New Florida based study amplifies low recidivism rates for sexual offenses
Data4Change, Inc has completed a recidivism study of first time offenders in Florida. Using Florida Department of Corrections data (current to 12/31/23), major offenses are broken out by re-offense; those not re-offending; by technical probation violations and new offenses un-related to original crimes.
In Florida, first time offenders since 2020 only report a 1% recidivism rate for a new sex offense!
66% of these individuals have no further legal issues.
14% suffer technical probation violations. This number is most alarming in evaluating new legislation that compounds paper felonies with amplified criminality. This also emphasizes the report recently published by the Sentencing Project.
20% are highlighted as engaging in a new offense, but 11.4% of that number is defined as “other.” This “other” is really important. Knowing if a substantial component of this category was a collateral consequence of being on the registry would be good to know. Examples could include an individual arrested for camping on public property.
Florida specific data shows a 1% recidivism rate for first time offenders. Florida specific data shows a 1% recidivism rate for first time offenders. As if saying it repeatedly would make it more meaningful.
Or a bumper sticker that says, ” I got punked by the state of Florida”.
I was going to use another word but would not be allowed on here and my Mom would wash my mouth out with soap.
I love how the recidivism rates were supposedly higher the closer you were to the offense date and as your years progressed, you were less likely to reoffend. 1% of registrants reoffended since 2020 to end of year 2023, well, that’s one way to crush two myths with one report!
According to the author of the study, “other” was primarily registry-related violations. The most common crime that returned people on the registry to prison for a new offense was failure to register, by far.
But, but, but, they keep telling us the registry is not punitive. How can you be arrested for a non-punitive offense? When someone has an explanation for that, I will give them a hug, and a new shinny penny.
Id like to get a copy of that study, so that I can put it on a business card and put it in my wallet. That way I can hand it out when ever I feel the need to show the facts.
Click source, download, and make wallet size! Or better yet, create a QR code of the source link put it on a business card and pass that out!