India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

Registrant Travel Action Group ( has updated it’s travel matrix to unfortunately reflect India and Jamaica as countries that are denying entry to individuals registered as sex offenders.

The link to their travel matrix can be found below.


445 thoughts on “India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

  • January 29, 2021

    I am a first time level one sex offender. I am looking to move out of America and want to know if anyone know how I can go about it.

  • January 21, 2021

    What is the status of Jamaica? I am a rso misdemeanor charge 20 years ago

    • January 23, 2021

      NOPE…You CANT GO

      unless u got a private jet in and out and pay off the police….

  • January 19, 2021

    Has anyone had any experience traveling to the Bahamas, British Virgin Islands or the US Virgin Islands? My husband is RSO and we want to take a trip to one of these places.

    • January 19, 2021

      Yes went to the Bahamas in 2019. Was pulled aside and asked questions about my crime but they said I was fine.

      Anything US territory is perfectly fine since you aren’t leaving the country.

      • January 20, 2021

        So does anyone know if you can travel to Bolivia as a tier 1 RSO?
        And once you have been removed from the registry in your state (when your required registration ends) can you obtain a passport without the RSO designation?

        • February 24, 2021

          I don’t know about travel to Bolivia.

          My 15yr registration ends in a few months. My passport was revoked a year ago. I plan to re-apply without special designation in my passport.

          • February 25, 2021

            Let us know how it goes on your new passport if you get the scarlet letter or not

          • October 3, 2021

            I Just want to share this with the group. On August 8, 2012 I left my home for a planned vacation to a Europe, namely Croatia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia to do a fitness comparison study of the Eastern Block vs the US population age over 65. I gave the proper notice prior to travel. Got to the ticket counter and two border patrol officers take my passport from the agent, call me over politely and tell me that my passport has been revoked. Just like that, bam! Ruined vacation and loss of all funds because of the “no refund” policy. Perhaps I should have known about this but I had no idea. After researching on line I applied for a new passport on August 24th and received it in the mail September 23rd. Of course it has the endorsement on it. I travel a lot. I don’t focus on where I CAN NOT GO. After getting turned away from Mexico and Dominican Republic, I focus on Europe and the Middle East. I am not sure if the “scarlet letter” will have any affect on being allowed in countries or not. Stay positive everyone!!!

          • October 3, 2021

            Not 2012. This happened this year 2021

          • October 5, 2021

            Thank you for the clarification.

          • October 4, 2021

            I did not realize Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was on the registry

          • October 4, 2021

            Don’t start rumors please. I am NOT the legendary basketball player. Just the same name

          • March 10, 2021

            Did they inform you why they revoked your passport? The reason I ask is, some on here are saying that happen and others on here are making several trips abroad, per year with no issues?

            I self revoked mine as it became too much of a hassle to try, and since I cannot work I couldn’t afford it anyway. I last traveled back in 2012

          • March 10, 2021

            I’m trying to travel to Medellin Columbia can we go there or can you tell me where I can call to find out

      • February 12, 2021

        Do you have to give a 21 day notice when traveling to the Saint Thomas USVI

    • January 19, 2021

      Of those three, USVI will be the easiest for your husband by far. He should be sure to check USVI registration laws before he goes, and be ready to comply with them.

      But the other two would be far more complicated by International Megan’s Law, and there’s even a chance he’d be turned away.

      (I’m assuming here that he’s American).

      • January 19, 2021

        I’ve been to St. Thomas (USVI) a couple of times. Definitely register when you’re there. The officers will check and will verify you registered while you were there. It’s pretty painless to register there however.

        • January 19, 2021

          What exactly do you mean by register while you are there and officers will check you registered?

          • January 20, 2021

            Regarding registering – I mean it’s no different than having to register as per local laws of any state or territory in the United States. You have to go down to the local PD and register in person. You give them the hotel/lodging information and they give you a piece of paper indicating your registered.

