Murderer said he would “spend his remaining days killing sexual offenders”

A Canadian man, Derrick Lawlor, who now stands accused of Murder, told his therapist that if he only had two months to live, he would kill every sexual offender.

In fact, during a conversation on whether sex offender registries should be public or private, the therapist said he had concerns about public registries, noting that in the United States, some offenders had been “targeted.” Lawlor, at that point said that he would spend his remaining days killing sex offenders.

The therapist was disturbed by what he was told and planned to notify police when he returned from a vacation with his wife, but that turned out to be too late.

We need to put an end to this hit list.

31 thoughts on “Murderer said he would “spend his remaining days killing sexual offenders”

  • September 22, 2017

    How about the therapist that decided to go on his vacation first???? Seriously??? Guess he wasn’t “disturbed” quite enough…

  • September 21, 2017

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. I did a google search, and people using the registries as a tool for targeting listed people for murder is not uncommon. Then I did a search to find out how many crimes have been prevented and how many people have been saved from crimes and came up with a big zero. It looks to me like the experts are right; these registries give a false sense of security and get people murdered. The sad thing is there are several cases where innocent people were murdered along with the registrant. This whole thing is insanity and must stop. I thought good laws didn’t get people killed, thus harming the victims children. Especially people that had already served their time and paid their debt to society. Are these registries for continued retribution? I ask because the experts say these registries do not preform as advertised.

    • September 27, 2017

      What you’re failing to realize is, A Sex Offender isn’t considered a “Human Being” anymore !!. That’s why (Most) Shelters won’t allow them in during a Storm or Emergency !!!. They have Shelters for ANIMALS/PETS, But a EX Offender is S.O.L and has to “Fend For Themselves” during an Emergency !!. Their were THOUSANDS of EX Offenders battling it out with the forces of Nature and NOBODY CARED !¡!!(Except their friends and family) !!!. Just to prove it, After the storm hit our area/Neighborhood, We were without power for 7 days. And (I think) The Salvation Army (or one of the places that help) Brought out several pallets of Water and several of the People in our neighborhood with Trucks went and “Loaded Up” with water and distributed it throughout our neighborhood.. Well, I live on a short Dead End road along with 1 Neighbor (we get along great) and NOBODY brought us (or my neighbor) any water !!!. Thank God, I’m well prepared for anything (including protecting myself!!) . We had plenty of everything we needed !!. But this just goes to show how people”REALLY” feel about a EX Offender !!!. And what makes it hurt so much is, I help EVERYONE that needs it here !! I grade out roads with my Tractor (all at my expense), Im always pulling people out of the sandy roads and areas around here, FREE OF CHARGE !! (I live in the Ocala National Forest). I even spent the last WEEK clearing the roads from Fallen trees, With my Tractor, Chainsaw, And own money !!! And during the storm I even made sure a Old Timer had a generator to run his fridge and a fan/light, I loaned him one of my Generators that I could of used!!. I’m not trying to “Toot my own horn”, Just making a statement because I believe ANYONE SHOULD HELP EVERYONE !! If you can !!. NOBODY (general public) cares a Sex Offender. All I can say is, God help anyone that needs help, And the only person around is a Sex Offender !!!. Question is, Would the EX Offender treat that person needing help(possibly saving their LIFE) the same way they have been treated ????. That’s what I can’t wait to see in the Headlines !! “SEX OFFENDER SAVES FAMILY FROM CERTAIN DEATH” !!!!!. , What is going to take to open the general publics eyes and get EVERYONE to realize that a Ex Offender is human Just like them, And Deserves to be treated as well as ANY other Criminal !!!!.

      • September 27, 2017

        Thank you for showing care for others. It’s such deeds, one by one, that will eventually open eyes to the truth. I have been blessed and live in a home that was built to withstand hurricanes. I would much rather stay here during a storm than go into some shelter. I spent 29 years serving my country. When it’s my time ‘to go’ I would rather ‘go’ in my own home. My daughter…who was the victim 18 years ago…even relies on me during such times. We get along great as she is in the process of building her life only a few miles from my home. Forgiveness, restoration, and moving on with life is such a healing ointment. Too bad Florida is still suffering under the guise of once an offender, always an offender. So many good lives and potential is being wasted. Proving the bureaucrats ‘wrong’ is such a worthy goal!

  • September 21, 2017

    How wonderful our government provides information for civic minded individuals such as this on exactly where to find us and our families.

    I hope none of your children answer the door when a sick individual like this come knocking…

    The list is public shaming and nothing more (well…a hit list for some)!

  • September 21, 2017

    The registry is of some value to someone…a demented murderer. And for that “value” how much is it costing families, individuals, and tax payers?

  • September 21, 2017

    Come to FL kill all the ones you want good maybe then we can get off this Reg this is what we need is some crazy man killing sex offenders to make this happen.

