India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

Registrant Travel Action Group ( has updated it’s travel matrix to unfortunately reflect India and Jamaica as countries that are denying entry to individuals registered as sex offenders.

The link to their travel matrix can be found below.


445 thoughts on “India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders

  • October 30, 2017

    Their matrix is a Helpful resource. Thank you.

    Any new word on the new passport identifiers?

    • October 30, 2017

      Yes, there was a separate post. Look out for a notice from the Department of State informing you that you need to get a new one.

      • October 30, 2017

        Just saw it. Thanks. Have a trip to Europe planned in a few months. Getting in there is never a problem but coming home is a nightmare.

        • October 30, 2017

          The good news is that they don’t deny you re-entry into the US. They just usually take you into secondary screening, ask you a bunch of humiliating questions, go through your bags to ensure you’re not trafficking children, check to make sure you’re not wanted anyplace and then send you on your way.
          I always tell whoever is picking me up at the airport to arrive an hour after the scheduled arrival time to accommodate this process. They usually wait longer anyhow.

          • October 30, 2017

            I almost wish they would deny my re entry and send me back to Germany where my “offense” isn’t even illegal.

  • October 30, 2017

    It is bad when the federal government makes up EX post facto rules and laws
    I figure ine day that even after people get off their probation they will
    Not be allowed to leave the county or state in which they live

    • October 30, 2017

      I havnt been able to move from County of arrest. Since completing Probation 20 years ago.

      • October 31, 2017

        There is no reason for that or law preventing someone not on probation from moving anywhere in the US.

      • October 31, 2017

        That doesn’t make any sense. If you aren’t on probation or parole they cannot prevent you from moving. You notify your local registry office of your intent to change address, and check in at the new place within 72 hours by Florida statute, but the district you moved to if outside Florida may have a shorter check in timeframe. You aren’t asking for permission to move; you’re notifying them that you are moving.

        The only hiccup could be residency restrictions at your destination, which you’d have to learn about and use due diligence when choosing a new home.

  • November 2, 2017

    I checked my offense isn’t illegal most of Europe. I wonder if the U.S. Government would consider a one time exit visa so we could at least move to a country that’s a lot more under of what a ex-offender is and what a ex-offender is not because they are refusing to get it here.

  • January 11, 2018

    what countries can you visit? I travelled last year to Turks & Caicos and to Jamaica. once arrived I was asked s few questions and they let me in. But travelled to Porta Vallarta Mexico and I was turned around once I got off the plan. I lost money and was humiliated on my way back I was wondering which countries allow entrance , so I wouldn’t loose any more . please provide a list if it’s possible

    • March 30, 2018

      As I understand, Jamaica is now a no go; at least for some registrants also.

    • March 31, 2018

      DRE when did you go to Jamaica?
      Was it prior to October?

      I don’t know if we should take our chances?
      Would appreciate any suggestions

    • May 2, 2018

      This happened to my husband and I last year while trying to take a long over due vacation to Puerto Vallarta – we were turned around at the airport and lost a huge amount of money. 6 months before we had gone to China for 10 days and that was fine – I don’t understand. This year we are celebrating our 25th anniversary and looks like we won’t be able to go to Jamaica as hoped. Trying to do plenty of research before making any arrangements.

      • May 2, 2018

        Happy Anniversary! I would suggest you guys reroute and go somewhere else. Maybe bahamas or Aruba. Or Europe. Jamaica is now a no go. Unfortunately…

        • May 2, 2018

          Happy Anniversary! I’d head to Europe. Other than Great Britain, the Schengen countries don’t care about your status and value human rights and privacy. Even the rights of prior felons.

        • May 8, 2018

          Does anyone know if countries such as Jamaica and Mexico deny entry to registered sex offenders specifically or anyone convicted of an offense even if they don’t have to register. Can someone travel to these countries after they’ve fulfilled their registration requirements and are no longer listed on registry? Does anyone know? Please advise and thank you in advance.

          • May 8, 2018

            They are acting on Angel Watch green notices.

          • May 9, 2018

            Are Angel Watch green notices sent out for anyone convicted of sex offenses or just REGISTERED offenders? Would Angel Watch still have your info if you’re no longer listed on state or federal registries? I’m wondering if they use a seperate database.

          • May 15, 2018

            This is something that nobody really knows. According to the conferences by Janice belucci and Paul reigner, it seems like it’s only registered fellows. However, there have been cases in which people who are already off the registry are still having the notices sent. I guess it’s a case by case kind of deal and it might have to do with the involvement of a minor in the case.

          • May 15, 2018

            Thank you Laura! I’ve consulted with an immigration lawyer and she couldn’t even give me a concrete answer. I discerned that she really doesn’t know herself.

          • May 15, 2018

            I think the reason for that is the wording for the federal statute is that you’re considered registered for federal purposes if you would be required to register anywhere in the USA, and many states don’t have the apparatus to get off of the registry EVER so you stay federally registered even if your state takes you off. Just my somewhat learned opinion based on my years living with and researching this issue. I don’t think anyone truly understands it.

          • December 14, 2019

            I spoke with Paul on this subject not been a member of the club since July 2006 Yea 1 of the first honorable Members…

            he explained I not have an issue with it as so far I’ve been pulled in 1 time on my first trip out of the country and that was re-entry into US and it was cause I was flagged I explained to them I wasn’t a member of the club and there system is not updated he did checking and said ok let me go I was never pulled in again at US checkpoints for Reg Person, November of 2013 I filed Visa for my wife and It was US embassy in Philippines whom passed false Information to bureau of Immigration then I was blacklisted to make this story even longer I was allowed back in after I exposed the embassy and their dealings every now and then PH. immigration will stop me after i check threw and let in only then they will ask me where Im staying,
            as for the question Angel watch a crap-shoot was released in July 2006 was told all my info was removed from public view and updated other data bases to reflect such, but the truth of it is, yes I was off public View BUT not out of LEOs reach 2008 was going threw nasty child custody after relationship of 18 yrs and a flyer Popped up in this court battle the flyer was printed off a computer at the office of “crimes against children at the sheriffs office pasco county and since it was obtained Illegally and it was to be updated in July of 2006 to be removed it had no bearing on my custody case and I still won full custody
            with that said a crap-shoot.

          • May 28, 2018

            It depends on what state you are registered in. I was told because of the year I was charged that I was not subject to international travel notification, but they thanked for me letting them know and logged in the state computer that I would be traveling for 10 days.

          • May 8, 2018

            Good question Ray,,,,,,,,,,,anyone?

    • July 19, 2018

      I would like a list of countries to that me and my boyfriend could visit due to his record. It really is so upsetting that an offense that occurred over 20 yrs ago follows one around the rest of their life, and that in so many cases the actual offense was actually minor.. like young love.. 25 yrs later people are changed!
      I really wish that all the people with the these terrible experiences of being stigmatized for life could get this law changed!!! In Colorado I read a Federal judge did rule it unconstitutional! How can we take this to the Supreme Court??

      • July 19, 2018

        Jenny – I’m in the same boat as everyone else and there should be a comment from me about being turned away in Jamaica this year.

        The best resource I’ve found for where you can/can’t travel is at

        To me the world seems like it’s getting to be a much smaller place. At the same time I suspect the smaller islands aren’t as strict about it (no real evidence around that)…

    • August 21, 2019

      What was your experience when you got Turks and cacios and did they let you enter. Please take the time to let me know.

    • September 3, 2019

      Can you tell me more about your experience in Turks and cacios. Hope to go in December.”

  • February 11, 2018

    If you wanted to go to Jamaica are you allowed to enter if your passport doesn’t state you are but was just put on registery and your passport hasn’t expired yet which causes you to not note that you’ve registered on your passport

    • February 12, 2018

      Registrants have been turned away from Jamaica. Apparently they respond to the green notices by denying entry.

      • May 31, 2018

        What’s a green notice?

        • May 31, 2018

          Warning from US Marshals to foreign countries that a sex offender is traveling there.

    • April 2, 2018

      Per NORSOL recently a California RSO was the first to recieve a notification from the U.S. Government that his passport. Had been revoked and he was required to turn it in immediately they also stated that he was free to apply for a new passport containing the unique identifier if he so desired.

      • April 6, 2018

        My fiancé received it too. We had to send it back to the department of state. Who would want a new one with the unique identifier? They make you wanna give up. It’s wrong in so many levels.

    • April 5, 2018

      Yes definitely Laura
      Thanks for your words zinahsamie At Gmail

  • March 30, 2018

    My husband had offense over 25 yrs ago. He’s not on parole or probation has never been in trouble again.
    We requested for permission to travel to Jamaica for our daughters wedding after months of waiting 5 days before we leave we received notice he was denied permission to enter.
    It’s horrible!

    Messed up

    • March 30, 2018

      Who did you request permission from?
      You are not required to request permission to travel, only notify the US that he is leaving the country.

      • March 31, 2018

        I was told it wasn’t required but you can submit permission to consulate general in NYC. We submitted all the paper work in October then again in January because they said it was lost.

        Now 5 days before we are to leave to our daughters wedding we got email that my husband wasn’t granted permission.

        I responded to the consulate in NY trying to get clarification although office was closed FRIDAY- the weekend she emailed me today that the decision was upheld not to give permission by immigration of Jamaica but there’s no way she would of been able to contact them as office is closed.

        We were going to take chance and still try as we will b with our daughter and fiancé who are getting married.

        It’s so frustrating 25 years ago and this haunts my husband .

        Has anyone recently gone to Jamaica?

        By the way we only got letter from office that my husband checks in at our local police we didn’t report to USA office to mention he was traveling. What office would it be?

        Thanks for your help

        • May 24, 2018

          Went to Jamaica last year sept 2017 and my husband had no issues entering or leaving he country and is a RSO

          • October 16, 2018

            Yes but was CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER stamped on his passport in big red letters as I understand they do now under international convention. I have never had a passport but am thinking of getting one now because I need to work and have a possibility of a new job but I have to travel out of the country for work. I am petrified of even showing up at a country where we don’t need a visa and that is listed on the chart as not restricting and then being sent home anyway,

      • April 1, 2018

        Has there been anyone that hasn’t been turned away? Is it worth taking the risk? We are torn?
        Figure if maybe they see us with our daughter and her wedding dress? My husbands offense was 24 years ago.

        • April 2, 2018

          My fiancé tried to enter Jamaica and was denied. We bought the tickets when the matrix said that it was ok to enter it. We were very disappointed.

