LAST CALL: Please send an email to Brevard Commissioners

The hearing to discuss the amendment to the Brevard County Proximity ordinance will take place TODAY, August 2nd, 2022 at 5PM.

This is your last chance to send an email or call the Commissioners asking them to OPPOSE the amendment. If you have not already done so, please do your part and help NOW.

You can contact them at the following:

District 1 Commissioner Rita Pritchett
(321) 607-6901

District 2
(321) 454-6601

District 3 Commissioner John Tobia
(321) 633-2075

District 4 Commissioner Curt Smith (Vice Chair)
(321) 633-2044

District 5 Commissioner Kristine Zonka (Chair)
(321) 253-66114

6 thoughts on “LAST CALL: Please send an email to Brevard Commissioners

  • August 2, 2022

    Commissioner, D3

    Fri, Jul 22, 3:55 PM (11 days ago)

    Mr. Lynch,

    Thank you for taking the time to contact Commissioner John Tobia’s office. I will pass your email along to the Commissioner as he shares your sentiment and appreciates your support.

    Thank you,

    image002Lorena Griffin

    Director of Community Affairs

    County Commissioner John Tobia, District 3

    PH: (321) 633-2075 * Fax: (321) 633-2196

    2539 Palm Bay Road NE, Suite 4

    Palm Bay, FL 32905

    • August 2, 2022

      Our personal stalker is here again, folks. Fior days he’s been sending me emails poorly pretending to be my ex-wife (for future reference, my ex hates the term Missy) and telling me about his erotic fantasies he has with men of a large stature.

      We’re already well aware where Tobia and at least two of his colleagues stand. Bragging about Tobias agreeing with your sick position is like a racist getting approval from the Klan. It is meaningless.

  • August 2, 2022

    Look guys, This is really super duper important!!!

    Even I found time out of my crammed schedule to send that email.

    Please help us out by doing your part —– Send in that oppposition email right NOW!!

    • August 2, 2022

      I agree it could easily be added to the agenda in the county we reside at. So we must be vocal about the unjust law.

      • August 2, 2022

        That is why I am fighting this amendment. I have now sent 2 emails to the commissioners this week along with a letter to be submitted into the minutes of today’s commissioners’ meeting. This amendment, along with the whole ordinance is toxic, and I do not want to see it in my county.

        Then we hear that someone has been turned away from the meeting because they did not report at least 24 hours in advanced. We have to fight this, and we have the numbers to do so.

        • August 2, 2022

          Ive sent my thoughts to them. Maybe a glimmer of rationale away from the clouded vision of misinformation. I do somehow just feel betrayed. I just see how all this time ive contributed to this society as positively as i could: done as much good as i can and been accepted by people who can see past this past. And yet, noone will ever see who and what i am.

          I feel i need to do more and FAC, i promise to give what i can as i see how much of yourselves you all put into this. I thank you and im sorry i havent been able to do much but this is a calling i now need to pursue. I thank you.


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