Please take a moment to read this message and share it with others because it will save a life.

It is with great sadness that we share the death of Ira [LAST NAME REMOVED TO PROTECT THE FAMILY]. You probably don’t know Ira, but Ira had in impact on your life and I’m determined to ensure Ira will continue to have an impact on your life.

Ira was the gentlemen who we wrote about a couple of months ago in this weekly update: Ira was diagnosed with cancer and living on the streets because of the residency restrictions. Ira was also the same defendant from the City of Ft. Lauderdale case that got the City’s residency restriction declared unconstitutional (which they then passed another the next year). It was Ira’s courage to fight his case that got us at least some temporary reprieve to the draconian residency restrictions.

Ironically Ira didn’t succumb to his cancer. Ira got hit by a car! Ira got killed by a hit and run driver who left him to die as more vehicles just drove by (

A man that old, that sick and that frail should not be living on the streets. I can’t help but think that if he could have gotten into an assisted living facility, a shelter, or even his sister’s home in Broward (where he couldn’t stay because of the stupid residency restriction), he would be alive today.

He was killed at 10:30 PM because registrants can’t live too close to whatever between 10PM and 6AM, when kids aren’t even in school or on the streets. What kind of idiotic policy is that?

And no, it’s not just the hit and run driver who left him to die in the road. She will hopefully get what she deserves. She’s might have been the one who pulled the plug on his life but she’s not the reason he’s dead. It’s the lawmakers, it’s the news media and the “human rights – so long as it’s not those humans groups” who are also responsible for his death. We begged for help and warned it was a matter of life or death and because they did nothing he is dead. Just like the driver, they also left this man to die on the streets by doing NOTHING!

I’m determined to not let Ira’s death be in vain. Please write to your legislator and the news media TODAY. I previously said it was a life or death situation and sadly the latter happened. Don’t let it happen again.


10 thoughts on “RIP Ira – PLEASE READ

  • July 8, 2022

    i’m sure the police, upon finding out who was hit and killed, will put this case at the bottom of the list of priorities.

    Broward County doesn’t exactly do much to drunk drivers. See Ronald “Stagger” Lee Book as an example. Any chance a member of the Book family owns a Ram?

  • July 8, 2022

    Pres. Biden yesterday in a speech said “ everyone has a constitutional right to dignity and respect “. But does he really mean it? If so show by actions not just words. The same should apply to all law makers.

    • July 8, 2022


      I saw/heard that as well. I about spit out my cheerios. And he is not the only one recently I have heard say that (And not realize what they are saying legally). Say what you mean and mean what you say.
      They need to say that then give an “Except sex offenders of course” then give a little chuckle and wink for emphasis.


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