India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

Registrant Travel Action Group ( has updated it’s travel matrix to unfortunately reflect India and Jamaica as countries that are denying entry to individuals registered as sex offenders.

The link to their travel matrix can be found below.


445 thoughts on “India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

  • July 8, 2022

    Has anyone succeeded in this?
    My wife is in Mexico and I’m in the USA. I tried to get my Mexican citizenship through my wife but was denied. Anyone know what I can do to get my Mexican citizenship approved?

    • January 18, 2024

      Does anyone know if Ecuador is letting in SO’s?

  • June 18, 2022

    Hi, does anyone know if Guatemala or El Salvador is letting in SO or not?

  • April 13, 2022

    I am a registered sex offender (Tier 1). Just received my new US passport (April 8, 2022) , but there is no “unique identifier” anywhere in the passport. I did submit a signed statement with my passport application notifying that I am a covered sex offender under IML .
    Is it OK travel to India to see my 92-year-old mother who is very sick and return to USA with this passport? Will it be revoked?
    Also, has anyone travelled to India? Will I be refused entry to India?

    • April 13, 2022

      might as well give it a shot…50/50 crap shoot..
      be better too to get some kind of proof from dr or what ever to prove your grandmother is Ill some ppl do have a heart. not like the US where they are heartless

    • April 15, 2022

      I am in the same boat as you as I plan to travel to India(I am an Indian origin but no longer have Indian passport or no longer being Indian citizen. So I am wondering if anyone with Indian origin travelled to India and denied?

      • August 1, 2022

        Hi Pranav, please share if you were able to travel to India. I am in same situation and feeling hopeless. Thanks AK

        • August 1, 2022

          Are you Indian too? Are you moving back to India? What state are you in? Do you have a child case?

        • August 1, 2022

          I haven’t had a chance to travel to India but I plan to go by end of this year or January. Are you a US citizen or do you have valid indian visa? I hold Overseas citizen of India(OCI) however I no longer have Indian citizenship.

        • September 26, 2022

          Hi, Here’s my situation: have child case recently got US citizenship and planning to visit India. Am tier1 with SOR for 10 years only. Will I get denied entry to India for a family visit? Please share your thoughts and experience. Thanks

          • September 26, 2022

            Please give me a call so that we can get in touch. I am travelling to India soon and I have a child case as well. I am a us citizen now and have OCI card.

            My number is REDACTED

          • September 27, 2022

            Looks like we cannot share our #. Share your Linkedin profile or first part of your gmail or yahoo etc

          • September 27, 2022

            here is my first part of my yahoo: punreddy1983

      • August 1, 2022

        Did you travel to India? What state are you in? Do you have a child case?

    • October 9, 2022

      You will be turned away at customs. You will then have to fly back home on any flight they can get you on immediately. Then you will have to go through customs at every airport. Once you’re back home you will receive a letter to surrender your passport and reapply and pay for a new one. I know from my personal experience trying to go to Punta Cana. It was horrible how they treated me in a country where English was not their first language and I had a valid passport.

    • October 10, 2022

      I am in the same boat as you. I believe you are travelling to India this month? Can you please reach out to me so that we can go over the travel experience? I knew a person travelled to India this year.

      My email is:

  • January 24, 2022

    Has anyone traveled to Puerto Rico recently? Did you have to do anything while you were there? My husband is RSO no probation no restrictions. We recently traveled to US Virgin Islands. No issues, but he did have to go to a government office and check in while we were there. And upon leaving during customs he was taken to a small room and asked questions. All was well. But wondering does he have to do that for Puerto Rico as well? Puerto Rico is different because it doesn’t have customs for US travelers. Thank you

    • January 24, 2022

      Puerto Rico is considered the US as far as travel is considered, like traveling to another state. Check with it’s local ordinances and all should be well.

      • January 24, 2022

        Thank you. I’m trying to find information on their website but it’s all in Spanish.

      • February 22, 2022

        Has anyone traveled to Puerto Rico? We have a trip planned there. But I can’t find anything on who to contact about my travel there. The only thing I did find out was that Puerto Rico does not require notification. However, this was from a third party website and I just want to make sure that is true.

    • January 24, 2022

      “And upon leaving during customs he was taken to a small room and asked questions.”

      That is The Problem: When you Leave The USVI’s a ‘Person Forced to Register’, Homeland Security(TSA) Along With Customs Border Patrol are Creating a New Scheme That is Not Governed By Codified Numerical Statute….The Homeland Security Dude/Dudette Takes Your ID and Tells You to Follow him/her and tells you “new procedure you have to follow”
      and Takes you to a Locked Windowed Room with a Goon from Customs Border Control and Then They Question You and They Make you fill out a Customs Declaration Form….Well, The USVI is Part of the USA and no other persons leaving the USVI’s HAVE TO fill out this form and be further questioned!..IT IS TOTAL TOTAL HOGWASH!


      Again, Made up PHENOMENA, like Compliance Checks!

      • January 24, 2022

        And these asinine things are one of the reasons I do not travel. The second is, I am so broke, I cannot even pay attention. 🙁

        • January 24, 2022


          I only Travel When I Have Too…

          To See My Mom for 71 Hours Per Annum….

          And, For Business Purposes, When I Have to!

          Other Than That, I am, Happy to Have Google Duo!

  • December 25, 2021

    Hi, does anyone know if SO’s are allowed to enter El Salvador?


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