Some conclusions from studies on residency restrictions.
The analysis suggests that residence restrictions have little potential for preventing sex offenses against children. Most importantly, the data indicate that very few sex crimes against children have been by the offender’s residence near a school, daycare center, or park.
- -Joanne Savage, Casey Windsor,Sex offender residence restrictions and sex crimes against children: A comprehensive review, Aggression and Violent Behavior,
Volume 43, 2018, Pages 13-25, ISSN 1359-1789,
Significantly higher proportions of transient sex offenders were found in counties with a larger number of local-level restrictions, vast territory covered by these laws, wide-distance buffer zones, higher population density, and expensive housing costs. Sex offenders were more likely than the general population to become homeless.
- Levenson J, Ackerman AR, Socia KM, Harris AJ. Where for Art Thou? Transient Sex Offenders and Residence Restrictions. Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015;26(4):319-344. doi:10.1177/0887403413512326
The transience of registered sex offenders (RSOs) is a major impediment to reentry success, particularly because it has been linked to increased absconding and recidivism, and thus decreased community safety.
- Socia KM, Levenson JS, Ackerman AR, Harris AJ. “Brothers Under the Bridge”: Factors Influencing the Transience of Registered Sex Offenders in Florida. Sexual Abuse. 2015;27(6):559-586. doi:10.1177/1079063214521472
Legislating individuals into homelessness is not sound social policy, nor is it humane. These laws do not conform to what is known about patterns of sexual perpetration and victimization, and thus do little to prevent recidivistic sexual violence. In fact, these policies may undermine the very factors shown by research to be associated with positive reentry and reduced recidivism.
- Levenson JS. Hidden challenges: Sex offenders legislated into homelessness. Journal of Social Work. 2018;18(3):348-363. doi:10.1177/1468017316654811
Registrants subject to residency restrictions had a substantially higher risk of homelessness than their counterparts. Furthermore, residency restriction status and race interacted in their association with homelessness, such that the deleterious impact of residency restrictions was magnified for Black registrants. The results of the analyses demonstrate that Black sex offender registrants disproportionately disadvantaged by residency restrictions and highlight the importance of developing evidence-based monitoring strategies that prevent and end homelessness among convicted sex offenders.
How’s this for a restriction for people not even on the registry!
I have a better law for someone to work on . Put all elected officials and those that back them up in psychopathic hospitals and then the rest of the population in this country could live in peace. That’s a better idea than this goof ball has.
It amazes me how no matter how many studies and reports come out proving how none of these restrictions and policy’s are effective they still keep passing them and making currant ones worse. I talked to the trooper who was processing me in when I got home and he told me that he doesn’t believe that low level offenders should be monitored, It takes manpower away from the areas they truly need it.
I use to work in law enforcement so I talk to all the cops/sheriffs just as I would have when I was still a cop. Some agree that if you have done your time, you should be left alone as if you are going to reoffend, that would probably send you back to prison for life anyway.
Others I talk to think we should all be sent to Maximum security prisons with no visits from family and be sentenced to life with hard labor. Remember, cops are people too and have different opinions, political views etc. There are even openly gay cops now.
I give them all the benefit of the doubt until the prove to be Hitlers. I have had many run ins with law enforcement and many of them were like night and day. I once pulled over in front of a closed school (It was a weekend not out of business). An officer pulled behind me, ran my plates and ask me out of the car. He held me until reaching the FDLE to see if this was an arrestable offense. The entire time he was polite and professional. Once he got the all clear he sent me on my way and just advised me to maybe pull over somewhere that is not a school.
Another opposite incident I was walking across a field to attend a park’s festivities. There was a large law enforcement presence since it was right after a notable mass shooting. Cops from every city were called in for extra security. One of them ran my tags and got an alert there was a “scary sex offender” in the area.
I happened to turn around and saw 7 officers from different departments walking briskly towards me. I was asked for ID, questioned and held for 3 hours before being let go. They kept saying I was trespassing, and I said I can attend just like anyone else. They stated I was being given a verbal warning to leave and if I did not comply I would be arrested and my vehicle towed. I left but shows you how different things can go.
Not saying I am special but it helps to know how to talk to cops. Since I use to be one, a couple of the officers I could tell were uncomfortable with the way I was being treated. Unfortunately, the one giving me the crap was a Lieutenant and he was making sure that he controlled the narrative. He was very pissed that the FDLE did not clear them to arrest me.
Not saying the FDLE loves me but I have been stopped numerous times like this plus at airports by TSA, and FDLE has always cleared me, albeit sometimes after missing a flight or taking 3 hours of my life away wasted for non-sense.
You don’t understand. It’s done strictly for punishment and with the help of clueless media to gain notoriety and fool the gullible dumb people into thinking there doing something great. Just like those that were fooled into thinking Trump won the election.