    • September 27, 2017

      I understand your way of thinking. But…. Nobody (on the Registery) should have to DIE to get the world to see that the “Registery” is Wrong !!!. I know you’re just “Blowing Off Steam”, But you’re statement hits closer to home than you realize !!!. My reply and question to the acts of vigilante actions is, Since almost ANY Company or “Organization” can form their own “Security/Police” Dept.. Both Public and Private. Like the Railroad Police, Or Private Construction Security Companies ???? Why couldn’t we. As a “Organization”, Form our own PRIVATE Security Company, And hire Ex Offenders to Protect each other ???. Sure, The “State” has their “, Requirements” BUT, As the Founder of a “Company, Couldn’t the Founder/CEO make his/her own “Requirements” ??? And there are Federal and State laws that would even allow a Felon to be “Armed” in a sense !!!. It would be Primitive compared to today’s weapons, But it would surely “Get The Job Done” if needed !!. What I’m saying is, Why couldn’t we form a “Organization” to protect each other ????? The police hire people with shady records all the time !!!. Why couldn’t we !????. And we could/would mostly volunteer our services/Time to the “Organization” !!!!! Maybe I’m way off base, But something needs to be done !!. And any Company Owner has the right/option to hire whoever they want (as a rule). A Company Owner/Ran by ONLY Ex Offenders would stir up some Stink, But it might also make people see that we’re also human and have alot to offer !!! Just joking but, We could name the Security Company, ” Trench coat Security” just to poke at all the Haters !!!. All this is just me “Thinking Out Loud ” !!!.

  • September 21, 2017

    Can I ( we) fear anything more than being murdered by those who place us as a greater evil than any other criminal offence…I feel this fear that one day I will meet ” that person”…and I may not live to tell about it.

    • September 21, 2017

      If I meet that person, that person had best fear for his life. I didn’t spend 29 years in the military learning to be afraid. I remember that my hand-to-hand combat instructor told us that it was not our job to injure our opponent but to kill our opponent…and then he taught us many ways to do so. I am a peaceful person but if challenged I am ready to meet it. I refuse to go through life fearful of some ‘maggot’.

      • September 21, 2017

        Capt, ty for your service. And, you are correct they should fear us but not for the reasons they think. I have advocated to this community of the need for self reliance regarding personal safety for some time. This incident highlights the inherent danger to all of us and our families from government sponsored stigmatism and propaganda. Knowing all the dangers of being a registered citizen, no one should surrender their responsibility for their own safety and for their families safety to the government. If you have not been adjudicated guilty of a felony arm yourself with a firearm and be prepared to protect yourself and your loved ones. If you have been adjudicated guilty of a felony be prepared to use whatever means available to you and defend yourself and your family. And remember this, the best option is to avoid confrontations by use of good situational awareness. SA will prevent most assailants from ever getting the opportunity to deploy their evil intentions against you. Essentially, you have won the confrontation before it ever began. If this sounds foreign to most of you please research the topic and you will understand- don’t take my word for it just because I spent several years teaching it.

        • September 22, 2017

          I try to always keep myself in a ‘confrontation free’ surrounding so that I do not become compelled to exercise ‘talents’ I thought I could put away many years ago. I have wonderful friends, hobbies and interests that help make it worth getting up every day, and a family that is coming back together in spite of a system that would try to do all it could to keep it from happening. I do believe that if reunion of my family is God’s will then it will happen regardless of the ‘system’. I look forward to the day that I can once again go out and see the beautiful country I have been so blessed to be born in and honored to serve. Just being an American is a blessing.

      • September 23, 2017

        I salute you sir! And thank you for your service. You are one hundred percent right. Fear no man. I had ( prior to going on this list) one black-belt. I now have 3 more. And, I have had to use my skill set on 2 occasions in 10 years. It did not bode well for the aggressor.
        It is my recommendation to anyone on this list to get some formal ” proper” training. It is better to have it and not need it…

