Member Submission: NCL no longer allowing registrants to cruise

MEMBER SUBMISSION: I wanted to share a recent experience with you of being denied boarding on Norwegian Cruise Line. I have previously been on one of their cruises after my conviction with no problems after researching what cruise lines allowed people forced to register. We planned this new cruise on NCL with 12 other family members, my husband and I for a family vacation. I received a call from NCL one week prior to the cruise and was told my reservation was being canceled and because I was on the sex offender registry and I could not appeal the decision. I looked up and contacted Matthew Lewis (Sr. VP Chief Security Officer) and was then contacted by Scott Bernstein (Director of Security Operations and Investigations) who’s was very polite and professional. He said he would look into the matter and call me back. He called me back the next day and told me that it was a new policy, started on June 1st 2022 and purely by being on the registry regardless of my crime, which was non-violent with no actual victim from a sting operation, bans me from being allowed on their ships. I don’t know what you will do with this information but I wanted to share it with you.

138 thoughts on “Member Submission: NCL no longer allowing registrants to cruise

  • March 19, 2023

    Just to be clear on this post. NCL does not allow RSO on their cruise ships anymore. We were platinum travelers and are cruise was cancelled last year regardless of the country or ports.

    • August 11, 2023

      The person I am traveling is no longer on the registry list but just booked with carnival and their rule now is even if your not registered anymore your record has to be expunged clear of any crime.My question is does rcl and ncl have the same rule

      • August 11, 2023

        It has been several years, but when I got cancelled on RCCL they said I just have to be off the registry. Probably best to call each line and verify.

    • August 11, 2023

      Don’t want to Jinx future plans however I scheduled a trip at the end of the last year out of Rome to multiple European ports and actually even did my 21 day notice did not have any issues on the ship but questioned at a few ports by customs and they never told the ship security why. . The rule change I believe was in effect when I cruised and for now I will continue but only book out of country trips. I took a chance with my last cruise and got off in Miami. I would suggest not planning and flying to Europe with a last minute cruise out of Europe on ncl. I don’t believe this will trigger any search of the USA registry

    • October 21, 2023

      I book my cruise back in April .shipping date was September. Keep in mind this was our 4th time sailing . I wish I seen these comments before booking my trip with NCL .. they need to update there policy that they no longer allow RSO .. before sailing they notify my husband 3 days before sailing that he was flagged . Really disappointed on how they run things . Booked 5 month ago and they have the nerve to inform 3 days before sailing .

    • February 19, 2024

      how long did it take for your refund to be issued and were you also refunded for all the purchases you made for onboard the ship as well, ie. spa, internet, and drink packages?

  • March 16, 2023

    I just canceled my NCL cruise after reading this, glad I did. The woman I spoke with confirmed RSO are no longer welcome on their ships. The only way they know is when you give the 21 day advance notice for international travel the FEDs contact them and tell them the boogie man is coming . So if you want to not let them know that’s on you, but I’m not taking that risk. Federal prison doesn’t sound like a good time. Now I’m booking a Hawaii vacation

    • July 17, 2023

      If you are in the registry in one state but not the state you currently live in would they know??

    • March 14, 2024

      Do you have the womans name and possibly a phone number?

    • March 19, 2024

      Could you tell me if you had any issues with Hawaii?

  • March 16, 2023

    This is all disappointing to me, as I keep seeing the places I can’t go and things I can’t do now that I’m an RSO. My wife kids wanna do something big to celebrate me getting off probation later this year, and thought a cruise would be much easier than going to a theme park. Now, I’m seeing that I’d basically have to go on an adults-only cruise if I even wanted to be considered for embarkation. I wish we could just do our time and move on with our lives.

  • March 15, 2023

    MSC will allow you, but I have been denied back in 2019 at the following destinations after no problem many times prior (Grand Cayman
    Roatan), when you get off the ship to disembark they scan your sea pass and it will make a loud noise and the screen will say “prohibited entry” in red. Good luck everyone, the system continues to fail us, soon we won’t be welcomed anywhere….Safe spot for now is most of Europe and all European Islands….

    • March 16, 2023

      I have traveled a lot during my lifetime. In fact, I have been to 28 different countries. However, I have come to the conclusion that there is much in the United States I have yet to see, so I have set my goals on domestic sites. My next venture will be to Vicksburg, MS, after reading about it in a book on the Civil War.

      • March 17, 2023

        With all that’s happening here I want to rent my house out and move somewhere less restrictive. Did my time but no relief and I’m retired army. Any advise

    • March 16, 2023

      Has anyone boarded an MSC cruise from Europe? Since it is a European line I was wondering if you board in Europe would that make a difference? Thanks for all who are trying to help with information on experience.

