It’s simple! Install a park.

It was 2009 and in the few years since the City of Miami and the City of Miami beach had passed a sex offender residency restriction (SORR) hundreds of people required to register found themselves displaced to a parcel of land under the Julia Tuttle Causeway, essentially a bridge that spanned Miami and Miami Beach. The tent city was so large and unsightly that it began to garner international media attention. The Julia Tuttle was one of two access points to Miami Beach, one of the worlds largest tourist destinations, from the airport. It wasn’t a good look for the Cities. The lobbyist who spearheaded the ordinances that caused the problem and for which “Bookville” was named, had a solution. He very ceremoniously had the area fenced off and evicted everyone.

Shortly after, a new encampment emerged in another of the limited pockets of compliant land in the County. The area along 79th Street and NE 10th Avenue in the Shorecrest neighborhood quickly swelled to more than 150 people with nowhere to go but the sidewalk. Just like the Julia Tuttle Causeway, the street corner, which was the gateway to the John F. Kennedy Causeway that separated Miami from North Bay Villiage, became that area’s problem. So to fix it, then Commissioner Marc Sarnoff stuck a couple spring toys into a vacant lot and christened it a “pocket park“.

Little River Pocket Park

The decrepit “pocket park” did nothing for the children in Shorecrest other than expose them to tetanus from the rusted spring toys and miscellaneous litter, but what it accomplished was the displacement of the cluster of registrants who scrambled to simply stay in an area that was compliant with the SORR. Now that there was a park, another exclusion zone was created.

If you click on the link two paragraphs above and read the Huffington Post article, you should notice three things. First, it was written 10 years ago. Second, Ron Book (the lobbyist who created this issue) was ironically also the person quoted as in charge of finding the solution to it. The third thing you should notice is his specific comments: “There are places that meet the 2,500-foot law, Book said, but many freed offenders may not be aware of their locations. He told HuffPost the Trust is willing to help lead them in the right direction.”

Great! Housing options!!! So, as if leading the slaves from Egypt in biblical times, this modern-day Moses was going to show the people all the available residences in Miami-Dade County where they could live in compliance with the SORR (which was incidentally named after his daughter). Wonderful! There was a savior willing to “help lead them in the right direction.”

Well it’s been 10 years, Mr Book… The homeless registrant crisis is worse than ever! There are HUNDREDS of homeless registrants in South Florida still wandering in the proverbial desert waiting for you to deliver the solution to this problem you created.

Now people have to understand Mr. Book’s hatred of registrants. His daughter was the victim of sexual abuse. If his daughter had been the victim of a school shooter or drunk driver, I’m sure we would have much different gun or DUI laws today. But with that in mind, we’re not questioning the justification for his anger. We are merely asking whether he was ever the most appropriate person for this job? If during a County meeting one of the commissioners asked for a volunteer to spearhead the racial sensitivity program and David Duke stood up and said, “I’ll volunteer!” someone should have recognized that’s probably not the best idea. Same situation here.

We trust nobody reading this post actually believes that Ron Book will deliver a solution, that Ron Book should be the one charged with finding that solution, or that Ron Book ever cared whether a solution would ever be found. Nobody is that gullible. But it’s been more than 16 years since SORRs were enacted and people are dying because of them.

And it’s not just in South Florida. Like dominoes, no municipality wanted to become the dumping ground for this public relations nightmare, so as soon as a city passed an ordinance, so did the neighboring city, and the one next to that, and the one next to that one, and so on. And one city’s ordinance became the template for the next city’s. And one city’s strategy for displacing the cluster became the next.

It’s been 10 years since Marc Sarnoff’s “pocket park” but even now, Joliet, Illinois “Mayor Bob O’Dekirk announced Tuesday that the city will create a park within 500 feet of an apartment building where six sex offenders live in an effort to drive them out.” It’s that brazen! It’s literally the first sentence of this article and “… the first action we’re going to take,” O’Dekirk said.

Back in the days, SORRs were passed under the premise that it was done to protect the children. Today, nobody buys that anymore. A law that prevents people from sleeping within 2500 feet of a school between 10PM and 6AM is asinine. KIDS ARE NOT IN SCHOOL BETWEEN 10PM and 6AM!!! You have a better chance finding a kid within 2500 feet of any registrant at 10PM than on a school campus.

Today, politicians are much more shameless about their intentions. They openly announce they are passing a SORR because the neighboring municipality passed one and they are putting in a park to banish registrants.

Back in the days, SORRs were able to withstand constitutional scrutiny because the legislative intent was argued to be public safety. I wonder how such a challenge would fare when the Mayor’s stated intent is to drive out a class of people? Perhaps some food for thought for Illinois Voices?



22 thoughts on “It’s simple! Install a park.

  • July 21, 2022

    It seems Bob O’DeJERK has no problem aggressively tackling human rights issues, literally. In fact, he recently settled a lawsuit in which he bodyslsammed two peaceful protesters.

    According to the lawyers for one of the men who sued O’DeJERK in the 2020 assault, “Defendant Mayor O’Dekirk grabbed plaintiff in and around the neck area and about the body and forcefully drove him backwards and subsequently threw him to the ground. “Defendant O’Dekirk used inappropriate, unwarranted and unjustifiable force against plaintiff,” the lawsuit argues. “Defendant officers assaulted, battered and restrained plaintiff without lawful cause or justification. Following the beating, the defendant officers falsely accused plaintiff of engaging in conduct which justified their actions.”

