Revenue Over Public Safety

Financial incentives throughout the criminal justice system encourage punitive enforcement and sustain mass incarceration. Realigning them will require action from municipalities to the federal government.

The perverse finan­cial incent­ives of direct federal fund­ing programs for incar­cer­a­tion are relat­ively easy to identify. So too are laws passed by Congress that encour­age more punit­ive policies.


6 thoughts on “Revenue Over Public Safety

  • July 11, 2022

    Yeah, all this just screams “small government” that so many politicians proudly claim to be against. I guess Big Gubmint is perfectly fine so long as it’s hurting the right people, eh?

    If America were a legitimate country, you wouldn’t NEED a so-called “dream” to chase after.

  • July 10, 2022

    People want the federal government making decisions when they agree with them and don’t when they disagree with them. Simple as that.

    We all live in a Republic, made up of 50 states. The founders wrote a constitution that attempted to limit the power of the Federal government and keeping power with the States. The House represented the people, the Senate represented the States, the executive branch was supposed to execute the laws of the nation, and the Federal court system was to represent the constitution.

    Unfortunately, the constitution can’t pat you on the back, tell you how great a job you are doing, or sympathize with the tough job you are doing. So the courts are filled with judges who rule based on their ideologies, not its original meaning as amended. Because of this, the constitution has been warped to give power to the Federal government they should not have.

    A consequence of that is Federal financial incentives to the States, giving the Fed power over the States they should not have in the first place. Dangle the carrot to get them to do what you want. Few of them say no. It doesn’t just happen in SORNA, it happen in hundreds if not thousands of laws.

    Another consequence is Ex Post Facto laws. The constitution as written does not differentiate between criminal and civil law as it pertains to ex post facto. The US Supreme Court, over a 100 years ago, some say based on a flawed argument, decided it does not apply to civil law, which is why we can have SORNA laws passed that are retroactive in nature.

  • July 10, 2022

    Everyone should read this word by word…..

    It states facts backed up by citations……

    Everyone should send this to their electorate(s) and them to read it and after reading it to look into a mirror for reflection……NOT RE-ELECTION!

    The best analysis to date!

  • July 8, 2022

    The problem we all have here is that our constitutional rights are being and have been trampled upon for years, most of us who have been released from the time that we paid have to live in fear of the police, vigilantes and basically, the general public who until they walk in our shoes and our families, they do not want to ever understand that not all people accused and convicted of sex crimes are guilty, we just didn’t have the money to hire the Roy blacks of the legal profession. I was convicted of attempted L&L, an attempt which is a state of mind, and when i moved a judge classified me as a violent offender, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE POLITICIANS AND JUDGES WHO ON;LY CARE ABOUT BEING REELECTED TO FREE MONEY SALARIES that we pay with our taxes, and they shut us up because we can’t vote!!!! Something has got to give in our favor. We need to get our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to vote so we can make a difference in every election all over our country. We are not asking for special circumstances just to be able to vote these people out of their elected office and off the bench if they can not do their jobs right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • July 8, 2022

    This just further proves that the United States is an authoritarian nation! Look up the word in the dictionary, and one can plainly see it for what it is. This is the screwed up people’s in power’s way, of creating their fantasy distopian future!

  • July 8, 2022

    Funny how states crying over “state’s rights” and welfare ask for the most federal funding for both. And they tend to be the most punitive states.


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