Martin County Sheriff: to ask county leaders to require sex offenders to live farther from schools, parks, day cares

Martin County commissioners Tuesday will consider expanding the distance registered sex offenders in the county have to live from playgrounds, schools and day care centers.

Current registered sex offenders living in the county would be grandfathered into the new rule, if it is approved.

Sheriff William Snyder is asking the county to change the requirement from 1,000 feet to 2,500 feet away.

It’s an idea that resonates well with many parents, but there are others who feel the expanded living restrictions could do some harm.


46 thoughts on “Martin County Sheriff: to ask county leaders to require sex offenders to live farther from schools, parks, day cares

  • June 13, 2022

    I just checked it out. There are 154 sex offenders/predators in Martin County. Not 1 objected to the ordinance. That’s right not 1! Why? Ostrich syndrome, fear, whew; I made it, the Hell with the next guy, girl, family! Hello people this is your life we are talking about!
    Yes, I know I’m preaching to the choir. And that is truly sad! It’s the same ones as us.
    I wrote all 51 registered citizens in Hendry County. I attempted to do the same in Glades, but I couldn’t get the material I needed to recruit, inform, and motivate!
    1 man called me for help and we couldn’t give it. The dumb sheep, don’t care. They just want to go on with their lives, be it what it may. As long as it’s not happening to me right now, the heck with it!
    So; I right letters, on my dime, repeatedly to Book and her cronies, Brevard County, Martin County, Glades County, and Hendry County to inform, educate, and maybe annoy. I can only hope, for the latter. But you know what, until it affects someone directly, They Don’t Care!

    • June 13, 2022

      I understand this frustration. The thing is the article stating the Sheriff was bringing this to the board was posted online at 1:08am the morning of the board meeting to vote on the ordinance. Then FAC posted the online article here the same day, but after the vote was already done. How much of the general public actually knew this was being brought to the board let alone how many registered people knew? At this point, it seems registrants could come together during public comments at the next meeting to voice disapproval. It just seemed as though this vote by the board was done without much notice, and I believe that is done quite often.

    • June 14, 2022

      @ Greig L: I completely sympathize. I am in California where we are extremely fortunate to have Janice Bellucci and ACSOL. I have, on my dime, sent hundreds of letters to Cali Registrants…. only to receive 3, maybe 4, responses. It’s insane! I have written when a crucial piece of legislation – that threatens THEM – is in the works. And yet, no response. 😒🤷🏻‍♂️🙄
      Forgive my French, but WTF!!??? 😫
      Do they have to be handcuffed with their face in the dirt to get their attention!!?? 😡 Why is it so hard to motivate them?? 😵‍💫

      • June 14, 2022


        Excuse some of us of being Overly cautious but many, many on the registry have been scammed. There is zero proof of whoever sends us a letter is really that person on the registry.

        In fact, last year FAC posted a survey from a so called expert in sex offenses who had ALL of our email addresses. I filled the survey out but to this day, wish I hadn’t. I did not really give any damning info but it just takes a slice of cheese to entice a mouse and WHAM, the cat has lunch.

        We also have families to protect as well. Whatever happens to us, happens to our families. I promised mine I would protect them to the death and I meant it. We keep a low profile on purpose and my Mom constantly begs me to stay off this site. I have to get on here when she is not home or she has a fit. We are barely getting by and the thought of everything we do have being ripped away from us for a second time is unimaginable.

        • June 14, 2022

          My letters had all the trappings, earmarks, and enclosures of FAC. No doubt as who I am or represented. Who are we afraid of? If we don’t stand up who will? The public won’t, law enforcement, legislative, judges? He’ll no! I lost everything, did 10 in hell and I came out fighting. Why, because guilty until proven innocent, I will never accept. Never again! That’s why I have a pitbull attorney who has my back and PoPo knows it. But, hey. To each his own, until they load us on the boxcar, right?

        • June 14, 2022

          @ Cherokeejack: Interesting. 🤔. I have been on the registry for about 20 years and I have very rarely received any mail solicitation, etc. regarding my Registrant status. In fact, maybe 3 or 4 in the entire 20 years.
          The letters I send have a return address and links to legitimate websites.
          I’m sympathetic towards the shellshocked, but the circumstances won’t change unless we fight the oppression and harassment. I hope many others will, eventually, join the fight.

      • June 14, 2022

        You got me. Like Pink Floyd says, “Comfortably Numb”.
        Yes, when bracelets go on they will wake up, and then it is too late.
        But you know David, we are truly woke. If we knew then, what we know now, I for one would never have gone down. Keep up the fight Brother 👍

  • June 13, 2022

    Any plans for a Call to Action? I personally wrote the Undersheriff. The Sheriff uses him as an email buffer. Martin County is too close for home. That’s all I need is for Glades to pull that stunt! Even though I am moving permanently to the EU. I am still fighting the good fight, even from there.

    • June 13, 2022


      Wait what? Your last post you accused all of us of being scared wieners and here you post you are leaving the country. As a former cop, I can tell you why most stay in the shadows. Law enforcement is a Mafia like organization. I always tried to do the right thing and was constantly told “You are too soft, you are not going to make it as a cop”. After a few years of being passed over time and time again for a promotion, I resigned rather than ending up as a meter maid.

      There are some high ranking elite law enforcement brass that can not only ruin our lives, but they can and will go after your families as well. When I got arrested, they read my rights and when I asked for a lawyer, I might as well have asked for the Queen of England to visit me. It just was NOT going to happen.

      • June 14, 2022

        Agreed. I can honestly say that I have seen this happen while working in the school system to kids. Kids! Not people known as sex offenders or people that society takes great pleasure in ostracizing and banishing, just plain, ordinary, annoying kids. It is extremely difficult to voice legitimate concerns when you know people who go against the grain become targets, and those targets can be easily jailed for standing in the “wrong” place. This “freedom” we have comes with strings attached and even more so for those labeled and tracked by law enforcement as registered people and their families are. The registry is a great silencer.

      • June 14, 2022

        I am a retired cop here in Florida and an Army vet. I have served and bled.
        I am part of Just Facts not Fear. We are on the edge of getting Germany to declare the U S in violation of Human Rights! Janice, Gail, Sandy and all the others are putting up a good fight. I do every day, I call, I right letters and I put up the money.
        I am going where it doesn’t matter to anyone! Why don’t you?


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