          • April 4, 2018

            They turned us away! My husband will not be able to walk his daughter down the aisle in Jamaica or have the father daughter dance tomorrow.
            After all the back and forth we decided to go and try. We all took flight together praying that my husband could talk to somebody we were with his daughter with the wedding dress and everything but NO.
            We got sent on same plane.

            The minute we landed in Jamaica while on plane they made an announcement With my husbands name to meet airport staff at gate.

            One thing they were polite and respectful. They allowed us to walk with my husband. They took him for a moment to another room. I was hopeful since they were being nice. But they told me before they told him that he’s going back to USA and asked if I was going with him.

            I wasn’t going to stay with out him. He was destroyed.
            They said USA regulation they put pressure and made agreement that they cannot allow anyone with this type of record even if it’s been almost 25 years level 2 or any.

            I’m so angry at the system! My husband has never had any other record. He took a plea when he was young didn’t know any better. He did make a mistake served 2 years.

            I think they have to change something. If someone has gone so many years with out any offense, has gotten treatment, or evaluated they should be freed from this label.

            What’s sad is I want to do something about it but i can’t expose my husband because he lives with this shame and fear!

            It’s just messed up! They should tell you before you get on plane that this would happen!

            We lost money, but most importantly we will miss thus very special wedding.

            My step daughter and her fiancé were destroyed.

            Anyway just needed to vent! Don’t even risk it!

          • April 5, 2018

            This is very sad and wrong it has become to be that our own government has allowed them selves to destroy the constitution you are better off being a drug dealer selling drugs to the next door neighbor kids. No one cares even if they become drug addics or worst die

          • April 5, 2018

            the us cant deny exit to nor entry to another country. its that country that can prevent entry. thats why rsos can get in the plane. theres nothing limiting them leaving the us but the destination can do as they please. these damn green notices just flag the unnecssary: do they prevent shoplifters coming into tourist countries??

          • April 5, 2018

            I am so very sorry to hear this! I can only imagine how sad this situation is for you and your family. My fiancé was told the same and like you said, he was treated fine but they don’t even make exceptions. We also lost money and the possibility for my fiancé to meet my family who are not from the US and travelled to Jamaica in a cruise. We were dreaming with that moment and had thought about planning a quick wedding. And to make things worse he just received a letter to get his passport revoked. We think that the 21 day notice triggered it. He also made the mistake to plea guilty 17 years ago and he has never done anything after. It’s all so unfair and it’s hard not to feel deceived. I would like to talk to you Zaq, sometimes having somebody that is in a similar situation helps. It’s not like we can tell too many people about this and we are as affected as our significant others. I am sending you and your family a huge hug

          • July 19, 2018

            This is so sad that that happened!! I’m upset with the system as well! In Colorado I heard a federal judge ruled the law unconstitutional. Last summer me & my boyfriend were denied entry to Cancun due to his record., from over 20 yrs ago. This really is cruel & unusual punishment which is considered unconstitutional. I wish we could bring everyone’s similar stories & band together and take this law to the Supreme Court!!! I cannot believe the types of offenses that land one one this registry!! Young love, mooning pranks!!! I would understand if one is actually a sex trafficker or convicted child rapist!!! However in several instances the actual crime is not to the degree where the rest of your life you are stigmatized and shamed for the rest of your life!! The law needs to be looked at !!

            Then cases where a woman kills a toddler & ran over 2 men in Houston only gets probation! Will killers be on a registry for life??

          • July 19, 2018

            My heartfelt regards go out to you guys as my wife and I have recently been turned around in Jamaica and went through a similar experience. We planned this trip for months and spent lots of money to only get there to be turned around on the same plane. My offense happened in 1989 when I was only 14 years old and unfortunately, this has haunted me for 29 years.

          • July 19, 2018

            Vic – did you fill out a case consideration form on our site? If you are PRE 97 AND were a minor, you might be eligible for relief.

          • October 17, 2018

            Question what site? My dad charge was 1972.

          • October 17, 2018

            ZAQ—– I understand where you are coming from. I have been trying for 6mths to get my dad down to Jamaica. From 1986-1996 we lived there. His charge was over 40yrs ago did probation and registers every year and if anything changes immediately updates. I went on a website and emailed someone at the Embassy in Kingston they where responding but haven’t heard back from them in about 5 months. My dad is 73 and has advance stage Parkinson’s disease I just want him to have one more trip so he can tell all his friends goodbye.
            Your husband and my dad has paid their debt to society but yet are continued to be punished. I think they should take in consideration that no other incident has happened.
            I’m sorry your husband missed out on such a beautiful occasion. Hopefully they can do a renewing ceremony sometime so he gets to walk her down the isle and have the father daughter dance. Wishing you the best of luck

          • October 17, 2018

            Frannie – is your dad in Florida?

          • October 17, 2018

            No he isn’t he lives in West Virginia

          • January 2, 2019

            I’m so sorry, but “they” did tell you before you got on the plane.

          • December 23, 2020

            I so sympathize with you my offense happened when I was 16 took until I was almost 18 to be sentenced. My “LAWYER” advised I take a plea bargain SODA but i would have to go into the adult courts to do it. They promised me only 6 months. I was young and scared I agreed. Then on sentencing I was hit with FCR. And here I am 30 years later still RSO for a foot fetish at 16.

        • May 30, 2018

          I father just recently tried to go to Jamaica he left Pittsburgh with no problem when he got to Miami they informed him that since he was a RSO that Jamaica wouldn’t let him on the island. The messed up thing is we lived down there on and off from 1985 to 1996 plus he has travelled several times since most recent 4/2017 this was to be his last trip due to failing health I hope I can do something to get his last wish granted

          • May 31, 2018

            Who in Miami told him Jamaica would not let him in? I’m curious to know who made that decision on behalf of Jamaican immigration.

          • May 31, 2018

            I’m pretty sure it was someone with customs. They pulled him aside and told him. He was heartbroken. I’ll ask him to be sure though and update you.

          • May 31, 2018

            It was a flight attendant they pulled him aside and told him Jamaica wouldn’t let him on.

          • May 31, 2018

            So he turned back on the warning of a flight attendant?
            He might very well have been turned back, but if the ticket has already been paid for, why not try?

          • May 31, 2018

            I think he did what he thought he should do. But I agree maybe he should have went on but I think he felt humiliated. He was a broken shell of a man when I picked him back up at Pittsburgh Airport. I’m exhausting every avenue at trying to get his last wish granted.

        • July 28, 2018

          My husband and I went to Jamaica in 2012 with no problem. However Feb 2018 we went and he was denied entry based on a ‘new law.’ His offense was over 15 years ago and we explained that and they didn’t care and sent us back home.

    • May 4, 2018

      You can kill a person and you are not treated as harsh as sex offenders are I’ve never been on probation my crime happened in 19 98. I live in Florida they said if they had our system I would be on the lowest or most non-threatening level because my crime looks like the least thing you could do and get on the list. None the less , last year I tried to go to the Philippines and was turned away when I got to the Philippines. I traveled 24 hours give or take an hour too and spent $1,300 on a ticket. Only to get to the Philippines and the people will not let me in. I have missionary friends who was to meet me there, that’s weird looking to help those are less fortunate in this world but they would not let me in. No one cares about registered sex offenders…I never been in trouble before that or after that. Ex military and no one cares.

    • June 29, 2018

      I went to jamaica for 2 weeks in may/june of 2017 and was only asked where i am staying. No problems at all.

      • June 30, 2018

        Just an FYI to bring everyone current on at least my travel experiences going into Jamaica. I successfully completed probation for my SO 9 years ago. I still am required to register (state law changed after my sentence from 20 to life to just “life” and there was no grandfathering the previous ruling) and have a good working relationship with the officer who tends to my quarterly registration. I let him know in advance of my travels so he could put in my travel information into the Interpol service as he has done on all my previous other international travel.

        As many other’s experiences have been outlined in other areas, I was greeted at the gate by an immigration official before anyone else was allowed to deplane where they requested me by name (nothing like having my full given name being broadcast to the passengers on board), I was escorted to immigration, where I had a brief wait, met with an immigration officer, who asked me who I was traveling with and where I was staying. I was informed shortly thereafter that I was not going to be allowed to stay and was escorted back to the plane I arrived on.

        Things I found interesting were – after I was questioned by the immigration officer, I was informed of my denial by the lady who escorted me to immigration from the airplane. After being told I was not allowed in, she then asked me what my offense was, if I served time and if I was still on probation. I find the questioning to be a bit odd since it really didn’t matter at that point – I was denied. So what was the purpose of the questions? Had I gone into great detail would that have changed my ability to enter the country?

        I also noticed previous in this thread someone mentioned reaching out to Jamaica to ask to come to the country. Does that work at all? In looking at the rather long list of countries denying entry I wonder if there is (or couldn’t be) some type of process for petitioning for entry into any given country.

        To me I find it utterly absurd that given a sentence and be ten, twenty, thirty – gasp forty years prior I’d still be denied? There really needs to be some method for petitioning a country for at least an opportunity to be heard?

        Anyway – mark me down as denied as recent as 6/26/2018

        • July 19, 2018

          Jamaica is a homophobic trashcan. I consider being denied entry there to be a bonus. Go to Puerto Rico and enjoy better beaches, food, and quality of people!

          The scuba diving is also amazing!

          Have some fun in the sun!

  • August 4, 2018

    Is the Bahamas safe has anyone been turned away from there

    • August 5, 2018

      So far, so good on Bahamas!

      • August 5, 2018

        Just to add onto the Bahamas question. I was at an event recently where they were promoting the Bahamas. I was able to ask an immigration official from the Bahamas about the SO restrictions of coming into the country. My sentence was 20 years ago and I’ve been off of probation for 10 of those years. I was very direct about my offense, sentence and time post-completion. The response of the immigration official from the Bahamas was actually one of stunned amazement. He was completely perplexed why this was even remotely an issue. So it’s not eve a question in my mind that I would have any difficulty in gaining access for vacation to the Bahamas.

        • August 6, 2018

          Thank you Brian

        • October 17, 2018

          Some of the police at the Brussels airport who pulled me aside and searched my luggage, etc. in 2013 after the Agnel Watch thing started were actually shocked that information such as our SOR could be made public. Strictly against the law over there, even in the few places that have registries. In a t least a couple of countries, Germany and Spain, IIRC, a lifetime SOR is considered to be a violation of human rights. But that doesn’t always mean anything. The majority of us would have been removed from the sex offender registry in the UK 5 years after our conviction but they still won’t let us in.