    So Adele Nicholas should be commended for facing physical danger for taking on a mayor who is known to physically assault people when he does not get his way.

  • July 20, 2022

    The interesting point is that some of the laws are written to exclude “places where children gather”. The “playground” created by placing those spring animals still didn’t become a place children would gather. The law relates to playgrounds and Aurora’s McCarthy Park was a park with park benches. Would any parent send their kids off to play alone on two lonesome spring animals designed for children under 8 in a park otherwise only inhabited by adults without kids? Illinois provides “safe zones” for children based on exact distances regardless of barriers. A 6-lane interstate expressways with 12-foot sound barrier walls on both sides? That is still a ‘safe zone’ for children if it is close to a school and you are TOO close if you live on the other side!
    The Aurora Mayor actually built the pocket park in retaliation because the Christian based halfway house took in a convicted murderer and the mayor objected to this member of a high-profile serial-killer gang living there. When the Wayside Cross ministry refused to evict the man, the pocket park was built in retaliation. The Wayside Cross is a religious ministry with a chapel indoors where the men would have inspirational services hosted by various local pastors including the somewhat famous, Manny Mill who speaks at prisons all over the country. The mayor of Aurora as well as every other mayor can at any time make a law prohibiting the exercise of religion because the US Constitution only promises that “CONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” As long as the laws are established by mayors or by the state government RSOs can be banned from churches. In the original gospel, all sins can be forgiven, but some churches preach a NEW gospel where God isn’t all powerful but only able to forgive most sins. This new gospel is based on an amalgamation of the holy scriptures and the gospel according to their insurance carrier that gives them a discount on liability insurance if they ban RSOs. Despite apostle Paul’s teaching that ‘If we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed’ (Galatians 1:6, 8), in contrast College Church in Wheaton, IL instead of preaching that God can forgive all sins, there doctrine is that “We believe God’s grace covers all our sin, BUT there are SOME sins, in particular sexual offenses, which are extremely damaging and even life-changing to those who are victimized.” (Adopted May 9, 2019) Note the sentence isn’t complete. Any 7th grader could surmise by that the implication is that sexual sins God can’t forgive. Since the apostle Paul’s sins were sexual, we are left with apostle Paul not being saved by Jesus, thus a different gospel, therefore they are accursed since they are preaching a false gospel. Churches that turn away RSO would necessarily be preaching a gospel inconsistent with Jesus’ teachings as Jesus preached to the likes of Rahab the harlot who likely had committed sexual sins.

  • July 20, 2022

    Now I have been thru that tunnel once and that was back in the 80’s. The Government present today in Florida should reconsider/resend much or all of this registry in Florida.

    Sure I understand Florida like California is a Vacation Spot but still Justice can be a bit overrated in many states. This whole registry wasn’t thought out right and has lesion type justice for many caught up or entrapped by various methods and/or means.

    If one doesn’t give warning and leads others on than the state is just as much fault in many issues whether it be internet.. family issues..romantic encounters or many. When any state or government “tricks” up others than that is vain in and of itself.

  • July 20, 2022

    Who is responsible for this masterpiece? Is it original FAC content?

    Officials give us a gift every time they admit that the purpose is banishment.

    • July 20, 2022

      It’s FAC. Original content – you are free to distribute as you see fit.

  • July 20, 2022

    A side question for this article. What ever happened with ron books DUI ?

    • July 20, 2022

      It was plead down to a reckless driving or something similar.

    • July 20, 2022

      He got a free ticket. free ticket to ride…got off Scott free!

      I wonder, if the dude, he almost killed every sued the fcker in civil court>?


      • July 22, 2022

        The person Ron Book hit did sue and they settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. But ol’ Ronal “Stagger” Lee Book dragged it out longer than his DUI case and brought up motion after motion trying to delay the case. The guy was asking only $30k

        I still want to sue the Books for victimizing me for YEARS.

  • July 20, 2022

    Ron Book is doing everything that he can to placate his conscience over abandoning his young daughter so he could pursue the ‘dollar’.

    • July 20, 2022

      @ Capt. Yep. And he does this so as to convince his daughter that he cares and she believes him. She has spent her life time still running after her dad for his attention and love.

    • July 20, 2022

      CAPT Munsey:

      I rather think his advocacy is more about covering up other activities. His fortune grows every year and I just have too hard a time believing that it all comes from making registrant lives a living hell. Surely his contacts in Tallahassee – not to mention his bobble headed daughter – found other ways to stuff his pockets,

    • July 20, 2022

      I say this all the time. Had he actually acted as a responsible parent his daughter may have been less vulnerable to the situation that has caused him to turn vigilante. The guy continuously puts on display his ignorance and misdirected anger instead of taking a better look at himself. He really is a fool.

      BTW, Cpt much respect to you for speaking up at the commissioner meeting. They were extremely disrespectful towards you and more than condescending; it was uncalled for and unprofessional on their part. You and the other speakers did a good job.

      • July 21, 2022

        Many thanks. We are not yet through with these ‘bozos’. Next, we are going after distance restrictions which are totally unsubstantiated.


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