Recent out of state challenge filed in Northern District of Florida

Attorney Ann Fitz has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a man who remains on the Florida sex offender registry, despite moving back to Oklahoma, the state where his underlying offense occurred and a state from which his registration obligation was removed.

The case also includes a second component, whether the FDLE was authorized to make a unilateral decision that the Plaintiff’s out of state offense required registration in Florida, without any judicial decision.

A copy of the complaint can be found here:

Lindsey v Swearingen

62 thoughts on “Recent out of state challenge filed in Northern District of Florida

  • December 16, 2021

    I see now that what offends FAC members the most is non-publication of our own posts.

    It’s ok, guys. Chill out and let’s let the volunteer moderators do their best.

    • December 16, 2021

      No, at least for me. What is frustrating is the imbalance of approvals. Like when we get threatened and it stays on but we call a sheriff a bone head it gets thrown in the outbox.
      Having said that, a new post was just put out by FAC at least addressing the issue.
      I like the fact that some are on here that were already taken off the registry but they consider us friend, family etc. If I got removed I would probably stay in the group here and help out however I could as well.

      • December 17, 2021

        Personally after all the sht these ppl have been threw with this registry
        I dont think there is much that CAN OFFEND US any longer
        just sad that being able to Speak up on how we feel and what should be done gets washed away in the pending post status

  • December 16, 2021

    I have come to realize that nothing anyone can say offends me because I first consider the source. If the source is credible then I learn from the comment. If the source is nothing more than a ‘loose cannon on the main deck of the ship of state’ I let it go because I know the commentator is speaking from a position of ignorance and is worthy of receiving compassion because of the lack of brain power. Thus, no offense taken.

  • December 16, 2021

    Sometimes when a comment or opinion is considered for posting it might be interpreted as offensive, so a moderator doesn’t allow it. Usually I don’t get offended by what others say, but sometimes I take things literally especially if I don’t know the full context. Yes I admit I’ve gotten butt hurt. Long as someone doesn’t insult my intelligence due to my Aspergers I’m good. If a comment wasn’t considered at lest send that comment to the intended person on what was stated.

    • December 16, 2021


      What irks me under the rights of information act is, when an innocent comment is not approved, and yet we have had many “Outsiders” come on here and make death threats to us and they are approved. FAC substantiates this by saying they want to show the kind of hate that is out there and that the threats were not made to a specific person.
      I have had many of my comments on here disappear into the cosmos and are floating around somewhere to be discovered by the crew of the ISS. I gave up on fighting it but did learn a trick. The password to get a comment approved is Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger repeated 3 times while doing a handstand. :)~

      • December 16, 2021


        I’ve written comments when my emotions were at their peak and was hoping they wouldn’t get approved and they did. I’ll have to try the cheeseburger password while eating one for extra measure. If it saves one comment it’s worth an extra inch. Oh cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, please be approved.

        Thanks for the advice if it works.

        • December 16, 2021


          what do call a cheeseburger with no cheese on it?

  • December 15, 2021

    I love seeing these filed. Gives me hope. Praying for success and relief to everyone who is hurting!


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