Looking for SEO Social Media volunteer

The Florida Action Committee website, www.floridaactioncommittee.org, has become a tremendous resource to disseminate news and information to our members. Our growth, in both content and users, has been exponential during the past couple of years.

Part of our mission is to educate the public, and in connection with that mission, we would like to get our stories, re-posted articles, research and other information in front of the general public, not only those who are already members or already informed.

We welcome engagement from the public and even those who come to our site with counter-arguments. It’s all an opportunity to present the facts to a broader audience and reach out to those who don’t know we exist.

FAC could really use the help of an SEO and/or social media volunteer to help get our site into online directories, create back links, manage our social media accounts and otherwise create a stronger outward-facing presence for our site. We have (what I hope many will consider to be) very useful and informative content and an awesome webmaster/developer who built this tool for us. Now we just want to promote ourselves more.

If you (or someone you know) have experience in SEO or Social Media management and the liberty to work freely online (ie: without having to register every submission with FDLE), please contact info@floridaactioncommittee.org.

4 thoughts on “Looking for SEO Social Media volunteer

  • September 27, 2017

    I might recommend first get your Face Book in gear,very seldom do I get a post -with over 800.000 people on the S.O.R- their friends-recitatives this F/B should be a must to be on .

    • October 1, 2017

      I have found that most people do not post about RSO issues on Facebook. I think it is many reasons. One people are afraid it will affect their job. The other might be fear of retaliation toward them or loved ones. People are so confrontational on Facebook it can become quite ugly

      • October 1, 2017

        Or maybe it is because Facebook doesn’t allow RSO’s? ;-P

        • October 3, 2017

          Facebook will delete a profile of an RSO if it is reported or they run across the name in a sweep etc. But I am talking about anyone – the only thing I ever see on FB about RSO are inflammatory memes etc.


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