Watch watch list.

  • November 2, 2017


    I’m guilty of using the Nazi analogy in times of frustration myself. It feels like that at times.

    Many Germans in that horrible era were duped into the idea that Jewish folks posed some horrible danger to their society. In the sense that a despicable, self-serving pile of politicians used fear-mongering, hatred and false propaganda to target a specific group is similar to what the United States has done to RSO’s.

    I’m guilty of the Nazi vent too. It feels like that at times. I did not mean to demean FAC for their valiant efforts to restore our constitutional rights. Just calling myself and Lee out on our negative B.S. quite frankly.

    Truth is, whenever a nation uses fear and loathing to disenfranchise any particular group, it’s not far off from some of history’s most heinous regimes.

    Truth be told, if some of the political hacks and judges actions to this point are any indication of what they are capable of, no amount of cruelty would surprise me. Keep telling the truth. God knows someone has to.


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