Please take a moment to read this message and share it with others because it will save a life.

It is with great sadness that we share the death of Ira [LAST NAME REMOVED TO PROTECT THE FAMILY]. You probably don’t know Ira, but Ira had in impact on your life and I’m determined to ensure Ira will continue to have an impact on your life.

Ira was the gentlemen who we wrote about a couple of months ago in this weekly update: Ira was diagnosed with cancer and living on the streets because of the residency restrictions. Ira was also the same defendant from the City of Ft. Lauderdale case that got the City’s residency restriction declared unconstitutional (which they then passed another the next year). It was Ira’s courage to fight his case that got us at least some temporary reprieve to the draconian residency restrictions.

Ironically Ira didn’t succumb to his cancer. Ira got hit by a car! Ira got killed by a hit and run driver who left him to die as more vehicles just drove by (

A man that old, that sick and that frail should not be living on the streets. I can’t help but think that if he could have gotten into an assisted living facility, a shelter, or even his sister’s home in Broward (where he couldn’t stay because of the stupid residency restriction), he would be alive today.

He was killed at 10:30 PM because registrants can’t live too close to whatever between 10PM and 6AM, when kids aren’t even in school or on the streets. What kind of idiotic policy is that?

And no, it’s not just the hit and run driver who left him to die in the road. She will hopefully get what she deserves. She’s might have been the one who pulled the plug on his life but she’s not the reason he’s dead. It’s the lawmakers, it’s the news media and the “human rights – so long as it’s not those humans groups” who are also responsible for his death. We begged for help and warned it was a matter of life or death and because they did nothing he is dead. Just like the driver, they also left this man to die on the streets by doing NOTHING!

I’m determined to not let Ira’s death be in vain. Please write to your legislator and the news media TODAY. I previously said it was a life or death situation and sadly the latter happened. Don’t let it happen again.


10 thoughts on “RIP Ira – PLEASE READ

  • July 7, 2022

    I’m sorry to hear about Ira’s passing. :'(
    I didn’t know him, but the way the state treated him was no way to treat an animal, let alone a person.

  • July 7, 2022

    I do not know what Ira’s Faith was, but I pray one day we will meet in Heaven. I pray peace for your soul.

    John 14:3

    If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.

  • July 7, 2022

    Another politician and “justice system” committed murder.. Let’s state a blunt truth that our “woke country/media, politics” likes to ignore .I’m not advocating any type of crime. I am bringing much needed reason and sanity back to the conversation.Everyone likes to pretend that sex crimes are the “worst of the worst”. And always someone willing to shed a liars crocodile tears for attention and a camera to say they “wish they had died.”( Truth is they wish no such thing or they would have died) But media feeds on it and perpetrates the lie which allows the following crime to be legal..But really?..Anything short of murder is a crime less than murder.Any crime less than murder the victim has access to another day of life to overcome the tragedy and to experience joy, beauty and a future..Again I repeat I am not condoning nor approving of any crime..I’m simply doing something politicians and media refuse to do and that is placing matters in proper perspective.untilbwe use proper perspective there will never be proper justice ..This hit and run driver just gunned down an elderly American because politicians, media and the justice system made this elderly gentleman a target for it by proping up lies to encourage false laws..This elderly man was tormented to the very end of his life by those misplaced laws and had his life indirectly taken for his crime (which was a debt paid and was less than murder)..The perpetrator who committed the crime will not face the same degree of “justice” perhaps a restricted license,slap on the wrist,maybe a couple days in jail..and after that? She will be back in the loving embrace of her family and loved ones to heal and to mend and forget the elderly life she snuffed out violently.The life left to bleed on the dark empty streets all alone without even the solace of one person to bear witness to their passing . No residency restrictions,no registry,no magazine mugshot photos ,no branded passport or license..and after seven or so years no record of it even. Think about it ..murder..murder and leaving a person to die a slow agonizing,broken body on the pavement death with no loved ones and no support,no hope and no love is a “lesser crime” then picking up a minor in the bar who lied about their age or maybe downloading a photo on a computer…what type of society is this?

  • July 7, 2022

    Well this sucks badly, I just hope they find the driver and give them a 25 to life for killing another without stopping to aid him! Lawmaker’s have and always will be shameful people, that’s never going to change!

  • July 7, 2022

    They should increase the crime of a hit and, run to more than four years then people would not be so quick to take off. What’s worse is she knew she hit him got out, look him over and, then drove off again. At least his love ones can take solace in that they have a physical description of her. Also WTF 100 feet, how fast was she going ?

  • July 7, 2022

    I’m so sorry to have read this. Your pain, frustration, and rage are shared by me, friend.

    • July 8, 2022

      This is absolutely heartbreaking no one should live on the streets with no shelter and at his age with his medical condition he should have had a better quality of living I hope the lady who done this is held accountable as well as the DOC- and probation and parole. Something needs to change about these laws allowing people to live in wilderness conditions which are very harsh! I’m so thankful he had the courage even threw his struggles to fight for the community we had now the fight is left up to us to bring justice to this cause for Ira!


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