            When you leave the island the TSA will pull you aside and ask if you have been registered (much like traveling internationally). If you don’t have the piece of paper they have the option of arresting you for non-compliance as it would in any state. I did that once and was given a stern warning to not do that again. So the second time I went through I registered and quiet smugly handed them the registration document. I think they were a bit disappointed, but my paperwork was in order so I went right through.

            Given the hurricanes that have happened since I was there I’m not sure if the address information is correct or not, but when I registered I went to 3438 Kronprindsens Gade GERS Building, 2nd Floor St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802 340-774-5666. It’s a small area on the 2nd floor.

            It’s not any different than registering anywhere else. The people doing the registration roll their eyes because they know the registry is dumb, but they know the process, may ask you a few questions and then get you out. I don’t think I was there more than an hour – maybe less.

          • January 25, 2021


            To Clarify, it is the USVI Department of Justice Building to which you are referring; it is NOT the police department;

            There is NO ‘IN PERSON REPORTING’ DUE TO SARS-COV-2; One would have to call the number and leave a message of which is NOT GUARANTEED!


          • January 25, 2021

            When did you visit? Sounds like you had trouble. What did they question you about?

        • February 25, 2021

          Do you have to give a 21day notice when traveling to USVI?

          • February 25, 2021


            In theory you shouldn’t have to because it’s a US Territory, but that being said, when you travel to St. Thomas the TSA is way more assertive about checking people than say Puerto Rico. That being said, I have a good working relationship (if you want to call it that) with the registration office and as a courtesy I would let him know about my travels. At this time we (those who register) don’t have to do travel notifications going state to state. This is effectively the same thing as a US Territory is effectively a US State. That ALL being said – do you/should you risk that kind of travel without at least covering the basics?

          • February 25, 2021

            Please Remember, When traveling to the USVI’s, is known as the last line of defense…
            It is located 10 miles from the British Virgin Islands, and as such, One must clear though Immigration and Customs when leaving…

            You first will see Homeland Security…your name will pop up and you will be escorted to Customs Border Patrol…

            You will have to fill out a Customs Declaration Form; which is actually illegal (but that is a whole other story), and they will question everything about you…
            Under law, you are only to give them the address to which you are returning…that is it…do not say anything…they will let you go; but they will try and harass you!….

            I am currently also suing the CBP as they basically stripped search me, and that WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA….I have recently stripped the CBP Officer of her Qualified Immunity Status and am Suing her in Civil Court….stay tuned, News at Eleven!

          • February 25, 2021

            I just got back from St Thomas on Monday, February 23. I contacted the DOJ in ST Thomas the lady’s name is Nyetihag Todman, (340) 774-5666 ext. 10191 her email address is I called her and she had me to send in a copy of my drivers license, the address where I was to stay and flight itinerary. She then email me my paperwork. When I came back to the main land NO one asked me for the paperwork. I went thru customs in Saint Thomas and there was custom agents checking begs on the ramp exiting the plane in Atlanta when I returned.

          • October 5, 2021


            She is obviously Nicer to OTHERS!

            enjoy your day!

    • January 24, 2021

      Went to the US Virgin Islands in November 2020; make sure you register when you arrive if you plan on staying more than 3 days. You have to go through customs when you return to the mainland and they will detain you and ask if you complied with the local laws as well as reported the trip to your local registering authority.

    • April 12, 2021

      The Bahamas is no problem. My charge is 20 years old. Followed the law 21 day notice. Pulled a side when i arrived. They were so respectful and didn’t want to speak about my crime in front of my wife. She laughed. He was 21 and she was 16. Welcome to America ! Been back 3 times in 2 years. They don’t even speak now. Come and go as please. When i arrive back in Florida do my little interview and let them
      Check my phones . I have family pictures on my phone. So i do a back up and completely wipe my phone and hand it to them. They have no right looking at photos of my wife or children. Just always stay polite and never defensive .

