Powerboat racer known for philanthropy says someone took control of her Facebook, posted child porn

Authorities in South Florida are now looking into a case of identity theft involving images of child pornography.

Yvonne Aleman, a well-known South Florida businesswoman and offshore powerboat racer, told News4JAX that someone took control of her Facebook and posted images of child pornography.


8 thoughts on “Powerboat racer known for philanthropy says someone took control of her Facebook, posted child porn

  • July 15, 2022

    Did she get arrested? Florida is a full liability state isn’t it?

    I’m not wishing she does, just pointing out that justice and fairness in Florida courts are for sale and very, very costly. If she were a grocery store clerk she’d have been locked up immediately.

    • July 16, 2022

      What is a “full liability state”?

  • July 14, 2022

    I know a person who has a face book business advertising for many clients. She had her Facebook hacked then hackers posted porn. Facebook automatically shuts the account down so she couldn’t access your own account. In the meantime the hacker stole all her many clients info and credit card info and charges tens of thousands of dollars on the information they gather. After months of fighting she finally got her Facebook back and found out the hacker was in Vietnam. Facebook told her this is common tactic that destroys businesses. Of course her life and business was destroyed. Facebook is way to easy to hack.

  • July 14, 2022

    Well at least that is one good thing about us not having a facebook page. You cannot get face hacked if you don’t have the “The Facebook”.

    For those that do not know or forgot, “The facebook” was the original name of it before they dropped the “The”.

    • July 14, 2022

      The Facebook was quite pretentious. Someone needs to say that to THE Ohio State University.

  • July 14, 2022

    Similar thing happened to me. Judge rejected all evidence of ID theft and sent me to prison for 5 years. Lost everything. My case happened almost 20 years ago. Now ID theft and CP are becoming more prevalent.

  • July 14, 2022

    Yvonne, welcome to the SOR party. That’s how many of us ended up as a member of the club. But then we didn’t have the money you do to fight it.

  • July 14, 2022

    We can comment directly on the news site.


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