India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

Registrant Travel Action Group ( has updated it’s travel matrix to unfortunately reflect India and Jamaica as countries that are denying entry to individuals registered as sex offenders.

The link to their travel matrix can be found below.


445 thoughts on “India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

  • February 15, 2021

    I’m thinking about moving to Europe. Does anyone know if SO’s can enter Portugal?

    • March 10, 2021

      Can a RSO travel to Columbia?

      • August 10, 2021

        Gregory, no. I spent 6 months in Colombia total. I went in 2013 and 2015 for 3 months each. No problems. In 2017 I was denied entry. Since then they have been rejecting registrants because the US government has convinced them to ban them.

    • July 6, 2021

      You should have no difficulty entering any of the Schengen countries of Europe (of which Portugal is one). I have visited France numerous times in recent years without any entry problems (except once when our US DOS mis-identified me as a fugitive – that was fun!😁)

  • February 15, 2021

    Are the countries St. Kitts or Dominica granting entry to SO’s?

    • February 17, 2021

      I would like to know about St. Kitts/ Nevis as well! I’m confused one page said no to St. Lucia and another said yes…any personal experiences?

  • February 15, 2021

    Hi, does anyone know if Greece is letting in SO’s?

    • June 30, 2021

      I was denied entry for a 2006 conviction on Tuesday June 22, 2021
      Level 1, Federal Conviction….CALL GREEK MINISTRY OF INTERIOR or GREEK CUSTOMS POLICE to find out if you are blocked, save yourself TONS OF MISERY.

      • June 30, 2021

        Hey this is crazy news. Can you please provide more detail.

        Do you have a marker on your passport? Did you give the US 3 weeks notice before traveling.

        Did they deny you at customs or when getting off the plane?

        • July 6, 2021

          I do not have a marker on passport. i was refused by customs. Level 1 means lowest risk in federal system.

      • June 30, 2021

        Can you please provide more detail of your denial. What do you mean by level 1 federal conviction?

        As of now there has been no reports of denial in Europe.

        Did you give notice to the police before traveling and was your passport marked?

        • July 6, 2021

          I gave 30 days notice, i visited Greece in 2018, 2019, with no problem. This was absolutely horrible experience. I was detained in customs police area for 7 hours, then transferred to another building (supposedly not a jail but multiple levels of gaurds, multiple barbwire fencing, steel bars on windows, armed police and federal guards inside..not able to leave. kinda sounds like jail ?? long story..horrible !!!

          • July 6, 2021

            This is the first hearing any European country denying a SO. I’m so sorry to hear this. Did they pull you off the plane or was it at customs when they scanned your passport? Did you have a chance to explain your situation.

            Also was your crime a federal or state crime?

            Thank you for the follow up

          • July 6, 2021

            Sounds horrible 🙁 was your crime a state or federal crime? Not sure if that plays a roll.

            Also was it after they scanned your passport did they detain you?

            I went to greece back in 2017 from Amsterdam and had no problems. This is sad

          • July 6, 2021

            Is it because the crime was federal? Has anyone without a federal case been turned away?

          • July 6, 2021

            There’s no difference

          • July 7, 2021

            Did they tell you why they were denying you entry?

          • July 14, 2021

            Did they tell you if your denial was because of your conviction or because of some covid19 related law?

    • July 6, 2021

      You should have no difficulty entering any of the Schengen countries of Europe (of which Greece is one). 👍🏻

  • February 12, 2021

    I’m a RSO has anyone ever traveled to Dominican Republic, Columbia or Jamaica

    • February 24, 2021

      Sorry to report but I know a RSO who was denied entry to Dominican Republic a few years ago.

      • February 25, 2021

        I was denied Entry into the Dominican Republic on February 1, 2021. They had my name when I got off the plane, they pulled me to the side and took me right back and I flew back home in the next plane.

        • March 9, 2021

          My crime took place in 2011 and I just found out today about the restrictions. I am scheduled to fly Thursday morning with my children for the burial and service for my father. Should I contact the embassy?

          • March 9, 2021

            Yes you should contact them ASAP. My crime took place in 2001. I fly over there on February 1 they turned me around.

