38 thoughts on “Supreme Court Update

  • March 22, 2018

    so please remind me again which two sex offender cases are we watching again?. and if they weren’t granted were they denied? again which two were they again thank you.

  • March 22, 2018

    I just heard about this Snyder vs doe case and was wondering how this may effect Florida’s registration laws. I was convicted of CSC1 & 2 in February of 1992 and did 13 1/2 years. I was told I only had to register for 25 years from the commission of my crime. I was told by some people in Florida that if I’m removed from Michigan’s list I wouldn’t have to anywhere else, but then others have told me it doesn’t make any difference I would still have to register in Florida. I would be willing to accept any help in this matter because I’m homeless because of these law and need to have some clarification on what I can do.

  • September 29, 2017

    Hi everybody. Im not a know it all so please understand Im only trying to be helpful. It is still a 50% chance the SCOTUS will grant cert. to Snyder v. Does, as well as the MN civil commitment case. In fact, if I were betting Id say it is likely, esp. for the MN case. Recent changes at the SCOTUS make it necessary for petitions to get RELISTED for a second conference. Since 2013 about 90% of all grants have been relisted at least once. Only a very tiny 3% or so of all cert. grants are made without relisting, such as what we observed following the long conference and the 11 cases granted cert. Those 11 are the freaks of SCOTUS. Next week the Court will publish the cases that are relisted for next conference, and there will be alot of them because this is how the Court works now.

    • September 29, 2017

      We welcome all the guidance and input. Believe me… I hope the MN case gets picked up! That at least can be reversed and not left intact. If Snyder remains intact it’s still a “good” precedent.
      If there’s a chance of it being picked up, even a remote chance, we’ll keep our fingers crossed for it.

  • September 29, 2017

    I have another question, my conviction was in 1992 in Michigan ,and Michigan did not have a registry back then, nor was I told by the judge I had to register. I was released on12-15-1994, and off parole in 1996 . I was placed on the registry in 1995 to 25 years, and then the power’s that be, changed it to life. Then a few years ago they even changed our registration dates to our conviction dates, so according to that I already have my 25 years in, but since the registry did not exist in 1992 ,nor was I told by a judge I had to register shouldn’t I be one of the people removed from the registry all together, since that would be a violation of due process or something.


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