NY: Under public pressure, Pleasant Night Inn owners bar sex offenders from West Carthage hotel

The owners of the Pleasant Night Inn have said they no longer wish to house registered sex offenders.

In a letter to the Jefferson County Department of Social Services, for which the Inn provides rooms to house people in emergency housing programs, owner Pratesh R. Patel requested that no registered sex offenders be placed in the hotel.

“As of July 18, 2022, we have amended our hotel policy to no longer accept registered sex offenders at our location,” Mr. Patel said in the letter. “We would also ask that any client of yours that has a violent or disruptive history no longer be placed at our hotel.”

On Sunday, Mayor Burto said he was happy to see the owner implement an internal policy barring sex offenders from the hotel, after public pressure and even a small protest outside the hotel.


25 thoughts on “NY: Under public pressure, Pleasant Night Inn owners bar sex offenders from West Carthage hotel

  • June 24, 2022

    This is highly disturbing!

    • June 24, 2022

      And I suppose if this passes, it would be retroactively applied to everyone, just like every other new sanction they place on us and call it, non-punitive in nature.
      Just another day at the office folks, nothing to see here. Move along. No humans were harmed in the application of this gentle law that was lovingly applied to monsters, uh, I mean registrants.

      Just get it over with and send us all off to a remote island. Burn us at the stake. Symbolically that is what happens to us every time a new sanctioning law, rule or requirement is added to our so called “Non-punitive” actions. Who are you kidding? (Speaking of lawmakers and judges)

  • June 23, 2022

    Sadly, the more mayors and the public continue to do this the homeless problem will only grow, which will create an even greater problem for that town/city and community. It’s time we stop this fear mongering and start trying to help people get back on their feet and allowing them a second chance. If this isn’t done, then I propose a record be kept of all who feel second chances should not be given to felons, like SOFs, then they should NOT be given a second chance on any missdemenor or felonty they commit either. Maybe then they’ll understand …just a thought.

  • June 22, 2022

    Ran into this same issue here in Brevard county when I first came home from prison in 2013. Stayed at a pretty nice place on US 1 in Melbourne that my probation officer actually recommended and took me to. Stayed for about 7 weeks when the owner (remote owner – lived out of the area) “suddenly” realized that he had 5 or 6 registered folks living there….. some for over 6 months. I always paid my bill 2 weeks in advance. I was flagged down by the manager one day and told that I had to move. I would be allowed to stay for one more week but my second week would be refunded immediately in cash. She was really upset because she said that “we” were her most stable, dependable renters. Said that all of us together created 0% – ZERO – of her daily problems.


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