Sentencing Project:  No More Victims of Crimes of a Sexual Nature

The Sentencing Project has released a report indicating that when it comes to crimes of a sexual nature, the criminal justice system has the wrong focus.  The research shows efforts are focused on increasing punishment and dedicating more resources to managing offenders of a crime of a sexual nature, while the prevention of new crimes remains a desert of attention, funding and directed resources. 


Even victims advocates are cited as having lost faith in this approach due to clear evidence of its failure to prevent new crimes.  Patty Wetterling, mother of Jacob of the Jacob Wetterling Act, is notably vocalizing her disenfranchisement with how offender laws misuse resources to prevent future crimes. 



6 thoughts on “Sentencing Project:  No More Victims of Crimes of a Sexual Nature

  • February 1, 2024

    War on terror,war on drugs,war on sex? Does anyone still believe any of Americas “wars” are ment to be won? Orwell predicted it correctly that we would be in a state of perpetual war with he population under never ending bombardment of terror and panic… The dumber you get and the more in fear you are the Easier to control you my darling… Sad to say but Americans are low hanging fruit on the stupid tree…

  • February 1, 2024

    The criminal system as well as the people at large often believe that if you make the penalty stiffer for a crime that it will help to deter people from committing it and this does work to a limited extent, but it does not and will not ever stop crime no matter how stiff you make the penalty.
    Roman crucifixion and burning at the stake were somewhat effective at preventing crime, but still did not prevent crime no matter how cruel those punishments were and they were so cruel that they were later made illegal.
    Personal prevention is much more effective in that the ‘would-be’ victim
    knows not to place themselves in a situation where a crime could occur such as walking the street alone at night or getting drunk at a mass party.
    Children need to be educated/warned that ‘Susan’ in the kids forum they are corresponding with might be ‘Steven’, age 36.
    Even this type of education has its limits also in that nearly all of offenses against a child are committed by someone they know, so here the parents need to be very proactive about where they leave their children.
    Prevention is much more effective.
    If crime can be prevented, then there is no victim and therefore no punishment necessary.
    The old saying is true ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.’

  • February 1, 2024

    It’s not about preventing the crime, if they do that then it prevents them from making money. Do I wish there was no more of those types of crimes. But the government has to make a class of citizens so deplorable and un wanted. They always have and always will have some form of slavery, as society in a whole hates anyone with this title that they will be ok with anything they pass or happens to us.

    • February 1, 2024

      Robert you are absolutely correct! slavery was never ended and the caste system will always exist. The public are stupid and the educated public often the dumbest of all.(most indoctrinated)..If the public didn’t have someone It was legal or at least accepted to hate,despise and commit crimes against then they might get smart and go after the government pirates who should be the real targets…can’t have that now can we? Can you imagine what would happen if people realized they really can govern themselves ! Maybe that government is just a mafia that has made laws through force and threat of violence to appear justified and necessary? Oh my.. all those fourth of July hot dogs and fireworks may actually mean something then..


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