      • January 31, 2019

        I have a trip planned to go to the Bahamas at the end of this month with a gf. Currently on probation. I was told by my PO I need to have a written statement from a consultant or embassy stating I can go.
        I called Washington Embassy and they said there is a person that wasn’t in today I need to talk to in order to send i’m my information whether it will be approved or not…

        I am worried about doing this. Everyone on these forums just seems to go and there doesn’t seem to be a issue. I told my officer I received a verbal confirmation…

        You think I should continue on my trip without sending my information to the embassy? I recall asking a year ago and they said the same thing but people have been going with no problem on these forums. Not sure if they asked the embassy or not.

        • January 31, 2019

          This requirement is just a requirement of your PO. There is no such requirement in IML. If your PO requires it, you might want to ask where from where he’s taking this requirement.

        • January 31, 2019


          Please ask your PO where she is getting this information from. This is how many of us are being denied into countries, from registrants going to far “above and beyond”, although IML is also part of the reason.

          Just like the cruises, where Carnival decided to ban registrants. One of the reasons that made them do this is registrants calling the cruise line asking if sex offenders can cruise on the line.

          Before sending anything to the Embassy, I would ask your PO where that is in writing, what law of your state says that this is a requirement. POs just cant make up there own rules, especially when it comes to traveling internationally. She’s only allowed to say if you can or cannot go, but this should have nothing to do with sending anything to another Country’s Embassy as a requirement, unless it is your State’s law. They have to follow the law.

          Just my two cents

    • September 11, 2018

      Beware of Caymen Islands
      They will hunt you down bv at hotel and question you and revoke your stay as bd send you home. There is no discussion.
      This law has gotten out of control and needs to be looked at for people with minor offensed.

  • September 20, 2018

    Marrying a foreign national sometimes enables a person to acquire foreign citizenship.

    If I were a sex offender I would never come back to the US.

  • October 3, 2018

    My son messed up and had (consensual) sex with an underage girl (21 and 15). He confessed but hasn’t gone to court yet but he will in several months. Essentially, here in Alabama (as well as Florida I guess) have the worst SO laws in the world. I know the local SO officer and he told me over 80% of the RSOs he deals with are homeless or have no job. I hate for my son, who had a full time job and no criminal history to become a deadbeat or now have to become a criminal to survive. A lawyer told me there is no getting around the RSO process, it is a lifelong punishment, especially with the Big Red SO Star on your driver’s license. I am trying to find somewhere where he can move, whether out of state or to another country so he can better survive. He can never have a family in Alabama, since Alabama law restricts living with your own kids if your offense involved a person under 16 years of age. Any states or countries he may can start his life over in, ideas before he goes to court?

    • October 3, 2018

      Fred – he should focus on his criminal case first. Who knows what will be the state of the law anywhere when he gets out.

    • October 3, 2018

      Based on my research, Georgia and Oregon offer registrants from other states a chance to come off of the list after 10 years. Don’t visit FL; get on the list here even as a visitor they will not take you off when gone. If there’s any way to beat the case before registration DO IT.

      • February 2, 2019

        What research?

      • August 21, 2019

        As a visitor not on parole or probation, how does Florida know to put you on a list

    • October 10, 2018

      Utah has some of the better laws when it comes to sex offenders and still trying to have a normal life.

    • October 16, 2018

      I went to Jamaica in February of 2018 I am a RSO. I did not get denied.

      • October 17, 2018

        Were you given a hard time at all? No problems?

        • October 28, 2018

          No Problems treated like a normal vacationer

      • November 6, 2018

        Did you give a 21 day notice?

        • January 23, 2019

          No, I find that some people run in to problems when you give countries a heads up they may say yes or not respond and reject you upon landing. Its a expensive risk but if you want to travel you have to take a chance and book it.

          I have travel quite a bit in the last five years, before 2017 I have been to Beijing, china you have to apply for a visa, you will know if you can travel there or not I did not give them any information about my legal past. Ive visited Paris France, UK, Amsterdam, hong kong, Dominican republic (2010), Jamaica, Bangkok, Seychelles, and Kenya and Dubai.

          IN 2018 after the change in Passport regulations, I did not have to change my passport to have it marked as SO, i dont know how if that changes the circumstances to the places Ive visited. My case was not involved with minors. In 2018 Ive traveled to the Maldives, Jamaica, and QATAR with out any problems. If you have a hard time finding a place to travel I hear that Africa Islands are pretty trouble free I know its expensive to go there but thats how it crumbles.

          Mexico rejected me and Panama After those incidents Ive decided to avoid south America. I don’t get stopped for Reentry in Atlanta, I dont know why but it makes getting home a lot easier if i cant get a direct flight. I hope this helps!

          • January 24, 2019

            Atlanta is the busiest airport in the world, they are looking for terrorist, not innocent registrants.

          • February 1, 2019

            What kind of conviction do you have specifically and from what state? How do you travel with the 21 day notice restriction? So Mexico and Panama did not let you enter? How did they find out? Can you please provide details of how it went down in Mexico and Panama?

          • March 9, 2019

            Cant you be arrested if you dont give the 21 day notice.

          • August 27, 2019

            Where have you traveled recently? Don’t you have to give your state a 21 day advance notice?

      • January 30, 2019

        Mike, Did you report your travels to your local jurisdiction? I also have traveled out of the county many times since being a RSO but this is he first time they asked me for my passport no. I’m not on parole or probation but he did say he had to send something in. Your thoughts…

        • February 2, 2019

          Where have you traveled in the past year and what were your experiences?

      • February 2, 2019

        Did you report 21 days before you left? What was your original offense that you register for? First time traveling internationally?

      • February 21, 2019

        So what all did you have to do I just sent off for my passport and I spoke to the counselor of Jamaica and they wanted me to write a letter to give permission to go

        • February 21, 2019

          Follow the requirements that Jamaica advises.
          Jamaica has been turning back registrants when they receive Green Notices from the US

    • October 17, 2018

      West Virginia isn’t too bad. My step brother has the same charge he took a plea deal without realizing it screwed him 40yrs probation but has a wife and 4 kids he lives with plus 2 jobs. Hope for the best for your son and make sure he reads all deals completely.

      • October 17, 2018

        Really doesn’t matter if he reads the deal or even what it actually states because as we have all come to find out it is not binding…the government can change the agreed upon conditions anytime they wish!

        Plea bargains are not for our benefit but for the government’s benefit…an easy win for them! We get screwed either way…I wish I have known then what I know today and I would have gone to court – fought – and won!

        Actually I doubt they would have even gone to court given that I was innocent but I was intimidated and give piss poor legal advice from a since disbarred Florida lawyer!


      • October 28, 2018

        Zero problems treated like a normal vacationer

        • February 19, 2019

          Where did you go

    • January 24, 2019

      I would encourage him to fight for the shortest probation. That he can get, once he’s off probation he can actually move otherwise he’s gonna be stuck in Alabama.

      Oregon and Washington have no restrictions for sex offenders once off probation plus level one offenders are not publicly listed.

      • February 24, 2019

        I need to know can someone who was charged with a sex offence go to Jamaica ; high commission embassy in Ottawa says yes my brother can go as long as he doesn’t have pending warrants or on probation but other people say no, which is it

    • February 1, 2019

      have his attorney since it was a small age difference deviate. and ask if he can use the Romeo Julliet case law from florida now if he can then he will be able to petition to be removed under that law
      now If the attorney says he cant he Mark lunsfords son yes Jessica law was busted as well out of Ohio they used the case laws of Florida romeo juliet

    • February 6, 2019

      How did your son’s case turn out?

    • March 31, 2020

      Tell him to look at Guatemala or Paraguay. Paraguay has one of the easiest permanent residence requirements $5,000 down into a local bank. Take a look at Nomad Capitalist youtube he has great information on easiest countries for second passports, Europe is really more relaxed than most other places when it comes to the registry laws. I will be departing the US myself soon, there’s no chance i could have a normal life here.

  • February 1, 2019

    never alert the country your going to…never book in advance trust me on this book on friday after 3pm then fly that day Angel watch takes 48 hrs to catch up with you and If you book on a friday or fly saturday morning they will not catch up iuntil monday late or Tuesday by then it is to late to give notice and they wont bother to it

    • February 1, 2019

      Huh? You have to tell them 21 days in advance. How are you able to leave in less than 48 hrs?

      • February 2, 2019

        Dont we have a protected right to travel? Isnt it provided in the constitution? Doesnt this program inherently violate that right? Our convictions and served time should stay behind in the file folders of our state: not follow us or in this case get there before we do….

        • February 2, 2019

          you must be new to this OUR GOVERMENT DONT GIVE A SHIT
          angel watch center Flags all sex offenders traveling to other countries
          as for our convictions never put into a folder just exploited even more
          there is no ex posto factor what you did 30 yrs ago and was convicted of a sex offence even if your not convicted our goverment will keep finding way to screw you even more you will pay for that 30old crime the rest of your life with new rules with now the scatlet letter
          suck it up butter cup this is just the beginning of a long nightmare for you and until we can find the right people to fight for stopping this BS it is just going to get worse

      • February 2, 2019

        you do not alert the country you are going to!!! No law says you have too

        • February 2, 2019

          No, you don’t alert anyone. They alert them when you report 21 days in advance of your departure.

        • March 9, 2019

          Cant you be arrested if you dont give the notice

      • April 13, 2019

        Depends on the State you are registered in. For example if you live in Georgia you do not have to tell them you are leaving the US.

  • February 2, 2019

    Part of FAC’s mission is to help registrants comply with state and Federal law. And there may be some confusion on this discussion topic.

    It’s true that Americans punished for a past sex crime against children, are not required to notify the country to which they are traveling, of their background, unless of course it’s part of a visa application or some law in the receiving country that I’m unaware of.

    They ARE required to notify U.S. or state authorities, at least 21 days prior to international travel. And yes, that information typically is transmitted to the receiving country via Interpol. And different countries treat this information differently. We are learning over time, which countries are not allowing entry, versus those countries that disregard the notification as American silliness and let you in. Either way, U.S. courts have not yet held that notification requirements are the same as denying the right to travel.

    • February 18, 2019

      A friend of mine and I decided to surprise our husbands for Christmas on a trip to Jamaica, my friend husband is a registered sex offender for over 21 years, no restriction or probation he gave the authority the relevant notice and jtebary they have him permission to leave, when we got to Jamaica that’s when we discovered he wasn’t allowed to enter the country…why wasn’t this information shared at the sheriff office when he rd them his travel plans, why can’t they provide a list of countries that doesn’t accept sex offenders and spare people the humility….

