Phone scam: Pay or be placed on sex offender registry

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – A new phone scam is making its way around the Nashville area.

According to the Metro Nashville Police Department’s Fraud and Sex Crimes detectives, the scam sees Nashvillians called by someone claiming to be from the department warning them they’ll be placed on the sex offender registry unless they pay the caller money.

The caller uses an actual Metro officer’s name, according to police. The calls use spoofing technology to appear as if they come from a legitimate Metro Police phone number.

Metro reminded Nashvillians that the department will never call anyone to solicit money for any reason. The public is urged to be cautious when giving out personal information to someone who is not a confirmed and trusted source.


19 thoughts on “Phone scam: Pay or be placed on sex offender registry

  • June 14, 2022

    Let’s see….the article says the public needs to be cautious when giving out personal information, you mean like the information that is on the registry about us registrants? !!! All our information is there for anybody to see, all they have to do is look it up. C’mon, give me a break already.

  • June 14, 2022

    My response…tell the caller to go ‘fornicate him or herself’. I occasionally answer these types of calls for the fun of it. We have too many people in this country with useless time on their hands.

    • June 14, 2022


      I use to do that to until I ran up against one who was an expert in technology. He was so mad at what I told him to go do that he placed my phone # on an auto dialer and spoofed my #. People from all over the World and the U.S were calling me asking why the Hell I was calling their # and hanging up?

      It was not me, it was my # being shown from the auto dialer. I called the police, I called my phone company and both told me I had 3 choices. #1 Wait and see if it dies down (It didn’t) #2 just live with it (Tried and couldn’t even use my own phone) #3 Get a new phone #) I did at no cost except of the pain of having to inform everyone of my new number.

      After that, I was never nasty to a scam or annoying caller or salesperson. Lately we get up to 10 calls a day on the home phone asking us to sell our home. Even though we politely ask them to remove us from their list, the exact same person calls back the next day like they had never talked to us before. We now use the answering machine to decide if we will pick up.

      • June 14, 2022


        God Bless for your patience!

        • June 14, 2022

          To Truth

          Thank you. Having said that, patience only goes so far LOL
          We all have a breaking point. I am considered a very pleasant person, friendly and loving. But when the right button is pushed, I dare say everyone better clear out. One of those buttons is when someone messes with my family. I am one of those “Family first” type of people.

          The Cherokee part of my bloodline is where I get my adventurous spirit. The German side I suppose is where I get my industrial planning, building and innovational spirit. They sometimes balance each other out and sometimes they clash.

  • June 13, 2022

    Maybe my time on the registry has jaded me. Is the article saying that random people will be placed on the registry if they don’t pay? Then if you haven’t been charged, why would you even listen to the bs. Are the scammers going after people who no longer have to register? I’m unfamiliar with TN laws.

  • June 13, 2022

    Why would they care. Its not punitive…. so why pay? They pay becuase they know it’s one of the most punitive hateful things on the internet.. Thats why. And everyone knows it.. But the public and Law Enforcement and law makers play this game where we pretend it’s not.

    • June 14, 2022

      Not to hijack this article , but how is the scammer asking for money different from a LE Agency asking for money to remove you from SOR after you have been released from the registry?
      Thought there was a law that prevented businesses from doing that but I guess LE Agencies are exempt, and LE wonders why people are turning against them.

  • June 13, 2022

    My take away from this article is, Calling people in Nashville, “Villians”. Really “NashVillians”? The true Villian is the idiot trying to scam people. There is a special place at the bottom of the ocean for people like that. (Because there are no special places in Hell, just misery and suffering)

    • June 14, 2022

      My takeaway is quit answering the phone unless you know who is calling. Let them leave a message.

      • June 15, 2022

        Exactly Alan, if I don’t recognize who is calling, they get a one way trip to the voicemail!


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