      • April 13, 2021


        You should speak to a lawyer. I know it has been a while since I traveled, but even when I was treated like crap by TSA, they never touched my phone. Pretty sure that is a civil rights violation. Unless you are on probation and your probation officer orders it, that your phone being accessed is illegal without a warrant?

        Speak to a lawyer ASAP

        • April 13, 2021

          I read that as they looked at his phone in the Bahamas not here in the USA… our civil rights end at the border and other countries can do as they wish…

          • April 13, 2021

            US Customs Agents need zero legal reason to search any item you are traveling with, they are authorized to do so.

          • April 13, 2021


            I just looked, this must be new but you are right. Wow

            Found this article online

            ” Searches of phones were skyrocketing. Border agents inspected 30,200 phones and other devices last year — an increase of nearly 60 per cent from 2016. U.S. officials say it remains a minuscule percentage of overall travellers — 0.007 per cent, or roughly one per 13,000. The Department of Homeland Security says it’s necessary to combat crimes like terrorism and child pornography.”

          • April 14, 2021

            Yup – nothing like being able to claim the legal right to violate civil rights in the name of combating terrorism and child pornography… I mean who would ever push back against that?

          • April 13, 2021

            Ah – true true. I forgot we’ve got that awful law that allows customs agents to invade everyone’s privacy within 100 miles of the border.

          • April 13, 2021


            Please re-read.

            “When i arrive back in Florida do my little interview and let them Check my phones . I have family pictures on my phone.”

            Not to be a jerk, but last I checked, Florida is in the U.S. But who knows, weirder things have happened. Maybe we got sold on ebay.

      • July 6, 2021

        Thank you for sharing that very good, encouraging news. I’ve really been hoping to return to the Bahamas. Its been 30-something years and I really miss the place!
        – David

    • April 27, 2021

      Sheri – Did you end up going to the US virgin Islands? I would like to travel there myself. Please let me know if you had any issues

      • April 28, 2021

        Planning the trip for this December. I’ll report back. But sounds like it should be pretty smooth.
        We are also thinking Puerto Rico next year. Anyone have experience with travels there?

        • April 28, 2021


          If you are a U.S citizen, not sure how they can block you from Puerto Rico since you don’t even need a passport to go there if you are a U.S citizen. It is a U.S Territory. That doesn’t mean they won’t harass a registered citizen but that happened to me every time I re-entered the U.S so I was use to it.

          If you are NOT a U.S citizen, not sure what the rules are.

        • April 28, 2021

          SO’s shouldn’t have to worry about being turned around when traveling to Puerto Rico because it is considered U.S. territory. Any U.S. citizen can travel to any of the U.S. territories without a passport because it is considered the same as traveling to any other U.S. state. There are five U.S. territories and the five passport free U.S. territories are:
          1.) Puerto Rico
          2.) U.S. Virgin Islands
          3.) Northern Mariana Islands
          4.) Guam
          5.) American Samoa
          Since these are all U.S. territories they also have their own sex offender registry just like any other state in the U.S. also. Hope this Info helps.

          • April 29, 2021

            Thank you. Does anyone have experience using a passport that was issued prior to conviction?

          • April 29, 2021

            unless it’s cancelled it should be fine

          • April 29, 2021

            I still have mine prior to conviction and when I use it I am not returning. I am moving to Ukraine

          • April 29, 2021

            I thought about moving to an European country too. Any tips or advice you can give? What are the requirements to move to Ukraine?

          • April 29, 2021

            To move to Ukraine I have opened a business which I have applied for a TPR permit to live in the country based off my company. When applying for the visa they do not check criminal history and don’t care, Germany is the same way.

          • April 29, 2021


            I wish you well. If Russia has their way, all of Ukraine will be theres. Years ago they invaded and took over Crimea. They just recently blocked some channels and are ramping up troop presence in that area. Many believe they are moving to take more territory.
            Stay safe and bring along a Russian dictionary just in case.