      • February 18, 2019

        They will claim they don’t prevent registrants from traveling there – they only send “notice” that they are coming and its up to the country to accept or deny them.

      • February 18, 2019

        Law enforcement does not have such a list, but RTAG does.

        • April 30, 2020

          What is RTAG?

          • May 1, 2020

            Registrant travel action group.

      • December 23, 2020

        I would have loved to know as well. I have cruised twice to Jamaica. The first time 10 years ago they let me in. I took my son as a graduation present and was called down to the security room and informed I was denied access. Not the best graduation present. It was my 3rd cruise while RSO first time being denied disembarking. The time on the ship was amazing and quiet.

        • December 23, 2020

          To clarify the second time 10 years later I took my son as a graduation present when I was denied. They atleast were very polite about it.

  • February 19, 2019

    forien marriage and the SO/RSO/exposto factor
    you go and marry a forien national you apply for a visa and yes denied as well now t dont matter
    I have this video that will Interest some people it is heart breaking and Painful a bit explicit but on the Mark.

  • March 9, 2019

    What if i dont inform the authorities of my travel per the 21 day notice. Will i be arrested when i come back through customs in the u.s.

    And what if i go to fl and dont tell my state or the state of florida. How would they know

  • March 9, 2019

    I was 12 at the time of my offense 25 years ago im 37 now married to a jamican national still denied entry after i explained any hope for me any info please

  • July 13, 2019

    So, I am a RSO and I am going on a cruise to the Bahamas in August. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do when it comes to this? I haven’t received a notification about my passport being revoked and i was convicted in 2015. any advice? Off topic, being on the SOL is ridiculously humiliating and mentally crippling. Sucks. i am only 29 and was convicted at 24. Went to college. First ever time being in trouble and first conviction.

    • July 13, 2019

      Hey I am also 29 and got convicted in 2015. I actually went to the Bahamas with my girlfriend in February 2019. Once i got there my passport was flagged. They took me to another room and a women asked about my charge. I explained and she took a copy of my passport and said I am welcome to come visit anytime.

      I enjoyed my stay. I think you should be fine. Once I came back I got a letter stating my passport is revoked. This was March. I still have not returned it or updated my passport. But I’m trying to give as much information to help. You might get revoked after the trip but going I think you’ll be okay

      • July 14, 2019

        Where do you live and which state was your conviction? Did you give your state a 21 day advance notice before you traveled? What questions did the lady in the Bahamas ask you? What happened when you re-entered into the USA?

        • August 27, 2019

          I’m from Oregon. Level 3. Currently on probation. I believe my PO notified someone in the embassy. I went to give my local police department the notice but they said there was no need. When I got to the Bahamas. I was pulled a side cause my passport got flagged (no marker) lady took me in the back asked about my crime and said i was fine. Coming back the US customs is in the Bahamas. Got pulled aside again. Similar questions and i got on the plane.

          I have traveled out of the country a few times. Never gave a official notice and nothing has come up besides the typical questioning. Reporting your travel is on the state level and there is no backlash since there is no way for a customs agent to see if you reported it to your local sheriffs office. This my based off my experience.

          Hope this helps

          • August 27, 2019

            Daniel – reporting INTERNATIONAL travel is on the FEDERAL LEVEL. International Megan’s Law requires it.
            All – please do not do as others do, do as you are required.

          • August 29, 2019

            Yes it is the law.

            The law is requiring a registered SO to notify his local law enforcement about travel. It’s up to that person to report it after that.

            You’re stating the law but you haven’t personally experience this. You aren’t registered and you haven’t been through this processes. I have and from both my international travels both officers didn’t take my flight information and BOTH times the customs agent didn’t mention once whether I reported my travel 21 days prior.

            This law seems to be just fear mongering. I have yet to hear any report on someone being prosecuted for not reporting their travels.

            Like I have said this is based off my experience. This “IMl” doesn’t bare any consequences if you do not report your travel. Yes you’ll get flagged and have your passport marked and you’ll be questioned upon arrival but that seems to be the extent.

            Like I said this is based off my experience.

          • August 29, 2019

            Yes, Someone has been prosecuted for not reporting.
            I don’t see how you can make blanket statements like you do!

          • August 29, 2019

            Rather than engage in a debate, I’ll provide reference to the US Marshall’s FAQ page:

            Whom do I notify that I am traveling and when do I need to do so?
            The IML and the relevant Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) guidelines require that all registered sex offenders report international travel to their respective sex offender registry at least 21 days prior to departure from the United States. Emergency travel must be reported as soon as travel is scheduled.

            Can I be arrested if I don’t report travel?
            Although not all states require that you report international travel, you may be subject to federal prosecution if you fail to provide notice of international travel or file a false travel notice with your registry.

          • April 18, 2021

            So, I’m interested in your advice. I was arrested and took a plea in Florida. Statutory type of charge: (2008) Adult sex w 16/17 yr old/ Unlawful sexual activity( 1 charge, different wording they used at different times) I served my time in prison, moved out of state upon release. Did my time on probation. Hired an attorney, was removed from the registry in my state. My lawyer told me not to petition for a passport until I was removed, and then once I was taken off I could travel freely. I received my passport, no stamp. I haven’t traveled anywhere yet, but was hoping to in the near future. I checked the US marshals service link, and it says for IML, you must notify your local registering agent and cannot notify marshal service directly . It also says for failure to register prior travel, “ may” be prosecuted.
            I don’t have a local registering agent because I’m not required to register in my state any longer. I should also mention that the age of consent in my state is 16, so I wouldn’t have broken any laws here.
            I’m concerned because the “may” is very ambiguous, and also what kind of penalty that could involve.

          • August 29, 2019

            People have been arrested at the departure gate when trying to board a flight and been arrested upon return. Your PO or local SORNA office is required to report your travel to Angel Watch. 21 day notice is federal. You can and will be prosecuted if Angel Watch is not notified and their database finds you on a passenger manifest.

          • August 29, 2019

            In Texas, they fill out a form when you report 21 days in advance and email it to the US Marshall’s office right in front of you. They then give you a copy of the form to take with you when you travel showing proof of the 21 day advance notification. You must not be a SO.

          • February 21, 2022

            I live in the state of Texas. As per the below link, Texas does not require 21 day travel notice when traveling internationally? Can anyone please confirm? Texas is not Sorna Complaint.

          • February 22, 2022

            Irrespective of whether Texas requires it, the federal government does. The duties under SORNA are independent of state registration requirements.

          • August 29, 2019

            You’re on probation/parole and your PO allows you to travel internationally?! Wow! That would never happen in TX. You have to give 21 day notice nationwide or international travel was what I was told. It doesn’t matter what state you live in.

          • August 29, 2019

            correct that’s IML

          • August 29, 2019

            Correct, read Daniel’s statement about it being a state issue posted on 8/27. I was trying to get his clarification. I don’t false advice being given out leading to someone’s arrest for failure to give notification.

          • August 29, 2019

            Is there a way people can communicate directly with one another on here? Direct messaging feature? email exchange feature?

          • August 29, 2019

            There is not. We protect the anonymity of our members.

          • August 29, 2019

            I’ll talk to you man. What’s up?

          • August 29, 2019

            For some reason I can’t reply to your last message. But if you actually read my post you’ll see I followed the law.

            I went to report my travels. LIKE THE LAW SAYS. Is it my fault the officer denied that? Is it my fault I wasn’t prosecuted coming back into the country?

            I did everything that was asked. All I am doing is stating my experience. I’m sorry that goes against your belief and what the “law” states but at the end of the day I followed the law and did everything in my power to obey and that was the outcome.

            It contradicts what you’re saying but the truth is important for people to know.

            I advice everyone to report their travels. But if the officer says he doesn’t need it and nothing comes from it what kind of conclusion would you come to besides this law being fear mongering

            Please link the case of the person being prosecuted like you mentioned. I would like to look into it. At least bring some value besides stating the federal law over and over again.

          • August 29, 2019

            Sounds good. We do not call out person’s criminal cases because it’s pending, but if you contact we can discuss it.

          • August 29, 2019

            Actually, just sent you an email copying the attorney working on that case.

          • August 29, 2019

            I have a very good relationship with my PO and I was able to travel to Europe for a month during my first 7 months on probation. I was 25 at the time and my case was statutory so I don’t really fit the stereotype.

            Yeah I understand it’s the “law” but the only reporting that’s done is on the state level and when I went to go do that the officer didn’t need anything when I showed him my itinerary. He said since you’re on probation just notify them.

            Both times coming back from customs there was no question if I reported my travel or not. They just asked basic questions about my travel.

            Like I have said reporting seems to be on the state level. I don’t believe in most cases the customs agent has any contact or info regarding your notifying your local law enforcement.

            This is based off my experience take whatever precaution you wish.

          • August 29, 2019

            When was the last time you went out of state? I was told that all SOs have to report 25 days in advance of international travel per FEDERAL LAW, meaning in all 50 states if you are ANY KIND OF SO, including but not limited to statutory. Did you have any travel problems in Europe? Which countries did you specifically go to? Can we talk sometime?

          • August 29, 2019

            I go out of state every month.

            September 2017
            Pdx- lax- heathrow London (has no problems) layover

            Heathrow- Amsterdam – Germany- Iceland- italy -Spain- greece back to Amsterdam.

            All without any problems

            February 2018. Traveled to Bahamas. Customs agent pulled me aside at the Bahamas. Quick questions then I was good to go. The US customs is in the Bahamas got pulled aside questioned there the officer was super nice.

            That’s my experience. A month later I was notified my passport is being revoked which is fine.

            Going to renew it and currently looking into investing in the Europe golden visa program for citizenship.

          • August 29, 2019

            Daniel – Can I try to help you out by making a suggestion… If you’re violating federal law, maybe it’s not a good idea to post it publicly?

      • October 2, 2019

        May i ask why they revoked your passport? And did you already have a passport prior to your conviction? I am registered and I am planning a trip to the Dominican Republic and do not have a current passport.

        • October 2, 2019

          Was reported cause my passport didn’t have a stamp. I renewed my passport in 2017 with no stamp on it. Conviction was 2016. Took two foreign trips for it to finally be flagged.

          I hear the domican republic rejects SO. If you have another citizenship I suggest traveling with that or picking a new destination

      • December 1, 2019

        ONCE you get that letter you cannot travel. Happened to me.Flew into Panama my passport was revoked and they flew me back to USA and said I can NEVER return took my picture, fingerprints and had to sign an agreement. Its easy just return your passport, pay the fee and get your new one. The stamp is on the last page barely noticed.

