Retired Officer Opposes Sex Offender Designation on New Florida Licenses

Shalimar, Florida’s WEAR ran a story on the newly designed Florida driver’s licenses. One surprising opinion about the new license came from a retired parole officer, who commented on the sex offender designation on licenses for those registered. Here’s what he had to say:

The new license turns heads in Okaloosa County; including Don Gatchell’s. He’s a retired parole officer with the state of Florida who worries an old, but remodeled feature – a mandatory sexual offender identification on the card – may be too much.

“My honest opinion now that I have been out of it for 10 years, retired, I think we’re overdoing it with the sex offenders. I mean, I know there are some guys out there, sex offenders, that are bad, but not all sex offenders are bad. You got people out there who are on probation for underage sex for example,” Gatchell said. He worries the ID will cause unnecessary prejudice in the lives of those impacted


26 thoughts on “Retired Officer Opposes Sex Offender Designation on New Florida Licenses

  • September 3, 2017

    I agree with him about this. there are many of us who have no desire to ever offend and yet we are being punished for the rest of our lives.

    • September 4, 2017

      Yes, we may have no intention of ever offending again, but if the ‘system’ admits it, many jobs of those who are ‘protecting’ society will be lost so they must keep the hype in high gear.

  • August 31, 2017

    I have been coming here reading these and all posts for a long while now.
    I too am a RSO, do you really think that they(government) really care about what we think, or go through? Hell no!
    It is more profitable to keep us on the registry, than to get rid of it!
    This country (that I served as a US Marine) is no longer the same democrocy that it was. It is now a buracrocy, for the government by the government.
    So what really make one person, or group of persons believe that it (government) cares at all about us?
    Until major change, and I mean MAJOR, like another civil war, come about, we will be as we are…
    Maybe…. if all the RSO’s got together all 800,000 or so… went to Washington DC …. marched up to the whitehouse and stuck up our middle finger and said…”we ain’t gonna take it any more, to hell with your rules! Maybe… maybe
    But it it’ll never happen!

    “Maybe in the year 2424, if man is still alive”. Quote from an old song

    • August 31, 2017

      What would happen? They would try to arrest all 800,000 of us for failing to register or some “travel violation” 😉

      • August 31, 2017

        Of course the good news is since we would be protesting in DC instead of Miami, we probably wouldnt have to sleep in our cars on the side of I-75 in the Everglades because no motel met the 2500 foot rule. 😀


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