          • May 8, 2021

            Thanks you for the info. May I ask what kind of business did you open?

          • April 29, 2021

            It will likely be canceled by now. They should have sent a letter however. You might call and make sure it’s still good without mentioning details.

          • April 29, 2021

            Yes…Never had a problem…

            Also, I recently renewed mine and there is no identifier mark on it…I also was issued a passport card…….

          • April 30, 2021

            Can someone tell me what happens when you register to travel to another state. If staying at a friends Does that person’s address become public is that in the registry?

          • April 30, 2021

            It appears as a temporary address. It is public.

          • April 30, 2021

            Out-of-state addresses don’t appear, FAC, but only city state & zip. Right?

          • April 30, 2021

            Ok now that makes sense. Sometimes I have seen so’s info just as city and state…they must be Visitng.
            Does anyone know of a spousal support group?

          • April 30, 2021

            Search out-of-state persons & u’ll see street addresses are nonpublic.

          • April 30, 2021

            Jacob – you are correct! We are going to delete our reply.

          • April 30, 2021

            But is your picture up? How long does it stay on that state’s registry?

          • April 30, 2021


            That seem punishment towards people who have nothing to do with the registry. As you know very well, Florida for example keeps address and people in their data bases after you move away and even if you die.

            So you go visit a friend and their address gets put on the registry and when you leave, if it is not removed, God help those people living there. We are far past the registry being “Enough is enough” and to the point of Marxism.

          • April 30, 2021

            The addresses are removed when you move.

          • May 1, 2021

            If you are staying at a hotel you would put the hotel information down in the Visiting state? Does that ever cause an issue with the hotel?

    • January 17, 2022

      Bahamas is fine by cruise ship . I don’t know about by air. We went to the Bahamas and no issue until we returned to the United States then boarder control stopped us for about 45min went through phones and bags and asked questions then let us be on our way. We also went to Mexico via cruise and no issue at first Mexican port of call but while about to disembark the second port “cozmel ” boarder control stopped the ships departure for about an hour while they checked out passports for a few people but then let us go without even questioning us. My husband is rso his crime was over 25yrs ago only one offense she was 17 and lied about her age he was 21 and they were drunk he got the book thrown at him. He is a lifetime registered sex offender for it. His passport does not have a mark and has been used several times in 2020 and 2021

      • January 17, 2022

        Which cruise line did you go on?

    • January 17, 2022

      Just returned from St. Thomas USVI last week. Make sure you register when you get to St. Thomas—they WILL check the system when you go through customs to return to the US. USVI Registration is via email right now because of Covid; but save all email correspondence with the USVI Department of Justice Registration office, because they WILL ask to see the paperwork you fill out to register.

      • January 18, 2022


        Reminds me of the SS in Germany during WWII asking “Papers, let me see your papers”.
        If you were caught without proper documents you could be arrested or shot on the spot. Everyone had to carry them to prove you were not a registered person (Or in this case, a Jew).

        Was shameful then, it is shameful now.

      • January 18, 2022

        I’ve been there (trying to leave St. Thomas and being asked for papers). The first time I had no idea it was a requirement and got a VERY stern warning when leaving. The second time I followed the registration process to a “T”. When departing I got pulled aside again and it was almost as if they were disappointed that I was compliant. It’s like they enjoy busting folks.

        Plus – I simply don’t understand the TSA there. St. Thomas is a US territory and I only need a drivers license to travel there/back. I never left the territory. My travel to/from there technically never left the US territory (US mainland, Puerto Rico to St. Thomas and back). Basically I see it as a precursor to how it’s going to be anytime we travel within the continental US.

        • January 18, 2022

          That’s right. I would Register exactly as required. But I don’t have to show anyone proof of that and I’m not going to. If you play along with their games you are only legitimizing it.