        • December 1, 2019

          I went and applied for a new passport last week. Wrote my last one was stolen cause there was no section for being a SO so I guess I’ll see.

          I have heard people getting there new passports without a stamp. I have a trip planned for Japan in April. Hopefully this one doesn’t get revoked before then..

        • February 16, 2020

          Were you planning on visiting Panama or were you in-transit to somewhere else?

          I want to take a Copa flight to Aruba from the US but it changes planes in Panama. My understanding is that you would not need to go through immigration.

    • July 13, 2019

      Honestly, I’d be surprised if you make it onto the cruise ship.

      The Bahama’s has only recently enacted their registry, so you might be able to get off the ship there… I would just stay on the ship if the travel page site posted here has the country listed as rejecting people.

      I totally understand your feelings around not being able to travel. I feel trapped despite having been done for the past ten years (but still required to register). At 50 I doubt this is going to get resolved anytime in my lifetime, but at least at 29 you stand a chance of folks coming to their senses…

    • August 21, 2019

      Some cruise compasome cruise companies will not let you board. And I was told not allowed in Bahamas

      • August 27, 2019

        How do you know about Oregon and Georgia? Are you there? Do you have any links?

    • April 30, 2020

      I got my charge on 2016. Sentenced in 2017. Did 7 months and 10 days. On the registry for life. Has made me so self conscious. The girl was 20 years old but she didn’t tell the cops everything. My life has been screwed up from but trying to stay positive. I want to travel but I don’t know where all I’m allowed to go. Do you or anyone have a list of where we’re allowed to travel to.

    • June 6, 2020

      Be prepared to be stopped by homeland security upon returning to the United States and questioned. Have your travel permit from the city you’re registered in and you’ll be fine.

  • July 15, 2019

    don’t see this question answered. I am an RSO. required to register. Not on megan site.

    “What if i dont inform the authorities of my travel per the 21 day notice?”. Has anyone traveled without giving this alert?

    I have a feeling as soon as you give this notice they ask if you have the stamp or ask you to get the stamp. then they alert whatever country you going to.

    but I hear some of you saying you have no stamp,you traveled fine = did you not alert authorities the 21 day notice? This is what it sounds like because im sure they will bring up the new stamp on passport soon as you contact them.

    • July 15, 2019

      In Florida, not providing notice is a 3rd Degree Felony. We would NEVER advocate anyone committing a crime.

      • July 15, 2019

        Alert comes from
        advance notification, not stamp. What receiving country does with that alert, varies by country (see Registrant Travel Matrix).

        The law says simply to make the advance notification. It’s up to State Dept to let RSO know whether they’ll need to get the stamp.

      • October 2, 2019

        question. if a person released from the Reg. after a 10 yr hitch release date 2006 and which is rare of course and 15 yrs later does travel requirements stand? as your not registered and angelwatch has no info. (or not suppose to have.)on you and then what about the scarlet letter stamp which the person doesnt have?
        any thoughts or comments from others if there is any that traveled after released from reg. person was able to travel many times a yr to philippines. no issues

      • October 29, 2019

        possible answer florida action committee

        question. if a person released from the Reg. after a 10 yr hitch release date 2006 and which is rare of course and 15 yrs later does travel requirements stand? as your not registered and angelwatch has no info. (or not suppose to have.)on you and then what about the scarlet letter stamp which the person doesnt have?
        any thoughts or comments from others if there is any that traveled after released from reg. person was able to travel many times a yr to philippines. no issues

    • December 1, 2019

      Its up to your registry police. If you don’t let them know you may face 5-10 years in Federal and State prison. whether you tell them or not INTERPOL notifies any country you buy a ticket for as your passport number is tied to your rso status. There is no way around this. REGISTER BEFORE YOU LEAVE!!!!!! Its a crime if you don’t and they’ll catch you when you get back. ONCE I was asked by a ticket agent “DID YOU LET THE AUTHORITIES KNOW OF YOUR TRAVELS?” I was like WTF???? How does a TICKET SALESPERSON know of me??? It comes up on their computers under your name and date of birth. DO NOT RISK YOUR FREEDOM!

      • December 2, 2019

        I traveled in 2017 and didn’t let anyone know. And in 2019 to the Bahamas and the state police said it wasn’t necessary. Nothing happened?

        When did this experience happen for you and where were you going?

    • September 17, 2020

      If your passport is not stamped, why open your mouth?

    • August 10, 2021

      Don’t do it! CBP knows who is getting on every international flight! It is a federal felony and registrants have been convicted!

  • July 22, 2019

    For all that was denied to Jamaica or other countries did your offenses involve a minor? Or rape?

    • October 29, 2019

      Is it considered international travel if the cruise ship is leaving and returning to a US port?

      • October 29, 2019

        One would think not – but if you’re boarding a boat going to a non-US island anywhere along the route, you will be required to show a passport before boarding.

        • October 29, 2019

          Carnival says that we can board with birth certificates and ID’s. If he doesn’t leave the ship, then he is technically not entering the other country?

          • October 29, 2019

            Where is the ship flagged, and does enter international waters?

          • December 23, 2020

            Went on a 7 day carnival cruise in 2019. Couldn’t get off in Jamaica of the Caymen Islands they confiscated my passport on the ship. Gave it back and let me go to Mexico.

      • May 1, 2020

        Yes I traveled to Mexico on a cruise ship last year

        • May 4, 2020

          I would really like to take a cruise to Mexico but I hear they deny all RSO.

          Are you currently on the registry? Also did you report your travel and which cruise line did you take?

          Really appreciate feedback

          • May 4, 2020


            Anytime you embark on a journey to a country that RTAG flags as being stopped before entry you run the risk of being turned away at best or losing the whole trip (and money) at worst.

            I think the border folks at the major ports are on much higher alerts than at non-traditional ports of entry. I managed to go on a dive trip in the sea of cortez a few years ago, but I flew into Phoenix and crossed the border in AZ.

          • May 4, 2020

            They absolutely turn away RSO arriving by air. Mixed results by sea. Land crossing through the border I have heard is the easiest way to enter Mexico. In any case, you need to report travel ahead of time if required to register. I’ve heard of agents arresting RSO traveling that failed to notify.

    • January 23, 2020

      it dont matter adult or minor rock, a RPs are denied

    • April 1, 2020

      It doesn’t matter of the offense if your a RSO
      it is the countries decision to let you in or not,
      not to even mention AWC will alert them first after a 21 day notification so again dont matter what the offense is

  • August 31, 2019

    Has anyone traveled to El Salvador or know if sexo offenders are allowed entry or not?

    • December 1, 2019


      • December 25, 2020

        Hi, have you recently been to Guatemala or do you know if they are still letting SO’s in? Because I plan on going to Guatemala in 2021

        • August 10, 2021

          I was able to enter Guatemala in 2020. In June 2021 I was denied entry and told I could never try again. I wasn’t served any paperwork, so I don’t know that I am legally banned. But it doesn’t look good to try again. What a nightmare to go through. I lost a ton of money and had been saving for over a year to go back.

  • September 10, 2019

    How about Turks and cacios

  • January 23, 2020

    Does anyone know if RSOs are allowed into Rwanda?

  • July 3, 2020

    Has anyone travelled to Seychelles as an RSO?

  • July 22, 2020

    Hi, my husband is an RSO but off probation and no restriction he’s Arizona now, if he leave in US and stay overseas for 6 months did he need to report it? before if he did vacation he don’t inform to gov. but now he will live overseas for 6 months did he need to inform the gov.? I hope someone can answer my question. Thank you

    • July 22, 2020

      Yes he needs to notify at least 21 days before he leaves.

      • December 19, 2020

        Is there any RSO that has been to Jamaica since then and accepted into the country?

    • April 15, 2021

      Has anyone tried disney on the new system. Please i dont want to embarrass my children.

      • April 15, 2021

        Can confirm that Universal Studios and Busch Gardens are no problem, have taken my kids to both in the last couple of months

      • April 16, 2021


        If you look below I have posted about this numerous times. First off, Disney no longer allows walk ups. Everything is by reservation now. If you are on the registry, you will be escorted off property by the Orange County Sheriff’s office (They have an entire team of dedicated officers who work on site) and trespassed for life.

        You might ask what you did wrong to be trespassed? They will tell you that they have the right to trespass any person for any reason as it is private property. The reason is, if you are on the registry, they want to protect the other guest and themselves from liability. I guess they think we all hang out in the bathrooms waiting to pounce.

        You can try it if you want to, I will give you a prize if you get in because you will be the first person on the registry in over a year to be able to get in. I use to “Sneek” in with an employee but even that has stopped. That employee was my son’s roomate. My son called my back in February saying they are making EVERYONE show ID now even if going in on an employee pass.

        That ID is run against a National data base that Disney aquirred from the Feds to check for those on the registry. Good luck. If you get in, remember, you get a prize from me because you will defy gravity with your entrance.
        If you are no longer on the registry, you might have a shot.

        • April 16, 2021

          People have gotten in during the past year. Fact!

          • April 16, 2021

            Gosh now you see how torn. Assuming the past year is the online ticketing?

          • April 16, 2021

            Online tickets have been an option for at least 10 years; since COVID it’s mandatory. I never had a problem with buying online tickets and getting in; the problem came when purchasing an annual pass.
            Since then I’ve changed my way of thinking. Why give huge piles of money to someone that would trespass me if they found out I was there?

          • April 16, 2021


            Well, I wish them luck, I really do.

        • April 16, 2021

          Please don’t spread misinformation or BS on here. I go to Disney 3 times a year and never have had a problem. I even went last February.

          Disney never checks for your ID they just check to see the ticket matches the face. If they do check ID it’s just to see your name matches your ticket. There is never a step in their process where they check your name to a data base.

          If wrong link the website or article that says they do background checks on every guest. I know Florida cracked down on cast members in 2014. What you’re saying is completely fabricated.

          Provide some proof or don’t post BS.

  • July 27, 2020

    Does anyone know if a RSO can permanently move to Dubai? If not how about move to any other country.

    • July 27, 2020

      You would notify your local reg office of your intent to relocate and your travel plans. The rest up to the destination country if they will or will not admit you and how they’d go about authorising permanent residency or citizenship. Every country is different.

    • August 6, 2020

      Dubai won’t let you in. You have to get off the registry first.

      You’re on their for life you say?

      Do you believe everything the government tells you?

      Think outside the box. What’s the onething you can control to get off the registry? Presidential pardon is not the answer. It’s location. You can only be on a registry if it exists.

