Lee County Commissioners consider animal cruelty registry

Lee County Commissioners are considering a county registry for those individuals convicted of animal cruelty.  A theory has been proposed by the Sheriff and others in the community that registries always reduce crime since those who were convicted are successfully managed by the registry.  No data was presented to accompany these claims.  This debate seems focused solely on emotion and irrational beliefs. 

Studies and studies of studies exist that have clearly indicated the shortcomings of registries and their failure to reduce future crime.  In the case of sexual offense registries, crime rates have continued to rise while over 90% of new crimes are not committed by those forced to register.   




17 thoughts on “Lee County Commissioners consider animal cruelty registry

  • November 17, 2023

    Good morning, not related to this article but just a heads up that scammers pretending to be the police to get money out of you are starting up again at least in North Florida. Happy freaking holiday, which is probably why they’ve started again- risk of jail over the holidays just kind of amps up your paranoia and fear right? We’ve been really lucky, as far as lucky goes in this situation , to have the same Detective checking on us each year. He said to be sure to give them his number the next time that they call and see what happens. It would be great if they would make a concerted effort into finding these assholes, but given some of the stories I hear from you guys I’m just going to count my blessings this week. Just remember when these guys call that the real police will never ask you for money and you can hang up and call your local Precinct the minute it happens to make sure you’re in the clear. Stay strong!


    • November 17, 2023

      Rachel D… I personally appreciate your sharing this info and your advice is sound with one exception. Stay on the phone with the caller.. get as much information from them as possible.. Possibly ask for a contact number in case u get disconnected..ask for badge numbers.. maybe ask if you can meet at the local registry office to complete the “transaction” And after you have collected what you can… call your local non-emergency police number and file a report. Dont let them not take the report,, as I have found they like to do. This formalizes what happened and maybe the local PD will find the perpetrators. If the PD says well a crime wasnt committed… WRONG.. it is a felony to present yourself as Law Enforcement Officer for any reason. Stay safe and pass this info along.

      • November 17, 2023

        Absolutely. We’ve not had any success so far getting more information but it’s worth it’s to keep trying. Thank you

  • November 10, 2023

    But where is the, by statistics, much needed drug offender registry?

    • November 10, 2023


      Several states have registries for other crimes or abuses but most of them are only accessible by authorities and not the public. Somewhere in Florida, a county has a dog/pet abuse registry but only law enforcement and other related officials can access them and are not public.
      I have said before, until every single person is on some sort of registry, that is when the fight gets dirty. The possibilities are endless. Bad teacher registry, Bad cops, Scammer registry and on and on.

      • November 12, 2023

        Bad prosecutor registry and corrupt politician registries are a MUST.

  • November 8, 2023

    For all the years I have been commenting on FAC, I have been stating that eventually everyone in the World will be on some sort of registry.
    Alcholic registry
    Shoplifter registry
    Spouse abuse registry
    Bad cop registry (Hey there is a one that would raise eyebrows)
    Bad doctor registry
    I could type all night but my I have arthritis in my hands.


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