          They can put me in their jail for as long as it takes them to figure out I did nothing wrong. Then I will definitely sue them. A lot of people talk a big game but when it comes down to it they don’t even want to be inconvenienced for 15 minutes. Isn’t that how MLK did it? Avoided all inconveniences?

  • January 11, 2021

    Hi, does anyone know if Guatemala is letting in SO or not?

    • August 10, 2021

      Guatemala has changed. I spent 5 months there in 2020. Was trapped 2 extra months because of Covid. Had no issues entering and they just stamped me in. I was returning this June 2021 and was denied entry and put right back on thr plane to Atlanta. Some Guatemalan agents with HSI shirts showed up to interview me. ICE investigations now has foreign offices with cooperatives with the local governments to insure we don’t pass through customs. You need to check to see if HSI now has an office in your intended country or they will come to the airport to make sure that customs doesn’t wave you through. This makes 3 countries I have now been denied entry to that recently would let me enter without any hassle. The countries beginning to deny registrants is increasing rapidly.

      • August 10, 2021


        Does your passport have a SO stamp and did you notify the local police of your travel before going to Guatemala?

        Also did they stop you after scanning your passport or did they come find you off the plane?

        Could you also mention the other countries you were denied?

        All this would help greatly. I am in the process of getting a second passport from a different country

        • August 11, 2021

          Which country are you getting a second passport from? How much is that costing?

          • August 11, 2021

            Turkey. I did the citizenship program and got 2 apartments that I’m renting out. Need to spend 300k to be eligible and no they don’t care if your a SO.

            You also can have your first and last name changed but it needs to be a Turkish name. Which I did.

            To be fully safe you will notify 21 of the first country you will go to. And then from that hub travel with your Turkish.

            Hope this helps

          • August 12, 2021

            Do you speak Turkish? Did you buy property first? Do you live in the USA or Turkey?

          • August 12, 2021

            I don’t speak Turkish.

            I traveled there for 3 weeks. Met a realtor that speaks English and does the citizenship by investment programs and bought two properties worth 300k to be eligible.

            I live in the US

      • August 11, 2021

        All, PLEASE share accounts like this with RTAG, in the form of a Travel Experience Report, so they can update the Registrant Travel Matrix. Right now that matrix still says Guatemala is acceptable for registrants.

  • January 10, 2021

    Hey people, I was curious if anyone knew anything about traveling to Japan. I had done a bit research myself and saw I could talk to the Japan Embassy, and they could approve entry into the country. I was just curious if anyone else had any real world experience

    • January 11, 2021

      Japan is one of the strictest in the world about granting a visa to anyone with a criminal conviction. Any prior felony is likely going to be a no. But it can’t hurt to to try.

    • January 11, 2021

      I have been working on going to Japan for a few years. The embassy won’t tell you anything. I have emailed on 3 different occasions.

      It depends on your crime
      -Time spent in prison (has to be less than a year)
      -can’t be drug related
      Upon arrival there will be a card to fill out and it asks if you’ve ever been commuted of a crime in any country.

      It will really depend on your crime and who your customs agent is. Iv heard people marking yes and talking there way through and some marking no and there crime not showing up. (These scenarios were none sex Offences)

      Do some additional research but hope this helps

    • January 30, 2021

      I have to ask you why In hell would you go to any embassy tell them your a RSO? damn your putting a target on your back not even to mention opening pandoras box you will never close again

  • November 16, 2020

    I am 82 yrs old. SO in 1972. Did 3 yrs. Released 1975, Then RSO. Had 2nd prison term for unrelated offense. CA added GPS Law during THIS term. Upon release, NOW wear GPS 3 years of parole ending July 2021. CA has Lifetime SOR. New Law takes some OFF SOR in 10 yrs/20 yrs, on a Tiers basis, depending on your offense details & Risk Level. Once again we are bit by States passing get tough, ex post facto, feel good Laws, that deny moving on with life. I must register until I die!


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