Recent out of state challenge filed in Northern District of Florida
Attorney Ann Fitz has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a man who remains on the Florida sex offender registry, despite moving back to Oklahoma, the state where his underlying offense occurred and a state from which his registration obligation was removed.
The case also includes a second component, whether the FDLE was authorized to make a unilateral decision that the Plaintiff’s out of state offense required registration in Florida, without any judicial decision.
A copy of the complaint can be found here:
It’s really disheartening that FAC chooses to not post my comments. Makes me wonder why I even frequent this site. If you’re gonna be the comment police, then allow us to have a space on here where we CAN speak our minds. How hard would it be to add a “forum board”? Must be really hard, eh?
My last attempted comment was nothing to be deleted for. But I guess you only want comments that sugarcoat and “play nice”. Thanks!
Because your last comment (which began with the question, “Why do Christians feel the need to…?”) violated the Member Code of Conduct. You are reminded that Members are expected to communicate with candor, courtesy and respect. The individual who your comments were directed is one of the most active members in this organization, so your suggestion, “How about putting pen to paper (or fingers to your keyboard) and sending a letter…” was not warranted. Comments that include anything political or religious already draw the attention of our moderators, but when your comment is also offensive, it will not be posted.
We try to make our forum a welcoming and non-judgmental place.
I am a devout Christian and I would have liked to see the comment. The reason is, we have not a ton, but many hate comments left on here. Around june or so I fought the comment from someone commenting saying “All you sick perverts should die”. when I asked why it was posted, I was told it was not directed at any one person as a threat.
Just my two cents, I will shut up now.
Although I am a Christian I am no better than someone who isn’t. God seems to think I am but He is going to be pretty disappointed when all I do in Heaven is sleep all day LOL
To suggest that my comment was “offensive” shows xxxxxxxx. There was NOTHING offensive about my comment. My comment was pretty much spot on. As you know, because I have posted YouTube links, I actually like a lot of xxxxxxx speakers even tho I am independent. But what I do NOT like ABOUT THEM is that they claim to be so into xxxxxx yet they encourage and entice other rxxxxxxxxxx to attack ANYONE with pretty much ANY criminal offenses, but they emphasize “sex offenses”.
I made a very valid point. If a literal FACT is considered “offensive” then I will echo the words of a xxxxxx that I no longer like, Ben Shapiro: “Facts don’t care about your feelings”. Period.
I was not attacking anyone by saying “put pen to paper” and suggesting we write letters or emails to our elected officials. Wow! Just WOW FAC. Really? That was “offensive”? But the members who comment in here with their never ending xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and don’t seem to know what an “insurrection” actually is get to have their comments posted?
At this point, I’m surprised you didn’t find it “offensive” that I suggested you create a forum where we can vent anything we choose to talk about.
Please, grow up just a little. If everything is offensive, you’ll get it to a point where NOTHING is offensive.
As, You, Know, The Majority of My Comments are Never Posted as well….., But they are Always Catalogued for Future Reference
Once Again, As You Have Reiterated, You Do Not Own This Website
But We are Fortunate to Have this website
Therefore, a ‘Redacted File’ Should be Generated with a Full Disclaimer of Facts! Then, all Information can be posted
Yes, There, are many evil eyes looking ‘in’ at us!
-‘we’, know who they are from the outside!
It is the Inside, that is looking after us…not the Outside!
Yes, I am frustrated as well….it is what it is…….
I know absolutely NOTHING about whose comments are not posted. And I don’t know where the part about me not owning this website came from as I never made any such claim. Do I have to own a website in order to speak freely on it? Especially when what I said has EVERYTHING to do with the topic we discuss on here every day.
If FAC felt the need to redact words in the comment they DID post, they may as well not bother posting that one either. Without knowing what was said in those “xxxxx”, how the hell can the reader follow along, share an opinion or be able to say they agree or disagree?
FAC is sooooooo worried about someone getting “offended”. Even after the person I was replying to said he wanted to see what I had to say.
Stop with the political correctness and let us say what we’re thinking and feeling in the moment. Or create a forum section where we can.
At least you got a redacted version posted. I know of at least 11 posts (Maybe more) of mine over the years that never made it to press. When I “pressed” for why, I was told it did not meet the guidelines.
oy vey
I support our comment policies, code of conduct, and especially the efforts of our volunteer content moderators.
Given that our comments are public, and considering the mission of our organization, there are reasons that the rules are there. Most online forums have them. And I support FAC’s First Amendment rights to include or exclude whatever content they assess does not conform to those rules. It’s possible that Members who share this view are in the silent majority. It’s also possible that this message will offend some people.
So not all my comments are published. So what?
I appreciate that.