    • July 23, 2023

      Hi, I will be traveling on MSC from New York City to Bermuda in August. Has anyone heard of any issues with these ports?

      • September 4, 2023

        I traveled on MSC from New York City to Bermuda this past August 2023. I had no issues getting on board. Getting off the ship in Bermuda there was no issues. Just walked off the ship and right into port.
        When I got back to NYC I got a call from guest relations. They said that immigration and customs needed to see me before I got off the ship. When I meet with them they just looked at my passport and my drivers license. They asked if my address changed. I said no and I was on my way. I recommend MSC.

  • March 7, 2023

    Can someone please let me know if MSC cruises line will allow RSOs? I am planning to book a marriage cruise.

    • March 7, 2023

      I was wondering the same thing since europe based.


    • March 18, 2023

      I just got back from week long on msc. No problem boarding. But was pulled getting off. But no real headache. They were not nasty at all.

      • March 19, 2023

        Did they say you were not allowed or any comments regarding travel?

        • March 20, 2023

          Nothing really. They were really nice. Searched bags. Asked me do I know why they stopped told them yes. I was traveling with my minor asked them to not scare her and they did wonderful job. Said it was stupid they had to do. Charge 24 years old.

      • March 20, 2023

        What port did you go out of. And what did they do when they pulled you?

        • March 20, 2023

          Nassau and their private island ocean cay. Embarkation was really smooth. Probably took 45 mins to get on boat. 30 mins from when I buzzed to search to leaving to get off. Not bad.

          • March 22, 2023

            Hey all. I am also an RSO in FL and have previously been on NCL and MSC. First problem was earlier this month when I got the NCL cruise that I would be denied boarding for a cruise with my family and two other families. Frustrating as my charge is also 20 years old but we did get fully refunded.

            Have an MSC cruise scheduled for May so I hope they stay the same they are now. We actually love MSC. It will now be our cruise line we are loyal to.

            I get pulled at the end of every cruise when disembarking at the end. It is actually US Customs not anything to do with the specific cruise line. They also have been generally nice to neutral but either way that works for me. Just the same usual baggage search.

            Hope this helps. Please keep me updated for those of you who successfully cruise on MSC. Looking forward to them again in May!

          • March 23, 2023

            Ch let me know how it goes in May on MSC Cruise. I have one scheduled for February of 2024. Thanks

          • May 15, 2023

            Happy to report that the cruise to Ocean Cay with MSC with me and the family went great! Even Customs at Port Canaveral was super fast this time. We always liked MSC and I feel that great people fairly. I can only admonish all of us in this situation to always be aware of perception and act cautiously and with class as I know we all will when cruising. It is a fun way to travel and we never want to do anything to risk losing it! For those of you that get to cruise with your families enjoy and make great memories from it!

          • May 16, 2023

            Thanks for the information. Makes me feel i won’t have any problem going. It gives me peace.

          • June 17, 2023

            Great to hear that you had fun with your family I like to go myself with my wife and kids!!

          • February 19, 2024

            how long did it take to get your refund. i was just denied myself. Also i have spa, drinks, internet, and embarkation packages that were purchased. did they literally refund everything

          • March 30, 2023

            Florida guy… Where did you leave out of Miami or Orlando?

          • March 31, 2023


          • March 31, 2023

            Ok Miami customs is very friendly and fast, Pre-Covid they would just look at passport at Disembarkment and I never was pulled aside (20+ cruises 2013-2019) apparently things have changed since Covid. If you ever go through Orlando and come back into the country through a cruise ship it was the worst (did this few times pre Covid but stopped due to aggravation) They will stop you at Disembarkment and GO THROUGH EVERY PICTURE AND VIDEO IN YOUR PHONE! Don’t know if has changed since though post Epidemic. Just an FYI be prepared though , I had some intimate pictures of my girlfriend and I, embarrassing!!

          • March 31, 2023

            So my question is what cruise line and where did you go? Wondering if any issues at points you went ashore?


          • March 31, 2023

            Yes I was a Royal Caribbean Diamond member with over 140 sea days like 30 plus cruises in 10 years before they called during the epidemic and told me I cant sail with them anymore because I was on the registry (which didn’t make sense because they let me sail on case by case basis in which i had to clear myself) charge 24 years old, consensual 5 year age gap..
            I was denied at the following ports after being allowed there several times prior: Grand cayman and Roatan. Been on MSC once before but I will continue as it seems my only option, Im sure there are others though that will allow me… maybe Holland or Virgin and some smaller cruise lines….