      Many country’s don’t. Pick your country. Research citizenship laws in their country ando go from there.

      • September 17, 2020

        This is awesome information. Thank you.

        • September 17, 2020

          Anybody have any info on disney and their new online prepurchase policy now even for day passes? Anyone have any issues yet?

          • September 22, 2020

            Can you not purchase tickets at the gate? Have you tried calling and asking?

          • December 23, 2020

            You cannot. As a traveling RSO you have to file your itinerary with 21 days notice. That includes flight numbers. During the 21 day notice period, Angel Watch sends your destination country a Green Notice about your arrival.
            European countries don’t care, except for Great Britain.

          • January 11, 2021

            I have prepurchased day tickets and stayed in hotels several times linked to my Disney account and didn’t have a problem. When I purchased an annual pass I was trespassed and refunded.

          • January 11, 2021

            Purchasing day passes does not trigger issues, according to numerous reports.

          • January 11, 2021

            Even with the new online purchase requirement?

          • January 11, 2021


          • April 13, 2021

            Hi….just want to be sure on visiting Disney and other parks in Central Florida. Are you saying that you have no problems when you buy a day pass at the gate or local establishment?? I have been told you have to show ID and that will get you flagged as RSO.
            Thank You

          • April 14, 2021

            Hi Lou,
            That has been my experience. Disney was never a problem even when buying individual day tickets. I bought them several times online and linked to my magic band account. But I did get flagged and escorted out when I purchased a pass.

          • April 14, 2021


            I saw on the news recently that Disney requires ALL vistors to make an advanced reservation. Without a reservation, you will not be let in. I personally use to go in with a cast member on a free pass, even that has been ruined now.

            The reservation allows them to do several things. One is it gives them an idea of the amount of people they can let into the park. Secondly, they can run names through the registry. Plus it is $25 for one day of parking. Would suck to pay $25 and then be told to leave. And you don’t just get told to leave, you are trespassed and banned for life if you are on property as a registered person.

            Because of all the sucky crap they piled on us, I shredded my passport and will not give a dime to the economy. I just got food stamps finally. The Government can support me until the registry is appealed.

          • January 18, 2022

            If Disney has ruined it, good, they don’t deserve our business anyway. I highly recommend not feeding the beast that wants only harm for us. We are sticking our arms into the cage of the tiger to give them a morsel, but I assure you they will use that opportunity to take much more from us.

            We need to refrain from handing over our resources to the other side. That’s just plain foolishness. The money is much better spent in a donation to FAC or others who are advocating for us, not against us. Is the entertainment value really worth it?

  • September 22, 2020

    Can anybody tell me if RSOs are allowed entrance to the Dominican Republic? My husband is a level 3 registrant and we are wanting to celebrate our anniversary in DR.

    • September 23, 2020

      I can tell you with 100% certainty that they will NOT allow him entry and will return him to the USA.

      Puerto Rico is much cleaner and you can go there with no issue as it is part of the good old USA!

      • September 24, 2020

        Thank you 🙂

  • November 16, 2020

    I am 82 yrs old. SO in 1972. Did 3 yrs. Released 1975, Then RSO. Had 2nd prison term for unrelated offense. CA added GPS Law during THIS term. Upon release, NOW wear GPS 3 years of parole ending July 2021. CA has Lifetime SOR. New Law takes some OFF SOR in 10 yrs/20 yrs, on a Tiers basis, depending on your offense details & Risk Level. Once again we are bit by States passing get tough, ex post facto, feel good Laws, that deny moving on with life. I must register until I die!

  • January 10, 2021

    Hey people, I was curious if anyone knew anything about traveling to Japan. I had done a bit research myself and saw I could talk to the Japan Embassy, and they could approve entry into the country. I was just curious if anyone else had any real world experience

    • January 11, 2021

      Japan is one of the strictest in the world about granting a visa to anyone with a criminal conviction. Any prior felony is likely going to be a no. But it can’t hurt to to try.

    • January 11, 2021

      I have been working on going to Japan for a few years. The embassy won’t tell you anything. I have emailed on 3 different occasions.

      It depends on your crime
      -Time spent in prison (has to be less than a year)
      -can’t be drug related
      Upon arrival there will be a card to fill out and it asks if you’ve ever been commuted of a crime in any country.

      It will really depend on your crime and who your customs agent is. Iv heard people marking yes and talking there way through and some marking no and there crime not showing up. (These scenarios were none sex Offences)

      Do some additional research but hope this helps

    • January 30, 2021

      I have to ask you why In hell would you go to any embassy tell them your a RSO? damn your putting a target on your back not even to mention opening pandoras box you will never close again

  • January 11, 2021

    Hi, does anyone know if Guatemala is letting in SO or not?

    • August 10, 2021

      Guatemala has changed. I spent 5 months there in 2020. Was trapped 2 extra months because of Covid. Had no issues entering and they just stamped me in. I was returning this June 2021 and was denied entry and put right back on thr plane to Atlanta. Some Guatemalan agents with HSI shirts showed up to interview me. ICE investigations now has foreign offices with cooperatives with the local governments to insure we don’t pass through customs. You need to check to see if HSI now has an office in your intended country or they will come to the airport to make sure that customs doesn’t wave you through. This makes 3 countries I have now been denied entry to that recently would let me enter without any hassle. The countries beginning to deny registrants is increasing rapidly.

      • August 10, 2021


        Does your passport have a SO stamp and did you notify the local police of your travel before going to Guatemala?

        Also did they stop you after scanning your passport or did they come find you off the plane?

        Could you also mention the other countries you were denied?

        All this would help greatly. I am in the process of getting a second passport from a different country

        • August 11, 2021

          Which country are you getting a second passport from? How much is that costing?

          • August 11, 2021

            Turkey. I did the citizenship program and got 2 apartments that I’m renting out. Need to spend 300k to be eligible and no they don’t care if your a SO.

            You also can have your first and last name changed but it needs to be a Turkish name. Which I did.

            To be fully safe you will notify 21 of the first country you will go to. And then from that hub travel with your Turkish.

            Hope this helps

          • August 12, 2021

            Do you speak Turkish? Did you buy property first? Do you live in the USA or Turkey?

          • August 12, 2021

            I don’t speak Turkish.

            I traveled there for 3 weeks. Met a realtor that speaks English and does the citizenship by investment programs and bought two properties worth 300k to be eligible.

            I live in the US

      • August 11, 2021

        All, PLEASE share accounts like this with RTAG, in the form of a Travel Experience Report, so they can update the Registrant Travel Matrix. Right now that matrix still says Guatemala is acceptable for registrants.

  • January 19, 2021

    Has anyone had any experience traveling to the Bahamas, British Virgin Islands or the US Virgin Islands? My husband is RSO and we want to take a trip to one of these places.

    • January 19, 2021

      Yes went to the Bahamas in 2019. Was pulled aside and asked questions about my crime but they said I was fine.

      Anything US territory is perfectly fine since you aren’t leaving the country.

      • January 20, 2021

        So does anyone know if you can travel to Bolivia as a tier 1 RSO?
        And once you have been removed from the registry in your state (when your required registration ends) can you obtain a passport without the RSO designation?

        • February 24, 2021

          I don’t know about travel to Bolivia.

          My 15yr registration ends in a few months. My passport was revoked a year ago. I plan to re-apply without special designation in my passport.

          • February 25, 2021

            Let us know how it goes on your new passport if you get the scarlet letter or not

          • October 3, 2021

            I Just want to share this with the group. On August 8, 2012 I left my home for a planned vacation to a Europe, namely Croatia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia to do a fitness comparison study of the Eastern Block vs the US population age over 65. I gave the proper notice prior to travel. Got to the ticket counter and two border patrol officers take my passport from the agent, call me over politely and tell me that my passport has been revoked. Just like that, bam! Ruined vacation and loss of all funds because of the “no refund” policy. Perhaps I should have known about this but I had no idea. After researching on line I applied for a new passport on August 24th and received it in the mail September 23rd. Of course it has the endorsement on it. I travel a lot. I don’t focus on where I CAN NOT GO. After getting turned away from Mexico and Dominican Republic, I focus on Europe and the Middle East. I am not sure if the “scarlet letter” will have any affect on being allowed in countries or not. Stay positive everyone!!!

          • October 3, 2021

            Not 2012. This happened this year 2021

          • October 5, 2021

            Thank you for the clarification.

          • October 4, 2021

            I did not realize Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was on the registry

          • October 4, 2021

            Don’t start rumors please. I am NOT the legendary basketball player. Just the same name

          • March 10, 2021

            Did they inform you why they revoked your passport? The reason I ask is, some on here are saying that happen and others on here are making several trips abroad, per year with no issues?

            I self revoked mine as it became too much of a hassle to try, and since I cannot work I couldn’t afford it anyway. I last traveled back in 2012

          • March 10, 2021

            I’m trying to travel to Medellin Columbia can we go there or can you tell me where I can call to find out

      • February 12, 2021

        Do you have to give a 21 day notice when traveling to the Saint Thomas USVI

    • January 19, 2021

      Of those three, USVI will be the easiest for your husband by far. He should be sure to check USVI registration laws before he goes, and be ready to comply with them.

      But the other two would be far more complicated by International Megan’s Law, and there’s even a chance he’d be turned away.

      (I’m assuming here that he’s American).

      • January 19, 2021

        I’ve been to St. Thomas (USVI) a couple of times. Definitely register when you’re there. The officers will check and will verify you registered while you were there. It’s pretty painless to register there however.

        • January 19, 2021

          What exactly do you mean by register while you are there and officers will check you registered?

          • January 20, 2021

            Regarding registering – I mean it’s no different than having to register as per local laws of any state or territory in the United States. You have to go down to the local PD and register in person. You give them the hotel/lodging information and they give you a piece of paper indicating your registered.

            When you leave the island the TSA will pull you aside and ask if you have been registered (much like traveling internationally). If you don’t have the piece of paper they have the option of arresting you for non-compliance as it would in any state. I did that once and was given a stern warning to not do that again. So the second time I went through I registered and quiet smugly handed them the registration document. I think they were a bit disappointed, but my paperwork was in order so I went right through.

            Given the hurricanes that have happened since I was there I’m not sure if the address information is correct or not, but when I registered I went to 3438 Kronprindsens Gade GERS Building, 2nd Floor St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802 340-774-5666. It’s a small area on the 2nd floor.