Then they shouldn’t be approving death threats against us. Don’t get me wrong, I love FAC but there is not another legit forum in the U.S that will approve threats against a group. And I am not making this up, about mid year I and many others on here complained about some threat comments made about all people with a sex offense (They used a nastier description) should be killed.
Even though they did not name a specific person on here, it was still a threat. I and many others complained that we come in here because this is the one and only forum we feel safe from such. But we were denied and have to continue to put up with it.
When we fight amongst ourselves the ship sinks. I guess that is why Once fallen (Derek Logue) has his own forum.
You see the tons of post I make right? Well that is only about 75% of what I submit, the rest seems to not be worthy and is floating , lost in space. But I have seen comments left by outsiders stating what should happen to all of us and our families. Seems counter productive but since I do not own the site or pay a fee to be on here, I am just glad some of my ramblings make it to press.
I was literally accused of “attacking” you. Maybe if they allowed my comment to be posted, YOU could have made that determination. And I’m 100% positive that you would NOT have taken it as an attack OR offensive.
This censorship is getting ridiculous.
P.S. Donald Trump was 100% right when he said “Political correctness ruined our country.”
Political correctness evolved into total censorship.
Its all good Now I am curious what you said LOL
You can call me anything you want, just don’t call me late for dinner haha
Do as we say, not as we do: FBI officials had sex with prostitutes while overseas, inspector general investigation finds
Just sayin
Federal officer USCIS US Embassy Manila Guilty !
yes for sure..hes no longer there and he was the 1 who sent false information to the bureau of Immigration claiming i was registered and Im not…he was removed Fed Michael Kilpatrick!
Is this case being funded by FAC’s out of state challenge funds?
It is not.
The 2 year limit is unfair and should be unconstitutional. What magically happens at 2 years?
I wonder if the 2 year issue can be overcome by claiming you only just became aware of the limit, so therefore should be able to avoid its grasp for 2 more years.
Gary, you are confused. (a) this is a civil action, and (b) the statute of limitations is 4 years, as it goes by the state’s tort law statute of limitations.
There is an old saying that goes “Ignorance of the law is no excuse”.
Judges and prosecutors love to play that card. As if all citizens have a special box in their back seat, packed with folders with all the state, Federal and local laws and ordinances.
Don’t lie you have a huge trunk of local, state, and federal regulations/laws in your car.
I think I just peed myself LOL
Thanks for the laugh.
I do however have a huge box in my room with all the copies of the times I have registered all the way back to The great war of 1997.
Hey I just thought of another way they can torture us. Instead of making people wait until they get out of prison to register, they could have a registry office inside the prison. You would have to register every day, get a new photo, and report any changes such as a new pair of socks you were issued, any visitors you had, how many shanks you are hiding under your pillow and so on. If you changed beds without reporting a move to a new location, you can be violated.
I’m in the same situation. If he wins does everyone that this happened to have to go to court to get it removed as well? Let me know if it becomes a class action suit. Thanks.
Since when you try and enter into another country, they know you are on the registry, as far as I am concerned, there is a World wide Network registry. With all the technology these days at the tap of a finger, hardly anything is overlooked.
This was even mentioned in the Bible
Luke 12:2-3
But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.
Even if you do not believe in God, the fact that some men wrote such revelations 1000s of years ago is amazing.
My offense was in Virginia and I have had zero sex offenses in Florida. Had I stayed in Virginia I would no longer be on the registry and I would have my voting rights back. My parents needed me here in Florida so I moved to Florida. With no offense in Florida I was declared a predator…the victim has moved to Florida and we get along just fine. After 29 years of military service I cannot vote in Florida. I have built my retirement home here and I am very pleased living here…great friends, neighbors, and activities. This is my retirement home before I join my wife Rosemary one day at Rosewood Memorial Park in Virginia Beach. I’m here and I am in the fight for justice. Our two-bit politicians need to be put in their place…although I do like the qualities of Governor DeSantis. We only lose if we quit!!
Thanks for giving me a different perspective. Even though I don’t live in Florida anymore doesn’t mean I should turn my back on 80k Florida registrants. Sure the laws don’t effect me, but it’s standing up for those that don’t have a voice or may not know about FAC. No matter where my I lay my head on a pillow justice must be defended.
I agree with you..I may be off now but Ill still fight for justice!
I have no issue with you liking Desantis, but I can tell you, he is no advocate for anyone with a criminal record. And even more so of those with a crime of a sexual nature. He is extremely pro law enforcement and pro harsh sentencing. You, nor any of us on the registry are going to get any love from him.
I tried to tell my Mom that when she said she knows him. Having said that everyone needs prayer so let’s pray his eyes are opened to the injustices being done to us as a collective group and individually.