Lets call out Florida for not caring about children

The state of Florida is reporting such a severe shortage of teachers that it has recently announced a program to hire military veterans and spouses with absolutely no teaching experience or educational qualification to teach our children. Counties across the state are reporting thousands of vacancies as teachers are leaving the profession in record numbers. Florida school districts are getting so desperate that they are bringing in unqualified people to fill the role of educating our future generation, even if they have no education certification, even if they only have a high school degree.

For years, Florida schools have been circling the drain while lawmakers ignore the problems, and there are many. The biggest problem is teacher pay. Nobody gets into the teaching profession to become rich, but people have to earn a livable wage. While teacher salaries have not kept up with the times, funding for teacher resources and supplies have also been cut, leaving more and more teachers having to go into their pockets to purchase the basic items needed in the classroom. There are many other problems that have infiltrated our schools, from politics to school safety, which all exacerbate the problem. But without being able to staff the critical role of the individuals who will educate and mentor our children with qualified people, we are sacrificing the future of this State.

Ironically, when it comes to law enforcement, it seems this State will spare no expense under the guise of caring about children. Every few weeks another county announces a multi-agency “operation” to check on the compliance of persons required to register as sex offenders, a population that already has a very low re-offense rate. In the meantime, last week Fox News reported that at least 181 K-12 teachers have been charged with sex crimes, 77% of which were against students.

The State has no restrictions when it comes to creating a byzantine list of arbitrary requirements to impose on an undesirable segment of the population even though the requirements have nothing to do with public safety or recidivism, and then hiring the staff to administer a useless sex offender registry, enforce it, prosecute petty offenses as felonies and incarcerate people who are guilty of harmless technical violations, such as forgetting to register a trailer, but no money when it comes to ensuring our children’s schools are safe, well equipped and properly staffed.


22 thoughts on “Lets call out Florida for not caring about children

  • July 29, 2022

    “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem!” – Ronald Reagan in 1981

    Says the guy that green-lighted the creation of the NCMEC

  • July 29, 2022

    I wouldn’t have a problem with a military veteran teaching my kid, especially if the person was over the age of 50. At least the kid wouldn’t be indoctrinated to believe he or she can magically change their sex from day to day, and they would probably get a much better education than what kids in public schools get today. Plus a military veteran would be much better prepared to protect kids in case of an active shooter situation.
    Just my opinion.

    • July 29, 2022

      No one’s ‘indoctrinating kids to magically believe he or she can magically change their sex from day to day.’ That is not even a thing in Florida public schools and has nothing to do with whether someone is a military veteran.

      • August 1, 2022

        I beg to differ. It may not be happening in some schools in Florida, but here in Michigan I pulled my then 8 year old daughter out of public school and enrolled her in a private school for that very same thing.
        Watch the news and you will see all the crap the far left tries to pass as truth; men can get pregnant being one of their statements. Anyone with half a brain knows that’s not possible
        A person who served honorably in the military for 12-20 years or more, and is currently 50 years old or older is someone I would trust more to teach kids better than most teachers in public schools. Just because someone doesn’t have a teacher’s certificate does not mean the person doesn’t have anything meaningful to teach, or is unqualified.
        I never attended college and I probably have more common sense than someone with a Phd.

        • August 1, 2022

          I taught at a University. Im married to a former teacher,
          and descended from teachers. Teaching requires a particular skillset and training in addition to knowledge about a subject. Teaching is not easy, and I would argue that elementary school students are the hardest to teach because so much is going on. Neither the left nor the right can claim a moral superiority. The right wants to marginalize people and make it unacceptable to accept diversity. I never saw anyone attempt to groom children like the right claims. The irony for me is that as a registrant, I am constantly fighting marginalization. I’m fighting for my life because of a label. People who hear that I am on the registry won’t employ me, won’t let me live where and with my family. We can’t marginalize people.

  • July 28, 2022

    Lauren Book still takes money from GEO Group. They were sued for sexually and physically abusing dozens of teens in a juvenile camp they ran in Mississippi. So Book does not really care about helping abused kids.

    Book also voted against tge desires of the Parkland school shooting victims by voting to reinstate Sheriff Israel. She did not care about the shooting victims either.

  • July 28, 2022

    I can guarantee it will be an all white panel at the hearing. Just like I can guarantee the next S.O. Law to have a child names after it will be white

    • July 28, 2022

      What hearing?
      You are right, Kev. We wrote about this in our last weekly update. We need to have more diversity and inclusion in our movement.

      • July 28, 2022

        The county ordinance meeting

        • July 28, 2022

          I believe you are posting this comment to the wrong thread.

          • July 28, 2022

            no. I’m implying that a white kid gives an excuse to “care more” under the guise of a precious commodity in their actions

  • July 28, 2022

    The lack of education for children is showing up in the adult population. They continue to throw money at things that accomplish nothing but continue to fool the ignorant of their intentions and waist law enforcement time . But that’s what gets votes. Why spend money on education, when only children would benefit from that.

  • July 28, 2022

    Its certainly not the first time they’ve shown they don’t really care about children. They’ve been faking “catching online child predators” for many years because it’s a scam that brings in a lot of money. They clearly care more about money than even bothering to try to protect children from real risks and real abuse.
    They conduct all of their “child predator” sting operations on adult dating, hookup, and sex platforms where they first pose as an adult who is seeking men. This is how they get men to reach out to them. Once they hook a man, then they change their age to pretend to be a minor, and it very much looks like exactly what it is, an adult roleplaying their own fantasy, pretending to be a teen who is throwing herself at a man she just met (and not even met in person yet).
    They do this instead of posing as a minor on regular social media platforms that minors use, and acting like real minors do online, simply because it’s much easier to target men in adult content places and create these fake cases than it is to find the real predators who are targeting minors in the places where minors are. Their only goal is to create a high number of arrests and convictions for the purpose of getting, maintaining, and maximizing funding they get that is intended to be used to help protect children online from real risks and real abuse.
    The sting operations police conduct have absolutely nothing to do with trying to protect children from online predators. They are simply faking it and lying to everybody about it. Lying for the purpose of obtaining funds is FRAUD, and that is a real crime.
    Notice how they’ve never rescued any minors from any of the adult dating, hookup, and sex platforms they conduct their sting operations on? Notice how they’ve never put out any parent or teen education about teens using these adult platforms to find adult men to hookup with, etc.?

    • July 28, 2022

      It is hard to fight these cases in the courts. They also are corrupt. No place to turn. We are tired…

    • July 29, 2022

      YEAH, What he/She/They said !!!!?. You protect kids on KID sites !! Not on ADULT sites !!. Why would a 13 year old be on a ADULT site anyway ???. #SMOKEANDMIRRORS


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