          • November 7, 2023

            Do you need passport to go on MCL. Does your passport state you are a RSO?

          • June 20, 2023

            Did you have any issues with the Bahamas? We are looking at a cruise to the eastern carribean that stops in Puerto Rico, Dom Republic, Bahamas, and Ocean Cay. My husband is a RSO and I just want to make sure he does not have any issues at the ports.

          • June 20, 2023

            None is Bahamas. But would love to hear if any issues with dom republic

          • June 20, 2023

            I know thats the one im concerned about. I heatd there is no issues with aruba. Also do you kmow of any issues with Puerto Rico? He can go to the us virgin islands. We just got back from there. Very very pleasant and super nice

          • June 20, 2023

            I visited Puerto Rico last year, no issues at all.

          • July 18, 2023

            Same. I was on an MSC cruise in November 2022 that stopped in Bahamas, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Dominican Republic. No issues anywhere which is a little ironic because when I FLEW into DR in July 2022 I was denied entry. But on the cruise ship was fine

          • January 25, 2024

            Hi , did you have an issues with going to the Virgin Island? How long were you there?

  • January 8, 2023

    I contacted MSC Cruises and was told they do not have a policy that prevents registrants from cruising. I have an 8 day cruise booked with them for early 2024. I will be contacting MSC this summer to confirm again I am cleared to cruise. If they have changed their policy that will give me enough time to look for another cruise line.

    • January 10, 2023

      I believe that MSC is a European based line and hope that is true because we have looked at using them also. Please keep us posted.

    • February 7, 2023

      I hope I can travel. I’m booked on MSC for this upcoming April.

      • March 7, 2023

        Please keep me informed about your cruise on Apill on MSC. Let me know how it goes.

      • March 15, 2023

        I am also booked on a MSC cruise for April and I have been told the same thing that they have no policies that normally it’s the port authority that stops RSO and as a secondary screening, does anybody know about that we are going out of Miami in April?

        • March 15, 2023

          Bryan, please keep me post about your cruise for MSC on April. Our of Miami.

          I have a reservation I just booked for February of 2024. I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

          • April 15, 2023

            So the cruise went off with out a hitch. Boarding was easy, simple and fast. It wasn’t till we came back that we had to report to customs, my wife and myself. Once we got there a customs officer checked our documents and then another one took me in an office and asked a lot of questions about my job and residence history and about my past. Once that was done he let my wife go out front of the terminal and wait for me which was another hour and we missed our train back north. But while waiting he took my phone and watch and told me to wait outside the office and he went back in and turned off the lights and went through my phone, from my emails text and internet search history along with all my photos. And after that he finally called me back in asked a couple of more questions and then let me leave. So from now on to make the process simple and quick I will not be bringing my phone with me anymore. If I want photos my wife or kids will be taking them with their phones or I will use a GoPro. But all in all Miami customs officers are very polite and like to give fist bumps.

          • April 15, 2023

            I have cruised at the end of last year and also have never had my phone or electronics touched. I have seen others with me have that done but based on comments secondary seems to only do that depending on charges. In the last 10 years on the registry I only had my luggage briefly looked at regardless if from a cruise or a flight


          • April 16, 2023

            I would also add if you have a iPhone to simply back up reset phone and you can still activate without linking to iCloud so this way you are able to make calls etc but they don’t have any info then you can do a restore when home. I try now to store all my files from a pc also on a remote server or again backup using a drive image program wipe clean. Restore when home. It’s a shame and they should not have access to private files or photos. I have in the past sent my travel partner separate first with my luggage in her bag and wait for me with me having a small bag or suitcase if you don’t do that they could search her bags also if you bring anybody else with you to secondary. Although I have implemented these tips I still have never had my stuff taken. I usually also put my phone in my back pocket and unless asked do not show it. I always travel with my laptop in my carryon laptop bag. Again it’s a form of harassment however I have never had a rude agent they told me before we get flagged then after they review the charges they determine the depth of the inquiry or search. I keep it simple I was on vacation with my partner. I have been asked does she know about the charge and I say yes.

            [moderator’s note: when dealing with a border crossing, be sure also to always follow the law, and if you have any questions, consult an attorney].

          • April 15, 2023

            Interesting they checked your phone in Miami, yes leaving it home next time would be ideal…can I ask you what stops you made on the cruise? No problems getting off at the destinations?
            I was refused just before covid at Roatan and Grand Cayman. No problems in others places…

          • April 16, 2023

            We only went to the private island and getting off and on no problem.

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