            It’s not any different than registering anywhere else. The people doing the registration roll their eyes because they know the registry is dumb, but they know the process, may ask you a few questions and then get you out. I don’t think I was there more than an hour – maybe less.

          • January 25, 2021


            To Clarify, it is the USVI Department of Justice Building to which you are referring; it is NOT the police department;

            There is NO ‘IN PERSON REPORTING’ DUE TO SARS-COV-2; One would have to call the number and leave a message of which is NOT GUARANTEED!


          • January 25, 2021

            When did you visit? Sounds like you had trouble. What did they question you about?

        • February 25, 2021

          Do you have to give a 21day notice when traveling to USVI?

          • February 25, 2021


            In theory you shouldn’t have to because it’s a US Territory, but that being said, when you travel to St. Thomas the TSA is way more assertive about checking people than say Puerto Rico. That being said, I have a good working relationship (if you want to call it that) with the registration office and as a courtesy I would let him know about my travels. At this time we (those who register) don’t have to do travel notifications going state to state. This is effectively the same thing as a US Territory is effectively a US State. That ALL being said – do you/should you risk that kind of travel without at least covering the basics?

          • February 25, 2021

            Please Remember, When traveling to the USVI’s, is known as the last line of defense…
            It is located 10 miles from the British Virgin Islands, and as such, One must clear though Immigration and Customs when leaving…

            You first will see Homeland Security…your name will pop up and you will be escorted to Customs Border Patrol…

            You will have to fill out a Customs Declaration Form; which is actually illegal (but that is a whole other story), and they will question everything about you…
            Under law, you are only to give them the address to which you are returning…that is it…do not say anything…they will let you go; but they will try and harass you!….

            I am currently also suing the CBP as they basically stripped search me, and that WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA….I have recently stripped the CBP Officer of her Qualified Immunity Status and am Suing her in Civil Court….stay tuned, News at Eleven!

          • February 25, 2021

            I just got back from St Thomas on Monday, February 23. I contacted the DOJ in ST Thomas the lady’s name is Nyetihag Todman, (340) 774-5666 ext. 10191 her email address is I called her and she had me to send in a copy of my drivers license, the address where I was to stay and flight itinerary. She then email me my paperwork. When I came back to the main land NO one asked me for the paperwork. I went thru customs in Saint Thomas and there was custom agents checking begs on the ramp exiting the plane in Atlanta when I returned.

          • October 5, 2021


            She is obviously Nicer to OTHERS!

            enjoy your day!

    • January 24, 2021

      Went to the US Virgin Islands in November 2020; make sure you register when you arrive if you plan on staying more than 3 days. You have to go through customs when you return to the mainland and they will detain you and ask if you complied with the local laws as well as reported the trip to your local registering authority.

    • April 12, 2021

      The Bahamas is no problem. My charge is 20 years old. Followed the law 21 day notice. Pulled a side when i arrived. They were so respectful and didn’t want to speak about my crime in front of my wife. She laughed. He was 21 and she was 16. Welcome to America ! Been back 3 times in 2 years. They don’t even speak now. Come and go as please. When i arrive back in Florida do my little interview and let them
      Check my phones . I have family pictures on my phone. So i do a back up and completely wipe my phone and hand it to them. They have no right looking at photos of my wife or children. Just always stay polite and never defensive .

      • April 13, 2021


        You should speak to a lawyer. I know it has been a while since I traveled, but even when I was treated like crap by TSA, they never touched my phone. Pretty sure that is a civil rights violation. Unless you are on probation and your probation officer orders it, that your phone being accessed is illegal without a warrant?

        Speak to a lawyer ASAP

        • April 13, 2021

          I read that as they looked at his phone in the Bahamas not here in the USA… our civil rights end at the border and other countries can do as they wish…

          • April 13, 2021

            US Customs Agents need zero legal reason to search any item you are traveling with, they are authorized to do so.

          • April 13, 2021


            I just looked, this must be new but you are right. Wow

            Found this article online

            ” Searches of phones were skyrocketing. Border agents inspected 30,200 phones and other devices last year — an increase of nearly 60 per cent from 2016. U.S. officials say it remains a minuscule percentage of overall travellers — 0.007 per cent, or roughly one per 13,000. The Department of Homeland Security says it’s necessary to combat crimes like terrorism and child pornography.”

          • April 14, 2021

            Yup – nothing like being able to claim the legal right to violate civil rights in the name of combating terrorism and child pornography… I mean who would ever push back against that?

          • April 13, 2021

            Ah – true true. I forgot we’ve got that awful law that allows customs agents to invade everyone’s privacy within 100 miles of the border.

          • April 13, 2021


            Please re-read.

            “When i arrive back in Florida do my little interview and let them Check my phones . I have family pictures on my phone.”

            Not to be a jerk, but last I checked, Florida is in the U.S. But who knows, weirder things have happened. Maybe we got sold on ebay.

      • July 6, 2021

        Thank you for sharing that very good, encouraging news. I’ve really been hoping to return to the Bahamas. Its been 30-something years and I really miss the place!
        – David

    • April 27, 2021

      Sheri – Did you end up going to the US virgin Islands? I would like to travel there myself. Please let me know if you had any issues

      • April 28, 2021

        Planning the trip for this December. I’ll report back. But sounds like it should be pretty smooth.
        We are also thinking Puerto Rico next year. Anyone have experience with travels there?

        • April 28, 2021


          If you are a U.S citizen, not sure how they can block you from Puerto Rico since you don’t even need a passport to go there if you are a U.S citizen. It is a U.S Territory. That doesn’t mean they won’t harass a registered citizen but that happened to me every time I re-entered the U.S so I was use to it.

          If you are NOT a U.S citizen, not sure what the rules are.

        • April 28, 2021

          SO’s shouldn’t have to worry about being turned around when traveling to Puerto Rico because it is considered U.S. territory. Any U.S. citizen can travel to any of the U.S. territories without a passport because it is considered the same as traveling to any other U.S. state. There are five U.S. territories and the five passport free U.S. territories are:
          1.) Puerto Rico
          2.) U.S. Virgin Islands
          3.) Northern Mariana Islands
          4.) Guam
          5.) American Samoa
          Since these are all U.S. territories they also have their own sex offender registry just like any other state in the U.S. also. Hope this Info helps.

          • April 29, 2021

            Thank you. Does anyone have experience using a passport that was issued prior to conviction?

          • April 29, 2021

            unless it’s cancelled it should be fine

          • April 29, 2021

            I still have mine prior to conviction and when I use it I am not returning. I am moving to Ukraine

          • April 29, 2021

            I thought about moving to an European country too. Any tips or advice you can give? What are the requirements to move to Ukraine?

          • April 29, 2021

            To move to Ukraine I have opened a business which I have applied for a TPR permit to live in the country based off my company. When applying for the visa they do not check criminal history and don’t care, Germany is the same way.

          • April 29, 2021


            I wish you well. If Russia has their way, all of Ukraine will be theres. Years ago they invaded and took over Crimea. They just recently blocked some channels and are ramping up troop presence in that area. Many believe they are moving to take more territory.
            Stay safe and bring along a Russian dictionary just in case.

          • May 8, 2021

            Thanks you for the info. May I ask what kind of business did you open?

          • April 29, 2021

            It will likely be canceled by now. They should have sent a letter however. You might call and make sure it’s still good without mentioning details.

          • April 29, 2021

            Yes…Never had a problem…

            Also, I recently renewed mine and there is no identifier mark on it…I also was issued a passport card…….

          • April 30, 2021

            Can someone tell me what happens when you register to travel to another state. If staying at a friends Does that person’s address become public is that in the registry?

          • April 30, 2021

            It appears as a temporary address. It is public.

          • April 30, 2021

            Out-of-state addresses don’t appear, FAC, but only city state & zip. Right?

          • April 30, 2021

            Ok now that makes sense. Sometimes I have seen so’s info just as city and state…they must be Visitng.
            Does anyone know of a spousal support group?

          • April 30, 2021

            Search out-of-state persons & u’ll see street addresses are nonpublic.

          • April 30, 2021

            Jacob – you are correct! We are going to delete our reply.

          • April 30, 2021

            But is your picture up? How long does it stay on that state’s registry?

          • April 30, 2021


            That seem punishment towards people who have nothing to do with the registry. As you know very well, Florida for example keeps address and people in their data bases after you move away and even if you die.

            So you go visit a friend and their address gets put on the registry and when you leave, if it is not removed, God help those people living there. We are far past the registry being “Enough is enough” and to the point of Marxism.

          • April 30, 2021

            The addresses are removed when you move.

          • May 1, 2021

            If you are staying at a hotel you would put the hotel information down in the Visiting state? Does that ever cause an issue with the hotel?

    • January 17, 2022

      Bahamas is fine by cruise ship . I don’t know about by air. We went to the Bahamas and no issue until we returned to the United States then boarder control stopped us for about 45min went through phones and bags and asked questions then let us be on our way. We also went to Mexico via cruise and no issue at first Mexican port of call but while about to disembark the second port “cozmel ” boarder control stopped the ships departure for about an hour while they checked out passports for a few people but then let us go without even questioning us. My husband is rso his crime was over 25yrs ago only one offense she was 17 and lied about her age he was 21 and they were drunk he got the book thrown at him. He is a lifetime registered sex offender for it. His passport does not have a mark and has been used several times in 2020 and 2021

      • January 17, 2022

        Which cruise line did you go on?

    • January 17, 2022

      Just returned from St. Thomas USVI last week. Make sure you register when you get to St. Thomas—they WILL check the system when you go through customs to return to the US. USVI Registration is via email right now because of Covid; but save all email correspondence with the USVI Department of Justice Registration office, because they WILL ask to see the paperwork you fill out to register.

      • January 18, 2022


        Reminds me of the SS in Germany during WWII asking “Papers, let me see your papers”.
        If you were caught without proper documents you could be arrested or shot on the spot. Everyone had to carry them to prove you were not a registered person (Or in this case, a Jew).

        Was shameful then, it is shameful now.

      • January 18, 2022

        I’ve been there (trying to leave St. Thomas and being asked for papers). The first time I had no idea it was a requirement and got a VERY stern warning when leaving. The second time I followed the registration process to a “T”. When departing I got pulled aside again and it was almost as if they were disappointed that I was compliant. It’s like they enjoy busting folks.

        Plus – I simply don’t understand the TSA there. St. Thomas is a US territory and I only need a drivers license to travel there/back. I never left the territory. My travel to/from there technically never left the US territory (US mainland, Puerto Rico to St. Thomas and back). Basically I see it as a precursor to how it’s going to be anytime we travel within the continental US.