      • September 27, 2017

        Same Here Capt !!!! Everyone around me knows I won’t back down from a threat, And I’m more than capable of Defending myself and my family !!! And it’s 100% LEGAL !! , I don’t like having to Look over my shoulder or worry what’s on the other side of the Knock at my Door, But it’s a part of our lives. I have a AWESOME Security System that has cameras covering EVERY INCH of my property !!. I know when and who comes a calling way before they ever reach my property !!. (And I recommend atleast 1 camera setup to EVERYONE of us !! ) My favorite camera is one I bought at Harbor Freight for $33. And it’s plugged into a 19 inch TV and stays on 24/7 !! While I’m relaxing and watching TV, All I have to do is glance up above my TV and I see anything coming my way. It doesn’t record, But atleast I can see who comes knocking !! I have 10 other cameras all over my property that record EVERY MOVE on my property and the surrounding areas 24/7 !!. It’s funny because, The cops even come asking if I’ve seen “SO n SO ” person or Vehicle in my neighborhood. Lol. I recommend that everyone do their research on what we’re ALLOWED BY LAW to have for PROTECTION, Because its not If we will ever need something, It’s WHEN we will need to protect our LIVES from some Idiots !!. And trust me, There’s PLENTY of things we’re ALLOWED to OWN that is EQUAL to someone with a Gun !! Most things are Primitive compared to today, But atleast you’ll have “LEGAL” PROTECTION, Because nobody else is gonna PROTECT you !!!!. And when I say that you can “LEGALLY” own certain things that compare to today’s forms of protection, I know for SURE !! Because I’ve already had the Sheriff called on me, And 3 deputies(2 SGT’s & a lieutenant) came to check, And after I “Allowed” them to check out my “Stuff”, They agreed that I was 100% LEGALLY ALLOWED TO OWN them, And could even carry in my vehicle if I chose to !!. They even said they was gonna buy one for themselves !! FELONS STILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM HARM ! And there’s LEGAL ways to do it !! Research, Research, Research People !!. Hope I haven’t Violated any Rules on posting on here, But PROTECTION is a serious subject that we ALL should be allowed to discuss. All we have is Each other (and our few friends and family). And knowing what is Legal to own so we can PROTECT OUR LIVE AND FAMILY should be allowed to be discussed in detail !!. If I have Violated any Rules, Please forgive me and delete this post, But don’t block me!¡. I’m happy to discuss what is Legal if anyone wants to email me.

        • September 27, 2017

          Thank you for your sage advice. I may look into such a system.

          • September 27, 2017

            We ALL need any extra protection we can get !! And cameras are our friend when we’re accused of doing something or something happening to us !! All my vehicles have Dash Cams !!. And like I said, My home and Property is well covered !!. I’ll share this. If you already have the “Internet” at home/Business, And have a “Smart Phone”, you can buy($under $60) a Wireless Security Camera online. Then set it up on your phone, Then you can check out your home/Business anytime your away and it’s FREE! You can MOVE (pan and tilt) the camera on your Smartphone !! And it will also RECORD Anything you want when you “Arm” the Motion Sensor !! It just like a regular security system Except it uses your phone as the DVR/Monitor !!. Also, Harbor Freight has a 4 camera Complete Security System on sale for $199 right now(Bunker Hill) and it also can be seen on your Smartphone !. And it will handle 8 cameras total !!. It records 24/7 !!. The cameras are fixed (don’t pan or tilt) but work great, Even at night !!

        • September 29, 2017

          Dear Tired, i also have cameras and motion lights in my back yard that when they light up it looks like a fortress. I just wanted to mention one thing, we are really laden down with all this crap they are throwing at us and like many of you I have endured this for yrs. Actually, I have to do something i never thought i would do and that is to commend Sheriff Nocco in Pasco County during the hurricane. He made consideration for registered citizens at a shelter, unlike Grady and most others. I take every precaution I can to protect my household. I’m a Jersey kid from the streets back in the 50’s and 60’s so I know how it’s done but God willing none of us will ever have to resort to any kind of violence. God is my shield and my buckler and His will be done, Oh, I do have signs around my house saying beware of dog and cameras in operation and I DO think that’s a deterrent. I thank God I have not had any issue here so far and pray I won’t. Think about my previous post and give me some feedback. God bless us all. We are the modern lepers and are labeled with that scarlet letter, hopefully not for the rest of our lives.

          • September 29, 2017

            That is why is said “MOST” In my post. Yes, There are a few people with power that still believe in Humanity. But what makes things so bad is, Anyone that would stand BESIDE US and say that all this CRAP ILLEGAL LAWS that is being FORCED AGAINST US, Would be ridiculed and shamed so bad, That they just KEEP QUIET !!. Things are (slowly) starting to change a little !!, But I just don’t see it all being Desolved before my tired body/heart/mind gives out.. There is light at the end of the tunnel, But I believe that light pertaining to me is God’s light. Showing me to Heaven. I’m so tired of all this, That I just want to start screaming at everyone I see and tell them THE TRUTH !! I’ve already started voicing the truth some, Scared something bad will happen to me, But I’m still voicing the truth !!. But me by myself won’t change the feelings of so many Haters !! We need to form some kind of “Club” and start protesting (legally and with security) at any place to alot of people “CONGREGATE” And SHOW THE PUBLIC THAT WE’RE NOT THE MONSTERS THEY SHOULD FEAR !!. I’m just SO OVERWHELMED with all this, On top of some very serious Health Issues !!. Life isn’t Fun anymore !!. And I feel that if I’ve gotta suffer daily (with bad health and all this Registery Crap) I fell I might as well suffer OUT LOUD !! The Public NEEDS TO KNOW THE TRUTH !!. The public is Hating the WRONG PEOPLE !! 99% of EX OFFENDERS DON’T REOFFEND !! And the public should be informed that !!!. Sorry about my rambling, But I’m so TIRED OF BEING MISTREATED !!!!¡!!!!!.

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