Sex offender kills himself after conviction

An Alabama man who was convicted of trying to have sex with a teenager in Marianna is dead. Authorities said he killed himself Wednesday night while awaiting his sentencing.

Prison officials said he was discovered dead in his cell around 12:30 a.m. Thursday.

Law enforcement arrested 44-year-old Jason Earl Kirkland in May of last year.

Kirkland thought he was meeting a 14-year-old girl in Marianna for a sexual encounter. But he had actually been communicating with an undercover Panama City Beach police officer on the internet.

27 thoughts on “Sex offender kills himself after conviction

  • July 30, 2022

    Entrapment is criminal-an official setting up a citizen by a lying scheme to do a criminal act. That’s not protecting children or the public. The public and the government need to think about this kind of subterfuge. There is something very questionable about an adult pretending to be a child. There is something very predator-like in this ‘gottcha’, pre-crime, government sanctioned scheme

    • July 30, 2022


      They (Law enforcement) call it “Drawing them out of the shadows”. When I worked in law enforcement, they tried to get me to go undercover on drug stings. I said “No thanks, there are enough bad guys out there to keep us busy without making shit up”.

    • July 31, 2022

      In many cases, it’s an adult, pretending to be a different adult on an adult site, then later pretending that adult is actually a child. Confused? That’s the point.

  • July 30, 2022

    Facing 10 years to life where no one was harmed, physically, emotionally, or economically is what most reasonable persons would call cruel and unusual punishment. And we don’t know exactly what the police officer did to entice the man in the first place. Entrapment used to be banned. Now it’s celebrated as a sport. And the officer didn’t even need to draw his weapon to kill his quarry.

  • July 30, 2022

    I read this and i cant help but think. Are my mom and dad sex offenders? are my grandparents sex offenders?? Is the judge, the policy and the persecutors parents and grand parents sex offender?? because I sure you have heard your grand parents stories how they meet your grandmother when she was 14 or 15 and got married? I think there is a big different on forcing a teen to have sex and a teen looking for sex and having sex because she wants to. Is not unconstitutional for the state to imprison a citizen for so many years just for attempting to have agreed sex with a teen that was looking to have sex and when not even a real teen was involved? is there any organization that will take a look at this and say this is enough. One thing is the guy who try to touch and rape a minor and other thing is in 2022 where 13-14 teens are already having sex to sentence someone to 10 years in prison for only thinking about it. someone has to stand up to this to the government, all this organization that have the means to do that and say.. ” is your father and grandfather a sex offender” because im sure most of our father and grandfather met our moms and grandmothers where they were only 14-16. In fact we should be going to the policy or judges fathers public records and check when they got marry im sure we will find a few got marry before 18!!..

    • July 30, 2022

      Hi guys in fact here is the link to see marriage public records, we just need to find out the names and city and we can look for married records for the one that are pushing and are responsible for this laws. I bet if we can get to prove that a judge or politician father or grandfather got married to an underage female and expose it.. thing will change very fast for all of us!! think about it..

      • July 30, 2022


        Novel idea but what you are proposing is like “Poking a sleeping tiger”. I am all for it and back you 100%, but I already have a hiding spot if it backfires. LOL

        • July 31, 2022

          It’s more like poking a sleeping tiger in the middle of a pack of sleeping tigers. You wake one up, you’re sure to incur the wrath of the rest. Just look at what happened to someone among our number for calling out someone with first name “Lauren” and last name resembling “Crook”.

          • July 31, 2022


            Yes, you get what I am saying. And not saying we should be scared but……………We have seen what those with power can do to us. That is why I try and stay in the shadows and not stir the pot, and I mostly get left alone. I do NOT want to be memorable.
            I do not play the lottery for that reason (Well also because I don’t have any money lol) but imagine if you are on the registry and win that money. People would come out of the woodwork suing you stating they were one of your victims that didn’t come forward before but now want justice, in the form of a cool Million of your freshly won moola.

      • July 31, 2022

        If we can point out these characters to be the hypocrites that they are, then it’s worth the effort. I work on the premise that we have all had failures in our lives that we regret. That is how we learn and take corrective action. To continue to be periled by those failures is not God’s plan. He is ready to offer forgiveness to those who truly repent. Those politicians who continue to ride of the ‘shirt tails’ of other’s past failures and claim they are Christians at the same time, are nothing but hypocrites and of the worst of sinners.

        • July 31, 2022


          That is what the Bible describes as “Wolves in Sheeps Clothing”. It also says, “For many will come and try and deceive us”. (Sting operations come to mind)

    • July 31, 2022

      HMMM How about the King of Rock and Roll. Thats right.. ELVIS. He met Priscilla when she was in 9th grade and dated her a few times in public but a number of times more privately. He groomed her. He had her relocate so she was more available to him and .. and .. and…

      Call it a different world.. I call it BS. OH wait.. its good to be the KING!

  • July 30, 2022

    Surprised at the number of comments saying, ‘he would’ve received less punishment for actual child rape!’

    I kind of doubt that.

    • July 31, 2022

      Probably not although federal CP sentences certainly can exceed rape sentences.

      He probably would’ve only gotten ten years but if he had gotten much more than there’s something to the argument.

  • July 29, 2022

    No matter what the judge said he invisioned a life sentence but it isn’t punishment


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