Thoughts and Prayers for Family and Friends of Las Vegas Shooting

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the mass shooting that took place last night in Las Vegas.

As of the time of this writing, 50 people are dead with an additional 200+ injured, in the largest mass shooting in US history.


6 thoughts on “Thoughts and Prayers for Family and Friends of Las Vegas Shooting

  • October 3, 2017

    There are frequent correlations between the shooting in Las Vegas and all the facts and statistics which make the registry such a bad joke. I just love the way the media so quickly reports how, they had no criminal record! Why is this a surprise to law enforcement and law makers and why does it take so long and so much effort for them to also realize that certain offences are never repeated either! Yeah, we know the reasons, Money, political gain etc. A different strategy could be tried out here; Make them PROVE that what they are doing to registered folks is working, because they cannot, can they?

  • October 2, 2017

    This is horrendous and what is this world coming to. It is truly sad that someone would think it is alright to murder innocent people who were just enjoying a concert. My prayers go out to the survivors and the families that lost loved ones in this tragedy.

  • October 2, 2017

    Those labelled as sex offenders are used for the fear factor and provide a false sense of security. We are easy to count…track…restrict and abuse so everyone feels like there is some “control” in the world.

    This shows that there is no control. There is no absolute safety and all the efforts to keep the illusion up fail.

    Just think of the horror the general public would have if they faced this reality. Putting so called sex offenders on a list do NOTHING AT ALL to increase safety…just the illusion of control.

    If law enforcement would concentrate on preventing actual CRIME instead of wasting time, money , and resources watching us perhaps those people would be alive today!

  • October 2, 2017

    A retired senior community living law abiding neighbor….. never on a radar just a regular dude. A neighbor …… and wasnt an rso…. people are people and theres no telling nor any statistic to predict anything like this….. so why are we subject?

  • October 2, 2017

    And an RSO didn’t do it.

    • October 2, 2017

      How About That !!!!!!!


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