UPDATE 2: Mark Your Calendars: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners August 2nd at 5PM

UPDATE 2 – There will be a second conference call on THURSDAY July 28th from 7pm-8pm to continue to organize attendees for the Aug 2 Commission meeting, as well as future Commission meetings. We still need your help. We need more attendees, speakers and letter writers. Join the planning meeting. Call 319-527-3487, or contact membership@floridaactioncommittee.org for questions.

This post is a save the date for a forthcoming call to action in Brevard County.

We are counting on all members in or around Brevard County to attend and show opposition to the proximity ordinance.

More details will be forthcoming.

21 thoughts on “UPDATE 2: Mark Your Calendars: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners August 2nd at 5PM

  • July 25, 2022

    Inspired by Derek Logue I’ll be attending the meeting.

  • July 22, 2022

    It is good to see that a few of you are brave enough to challenge Tobia and the two harpies on the commission that supports him.

    What good has playing nice to our oppressers ever accomplished. Trying to reason with the likes of Ron and Lauren Book, Barney Bishop, Shady Grady, John Tobia is no different than the scene in the Independence Day when the President is trying to reason with the captured alien.

    President: What do you want us to do?

    Alien: Die…..

    Why kid ourselves any longer? They are malicious and desire to kill us. Maybe they can’t list a gun and outright shoot us. Maybe Ron Book can’t actually waterboard us or rip out our finger/toenails one at a time as he stated in the Untouchable documentary. No, they desire to torture us. Some of the worst forms of torture are purely psychological.

    • July 25, 2022

      It’s true, we have little strength and influence socially and politically to protect ourselves and our families from persecution. As a person of faith, however, I know that God is bigger than anyone who opposes me and He’s demonstrated it many times. I’ve seen enemies be taken away, never to be seen again. I’ve seen God even strike down two very influential and powerful people in my life who had real earthly power over me at one time. These people made concerted efforts to manipulate the criminal justice system to try and send me back to prison, but because of my integrity and my trust in God, I prevailed and now they are both in the ground.

      I applaud the efforts of those who speak for our community. I also think it may take more than that. I firmly believe that God will bring justice and help for those among us who put their full trust in God. God may have waited 400 years to punish Pharaoh, but when He did, judgement came quickly. Wait and see…

      • July 25, 2022

        God bless you. What a wonderful testimony. I believe that with God on our side, the victory is ours. The Word of God can be and is a powerful supporter; politics, without God, is today our enemy. We need to quit being afraid to address both. Politics is not Republican or Democrat. It is one policy or another. We need to start evaluating policies and quit demonizing one party or another. Let the politicians and parties demonize themselves. Our faith in God can help us realize who is right and who is wrong. Our God is a God of love, forgiveness, life, and prosperity. He does not tolerate sin and rewards those who take a stand against it. Sin today is one of our society’s greatest enemies…and Satan knows it.

    • July 27, 2022

      uhhh, it’s simply mental rape…they want to rape the rapists. The problem is, very few of the registered society would be evaluated as a madman rapist who will strike again. Maybe 7% tops and I’m sure its quite lower.

  • July 21, 2022

    Got it on my calendar.

  • July 21, 2022

    Good luck, people. Wishing you all the best.

  • July 21, 2022

    Everyone should prepare an answer for the “so you think you are the victim here, huh?” parroting question from the usual commissioner. Would like to see some ready made answers to this asinine question that he brings up with every opposition to their illegal ordinances.

    It seems a law suit would be the best way to kill this ordinance, as any opposition will be ignored or even promote more strict ordinances in revenge, as was the ordinance to self certify as a park was passed for pure revenge.

    A prime chance was lost with the lawsuit to allow Registered Citizens the right to attend the meetings. It would have been so easy to challenge the entire ordinance in that suit…

    • July 21, 2022

      Sam, that challenge is coming.

    • July 22, 2022

      Well, what IS a victim?

      At its base, a victim is someone who experienced harm. You can be a victim of a person (such as a war or assault) or an act of nature (hurricane victims).

      No matter what status someone has in society, if that person is harmed by the actions of another, that person then becomes a victim, even if this victim is in poor moral standing. If you rob a dope peddler you’re still committing robbery, for example.

      When governments pass malicious laws they create victims, even if the target is among the least desirable groups.

      Even though we are unpopular, we are still victims of an oppressive regime. This is not diminished by the small scale of the victimization (as it is a county ordinance).

      It is for this reason I can say I’m a victim of Florida State Senator Lauren Book. She fil3ed a SLAPP syuit against me and played a role, whether directly or indirectly, in the false theft charges against me. What people forget about my experience was I was detained 24 days, which included 6 days on the road in private prison teansport, and nearly died due to being kept in a hot, windowless van. And I was forced to register in FloriDUH despite being kidnapped and trafficked across state lines.

      I have no problem saying I’m a victim in this case.

      I don’t have any connection to Brevard County. I’ve never been there. If I was still in Cincy I’d go, though. Get in and out as quickly as possible. But I commend those who have figured out hiding in the shadows and praying for a registrant Messiah to lead us to the legal promised land is getting us nowhere.

    • July 24, 2022

      Absolutely! We can’t let them use that gotcha line. The answer to “are you a victim?” is “you’re damned right I am!” Diplomacy doesn’t work with people who aren’t interested in dialogue or fairness or even just plain logic. It’s better to speak truth to (unreasonable, unaccountable) power than to speak awkward half- apologies.

    • July 25, 2022

      ‘Of course not’ was the most appropriate possible response to the victim question, and I applaud the speaker who used this response in the last meeting.

      I realize that other members will disagree. But remember that we have just three minutes per speaker. If we waffle on the question of who the victims are, we let the commissioners throw us off track. They know that their constituents won’t sympathize with sex offenders claiming victimhood.

      • July 25, 2022

        You’re absolutely right Jacob. In fact, I’d add:

        “Of course not, and your question is frankly irrelevant to the issue. This issue concerns an unconstitutional restriction of liberties unjustified by any facts or evidence, and for you to bring into this discussion a question of victim-hood, shows that this commission is rather uninformed when it comes to protecting vulnerable citizens in this county. Perhaps the voters of this county would well consider new leadership in this commission. If the commission can’t use good judgement in this particular matter, how are we to trust it with equally weighty issues?”

      • July 25, 2022

        We have to start by telling the truth. I’m not saying everyone should answer the same way, but someone needs to grab hold of that question and fling it aside with the contempt it deserves.

        Most of their constituents aren’t watching the meetings they’re watching Netflix or something. What matters in politics is not what the majority thinks but what the most motivated members of the persuadable ‘middle’ think. Those people tend to be more educated and thoughtful and we need to pitch the strategy to them not to the average bumpkin who is merely registered to vote.

        Being half-apologetic when you are being kicked only encourages further kicks.

        • July 27, 2022

          do YOU have the balls Dennis?

          • July 28, 2022

            ‘I’m so brave that I challenge strangers online.’

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