          • March 10, 2021

            Thanks again for your help.
            BTW- My passport does not bear the identifier and it was just issued July 2020. Is this a good thing?

          • March 10, 2021

            My passport doesn’t have the identifier either, and it was issued in June 2020 as well. I just know my experience a lot of lotta money on hotels airfare etc.

          • March 10, 2021

            I confirmed with the embassy and there is no way in unless the person at customs shows me grace. Praying.

          • March 9, 2021

            Hello Greg

            Had you not contacted the SOR before going? I am thinking of contacting the embassy tomorrow. I honestly did not know I was suppose to contact SORB 21 days before traveling. We have been planning since last year to have a decent service and bury my father.
            Thanks for your answer and help.
            Have you considered being reclassified to then eventually getting off the list.

          • March 10, 2021

            No I did not contact sors I didn’t know. I have contacted an attorney to try to get off the registry of course it’s $10,000 upfront. So that is my next move. Although when I first got home from prison the Bureau of investigation in my state sent a letter to the sheriffs department saying that my crime was not a sex offense and I did not have to register. My probation officer at the time said she didn’t care with the Bureau of investigation said my JNC says I must register

          • March 10, 2021

            Yikes! $10K is heavy. For help with Reclassification in Massachusetts is $5k and you can add an extra $3K if court time needed. I am writing up my motion on my own with a template I found online. Eventually I will attempt to be pardoned, sealed or expunged. Good luck with the process Mr. Greg. Some probation officers are power hungry or implement fear tactics even when it is not warranted. Wish me well everyone. I believe if God wants me there I will be there.

          • March 10, 2021

            Are you in Boston? How is the registry there? Levels 1-3?

          • March 10, 2021


            If you still have family where your loved one died, it might be better to have a loved one speak on your behalf to the officials. Have them explain you just want to come for the funeral and if they want, you will leave right after the funeral.

            If that doesnt work you can even agree to have a police official escort you to the funeral and back to the airport.

            Prayers for you my friend. que Dios te bendiga

          • March 10, 2021

            Thanks for the encouragement CherokeeJack.

            For Mr. Rocky- the crime took place in Massachusetts. Yep on the levels. One can request reclassification every 3 years.

          • July 6, 2021

            YES …sorry for your loss, but most countries have zero sympathy for SOs.

          • July 6, 2021

            Countries may not “have sympathy for SOs”, but most European countries are also not sympathetic to America’s sex offender hysteria. They think Americans are freaky about anything sex-related (and they’re correct.)
            – David

          • July 6, 2021


            Some countries are changing their ways. When I went to Amsterdam, they still had the ladies in the windows in the red light district. (I walked it during the day just to say I had been there on my resume’) lol

            I get a few travel magazines even though I stopped paying for the years ago. recently, One article said they cleaned up the sleezy areas and the ladies in the windows are no longer.

  • February 8, 2021

    Hi, has anyone traveled to Italy recently? Or does anyone know if Italy is letting in SOs?

    • February 8, 2021

      I have traveled to Italy recently via Germany, but all EU/Schengen states have the same relaxed rules. No problem, and no border checkpoints between European countries (Except UK/GB). There is a border checkpoint at Switzerland (they didn’t join the EU) but they don’t really stop anyone, just wave at you.

      • February 8, 2021

        Did you give 21 day notice in the USA? How did you travel during COVID?

  • February 3, 2021

    I’m a level one sex offender just got put on. I am taking my family and moving to Germany! I am not sticking around to be harassed by the system. My charge wasn’t touching, but just TEXTING… Rather going to trial I took the plea deal. It kills me they have a registry for texting, but not one for people that committed murder.

    • February 3, 2021

      I’ve traveled to Germany several times since my conviction. Never a problem, border control is always very polite. I just went as a tourist though.

    • February 8, 2021

      When are you leaving? No COVID issues? job lined up?

      • February 9, 2021

        Within the next 5months! I have already got my vaccine shot, thanks to my wife being in the medical field. I have 90 days visa free, so in that time I’ll find a job. We have plenty in savings.

        • February 12, 2021

          Can you speak German?


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