India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

Registrant Travel Action Group ( has updated it’s travel matrix to unfortunately reflect India and Jamaica as countries that are denying entry to individuals registered as sex offenders.

The link to their travel matrix can be found below.


445 thoughts on “India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

  • September 22, 2020

    Can anybody tell me if RSOs are allowed entrance to the Dominican Republic? My husband is a level 3 registrant and we are wanting to celebrate our anniversary in DR.

    • September 23, 2020

      I can tell you with 100% certainty that they will NOT allow him entry and will return him to the USA.

      Puerto Rico is much cleaner and you can go there with no issue as it is part of the good old USA!

      • September 24, 2020

        Thank you 🙂

  • July 27, 2020

    Does anyone know if a RSO can permanently move to Dubai? If not how about move to any other country.

    • July 27, 2020

      You would notify your local reg office of your intent to relocate and your travel plans. The rest up to the destination country if they will or will not admit you and how they’d go about authorising permanent residency or citizenship. Every country is different.

    • August 6, 2020

      Dubai won’t let you in. You have to get off the registry first.

      You’re on their for life you say?

      Do you believe everything the government tells you?

      Think outside the box. What’s the onething you can control to get off the registry? Presidential pardon is not the answer. It’s location. You can only be on a registry if it exists.

      Many country’s don’t. Pick your country. Research citizenship laws in their country ando go from there.

      • September 17, 2020

        This is awesome information. Thank you.

        • September 17, 2020

          Anybody have any info on disney and their new online prepurchase policy now even for day passes? Anyone have any issues yet?

          • September 22, 2020

            Can you not purchase tickets at the gate? Have you tried calling and asking?

          • December 23, 2020

            You cannot. As a traveling RSO you have to file your itinerary with 21 days notice. That includes flight numbers. During the 21 day notice period, Angel Watch sends your destination country a Green Notice about your arrival.
            European countries don’t care, except for Great Britain.

          • January 11, 2021

            I have prepurchased day tickets and stayed in hotels several times linked to my Disney account and didn’t have a problem. When I purchased an annual pass I was trespassed and refunded.

          • January 11, 2021

            Purchasing day passes does not trigger issues, according to numerous reports.

          • January 11, 2021

            Even with the new online purchase requirement?

          • January 11, 2021


          • April 13, 2021

            Hi….just want to be sure on visiting Disney and other parks in Central Florida. Are you saying that you have no problems when you buy a day pass at the gate or local establishment?? I have been told you have to show ID and that will get you flagged as RSO.
            Thank You

          • April 14, 2021

            Hi Lou,
            That has been my experience. Disney was never a problem even when buying individual day tickets. I bought them several times online and linked to my magic band account. But I did get flagged and escorted out when I purchased a pass.

          • April 14, 2021


            I saw on the news recently that Disney requires ALL vistors to make an advanced reservation. Without a reservation, you will not be let in. I personally use to go in with a cast member on a free pass, even that has been ruined now.

            The reservation allows them to do several things. One is it gives them an idea of the amount of people they can let into the park. Secondly, they can run names through the registry. Plus it is $25 for one day of parking. Would suck to pay $25 and then be told to leave. And you don’t just get told to leave, you are trespassed and banned for life if you are on property as a registered person.

            Because of all the sucky crap they piled on us, I shredded my passport and will not give a dime to the economy. I just got food stamps finally. The Government can support me until the registry is appealed.

          • January 18, 2022

            If Disney has ruined it, good, they don’t deserve our business anyway. I highly recommend not feeding the beast that wants only harm for us. We are sticking our arms into the cage of the tiger to give them a morsel, but I assure you they will use that opportunity to take much more from us.

            We need to refrain from handing over our resources to the other side. That’s just plain foolishness. The money is much better spent in a donation to FAC or others who are advocating for us, not against us. Is the entertainment value really worth it?

  • July 22, 2020

    Hi, my husband is an RSO but off probation and no restriction he’s Arizona now, if he leave in US and stay overseas for 6 months did he need to report it? before if he did vacation he don’t inform to gov. but now he will live overseas for 6 months did he need to inform the gov.? I hope someone can answer my question. Thank you

    • July 22, 2020

      Yes he needs to notify at least 21 days before he leaves.

      • December 19, 2020

        Is there any RSO that has been to Jamaica since then and accepted into the country?

    • April 15, 2021

      Has anyone tried disney on the new system. Please i dont want to embarrass my children.

      • April 15, 2021

        Can confirm that Universal Studios and Busch Gardens are no problem, have taken my kids to both in the last couple of months

      • April 16, 2021


        If you look below I have posted about this numerous times. First off, Disney no longer allows walk ups. Everything is by reservation now. If you are on the registry, you will be escorted off property by the Orange County Sheriff’s office (They have an entire team of dedicated officers who work on site) and trespassed for life.

        You might ask what you did wrong to be trespassed? They will tell you that they have the right to trespass any person for any reason as it is private property. The reason is, if you are on the registry, they want to protect the other guest and themselves from liability. I guess they think we all hang out in the bathrooms waiting to pounce.

        You can try it if you want to, I will give you a prize if you get in because you will be the first person on the registry in over a year to be able to get in. I use to “Sneek” in with an employee but even that has stopped. That employee was my son’s roomate. My son called my back in February saying they are making EVERYONE show ID now even if going in on an employee pass.

        That ID is run against a National data base that Disney aquirred from the Feds to check for those on the registry. Good luck. If you get in, remember, you get a prize from me because you will defy gravity with your entrance.
        If you are no longer on the registry, you might have a shot.

        • April 16, 2021

          People have gotten in during the past year. Fact!

          • April 16, 2021

            Gosh now you see how torn. Assuming the past year is the online ticketing?

          • April 16, 2021

            Online tickets have been an option for at least 10 years; since COVID it’s mandatory. I never had a problem with buying online tickets and getting in; the problem came when purchasing an annual pass.
            Since then I’ve changed my way of thinking. Why give huge piles of money to someone that would trespass me if they found out I was there?

          • April 16, 2021


            Well, I wish them luck, I really do.

        • April 16, 2021

          Please don’t spread misinformation or BS on here. I go to Disney 3 times a year and never have had a problem. I even went last February.

          Disney never checks for your ID they just check to see the ticket matches the face. If they do check ID it’s just to see your name matches your ticket. There is never a step in their process where they check your name to a data base.

          If wrong link the website or article that says they do background checks on every guest. I know Florida cracked down on cast members in 2014. What you’re saying is completely fabricated.

          Provide some proof or don’t post BS.

  • July 3, 2020

    Has anyone travelled to Seychelles as an RSO?

  • January 23, 2020

    Does anyone know if RSOs are allowed into Rwanda?

  • September 10, 2019

    How about Turks and cacios


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