        • January 18, 2022

          That’s right. I would Register exactly as required. But I don’t have to show anyone proof of that and I’m not going to. If you play along with their games you are only legitimizing it.

          They can put me in their jail for as long as it takes them to figure out I did nothing wrong. Then I will definitely sue them. A lot of people talk a big game but when it comes down to it they don’t even want to be inconvenienced for 15 minutes. Isn’t that how MLK did it? Avoided all inconveniences?

  • January 21, 2021

    What is the status of Jamaica? I am a rso misdemeanor charge 20 years ago

    • January 23, 2021

      NOPE…You CANT GO

      unless u got a private jet in and out and pay off the police….

  • January 29, 2021

    I am a first time level one sex offender. I am looking to move out of America and want to know if anyone know how I can go about it.

  • February 3, 2021

    I’m a level one sex offender just got put on. I am taking my family and moving to Germany! I am not sticking around to be harassed by the system. My charge wasn’t touching, but just TEXTING… Rather going to trial I took the plea deal. It kills me they have a registry for texting, but not one for people that committed murder.

    • February 3, 2021

      I’ve traveled to Germany several times since my conviction. Never a problem, border control is always very polite. I just went as a tourist though.

    • February 8, 2021

      When are you leaving? No COVID issues? job lined up?

      • February 9, 2021

        Within the next 5months! I have already got my vaccine shot, thanks to my wife being in the medical field. I have 90 days visa free, so in that time I’ll find a job. We have plenty in savings.

        • February 12, 2021

          Can you speak German?

  • February 8, 2021

    Hi, has anyone traveled to Italy recently? Or does anyone know if Italy is letting in SOs?

    • February 8, 2021

      I have traveled to Italy recently via Germany, but all EU/Schengen states have the same relaxed rules. No problem, and no border checkpoints between European countries (Except UK/GB). There is a border checkpoint at Switzerland (they didn’t join the EU) but they don’t really stop anyone, just wave at you.

      • February 8, 2021

        Did you give 21 day notice in the USA? How did you travel during COVID?

  • February 12, 2021

    I’m a RSO has anyone ever traveled to Dominican Republic, Columbia or Jamaica

    • February 24, 2021

      Sorry to report but I know a RSO who was denied entry to Dominican Republic a few years ago.

      • February 25, 2021

        I was denied Entry into the Dominican Republic on February 1, 2021. They had my name when I got off the plane, they pulled me to the side and took me right back and I flew back home in the next plane.

        • March 9, 2021

          My crime took place in 2011 and I just found out today about the restrictions. I am scheduled to fly Thursday morning with my children for the burial and service for my father. Should I contact the embassy?

          • March 9, 2021

            Yes you should contact them ASAP. My crime took place in 2001. I fly over there on February 1 they turned me around.

          • March 10, 2021

            Thanks again for your help.
            BTW- My passport does not bear the identifier and it was just issued July 2020. Is this a good thing?

          • March 10, 2021

            My passport doesn’t have the identifier either, and it was issued in June 2020 as well. I just know my experience a lot of lotta money on hotels airfare etc.

          • March 10, 2021

            I confirmed with the embassy and there is no way in unless the person at customs shows me grace. Praying.

          • March 9, 2021

            Hello Greg

            Had you not contacted the SOR before going? I am thinking of contacting the embassy tomorrow. I honestly did not know I was suppose to contact SORB 21 days before traveling. We have been planning since last year to have a decent service and bury my father.
            Thanks for your answer and help.
            Have you considered being reclassified to then eventually getting off the list.

          • March 10, 2021

            No I did not contact sors I didn’t know. I have contacted an attorney to try to get off the registry of course it’s $10,000 upfront. So that is my next move. Although when I first got home from prison the Bureau of investigation in my state sent a letter to the sheriffs department saying that my crime was not a sex offense and I did not have to register. My probation officer at the time said she didn’t care with the Bureau of investigation said my JNC says I must register

          • March 10, 2021

            Yikes! $10K is heavy. For help with Reclassification in Massachusetts is $5k and you can add an extra $3K if court time needed. I am writing up my motion on my own with a template I found online. Eventually I will attempt to be pardoned, sealed or expunged. Good luck with the process Mr. Greg. Some probation officers are power hungry or implement fear tactics even when it is not warranted. Wish me well everyone. I believe if God wants me there I will be there.

          • March 10, 2021

            Are you in Boston? How is the registry there? Levels 1-3?

          • March 10, 2021


            If you still have family where your loved one died, it might be better to have a loved one speak on your behalf to the officials. Have them explain you just want to come for the funeral and if they want, you will leave right after the funeral.

            If that doesnt work you can even agree to have a police official escort you to the funeral and back to the airport.

            Prayers for you my friend. que Dios te bendiga

          • March 10, 2021

            Thanks for the encouragement CherokeeJack.

            For Mr. Rocky- the crime took place in Massachusetts. Yep on the levels. One can request reclassification every 3 years.

          • July 6, 2021

            YES …sorry for your loss, but most countries have zero sympathy for SOs.

          • July 6, 2021

            Countries may not “have sympathy for SOs”, but most European countries are also not sympathetic to America’s sex offender hysteria. They think Americans are freaky about anything sex-related (and they’re correct.)
            – David

          • July 6, 2021


            Some countries are changing their ways. When I went to Amsterdam, they still had the ladies in the windows in the red light district. (I walked it during the day just to say I had been there on my resume’) lol

            I get a few travel magazines even though I stopped paying for the years ago. recently, One article said they cleaned up the sleezy areas and the ladies in the windows are no longer.

  • February 15, 2021

    Hi, does anyone know if Greece is letting in SO’s?

    • June 30, 2021

      I was denied entry for a 2006 conviction on Tuesday June 22, 2021
      Level 1, Federal Conviction….CALL GREEK MINISTRY OF INTERIOR or GREEK CUSTOMS POLICE to find out if you are blocked, save yourself TONS OF MISERY.

      • June 30, 2021

        Hey this is crazy news. Can you please provide more detail.

        Do you have a marker on your passport? Did you give the US 3 weeks notice before traveling.

        Did they deny you at customs or when getting off the plane?

        • July 6, 2021

          I do not have a marker on passport. i was refused by customs. Level 1 means lowest risk in federal system.

      • June 30, 2021

        Can you please provide more detail of your denial. What do you mean by level 1 federal conviction?

        As of now there has been no reports of denial in Europe.

        Did you give notice to the police before traveling and was your passport marked?

        • July 6, 2021

          I gave 30 days notice, i visited Greece in 2018, 2019, with no problem. This was absolutely horrible experience. I was detained in customs police area for 7 hours, then transferred to another building (supposedly not a jail but multiple levels of gaurds, multiple barbwire fencing, steel bars on windows, armed police and federal guards inside..not able to leave. kinda sounds like jail ?? long story..horrible !!!

          • July 6, 2021

            This is the first hearing any European country denying a SO. I’m so sorry to hear this. Did they pull you off the plane or was it at customs when they scanned your passport? Did you have a chance to explain your situation.

            Also was your crime a federal or state crime?

            Thank you for the follow up

          • July 6, 2021

            Sounds horrible 🙁 was your crime a state or federal crime? Not sure if that plays a roll.

            Also was it after they scanned your passport did they detain you?

            I went to greece back in 2017 from Amsterdam and had no problems. This is sad

          • July 6, 2021

            Is it because the crime was federal? Has anyone without a federal case been turned away?

          • July 6, 2021

            There’s no difference

          • July 7, 2021

            Did they tell you why they were denying you entry?

          • July 14, 2021

            Did they tell you if your denial was because of your conviction or because of some covid19 related law?

    • July 6, 2021

      You should have no difficulty entering any of the Schengen countries of Europe (of which Greece is one). 👍🏻

  • February 15, 2021

    Are the countries St. Kitts or Dominica granting entry to SO’s?

    • February 17, 2021

      I would like to know about St. Kitts/ Nevis as well! I’m confused one page said no to St. Lucia and another said yes…any personal experiences?

  • February 15, 2021

    I’m thinking about moving to Europe. Does anyone know if SO’s can enter Portugal?

    • March 10, 2021

      Can a RSO travel to Columbia?

      • August 10, 2021

        Gregory, no. I spent 6 months in Colombia total. I went in 2013 and 2015 for 3 months each. No problems. In 2017 I was denied entry. Since then they have been rejecting registrants because the US government has convinced them to ban them.

    • July 6, 2021

      You should have no difficulty entering any of the Schengen countries of Europe (of which Portugal is one). I have visited France numerous times in recent years without any entry problems (except once when our US DOS mis-identified me as a fugitive – that was fun!😁)

  • February 16, 2021

    I seen Yerevan Armenia was letting in SOs. Has anyone tried? The cheap living and having a 6 moth free visa, along with not needing a work visa attracted me LOL.

  • March 14, 2021

    If you have completed your registry term- in Indiana 10 years for my offense- will there still be possible international travel barriers and the stamp required on the passport?

    • March 15, 2021


      • March 15, 2021

        But if you have completed your registry term and you are not registered anymore I don’t understand why there would be continued travel difficulties and the stamp still required on your passport.

        • March 15, 2021

          John – this “India and Jamaica” discussion is quite lengthy and has a long history of folks commenting about having long finished their sentences, not needing to register and being prevented from entry into other countries as well as passports being revoked in order to have the scarlet letter attached to their new one.

          The entire system is now setup to be a “forever system” meaning that once you’re on the legal system may say they aren’t denying you anything when in reality the powers that want to make our lives as miserable as possible are in the background with a wink wink/nudge nudge to the spirit or enforcement of the law.

          This is the whole point of the Florida Action Committee (which I have no association other than helping financially at times) as well as NARSOL and other organizations trying to combat the overall issue.

          In the end the only way to truly defeat this lifetime sentence is with money and even money isn’t going to overcome the issue because the first time the collective “we” can get in front of this financially, the “Jeffrey Epstein’s” are going to be waved out to drum up enough public fear that no amount of money (Jeffrey was a billionaire after all) will overcome the nonsensical nature we find ourselves in.

          IMHO the futile attempts most of the legal teams are making are helping to make things from getting worse, but there is little chance of them making things “better”. I really truly wish this were different.

          • March 15, 2021

            There is a separate org that works on travel.

          • March 15, 2021

            on this IML lot of people termed out long before Megan’s law 2016 many many of term termed out July 1st 2005 before it took effect thus travel not effected by it from what I know experienced

            Can I make a complaint if I am a victim of an erroneous notification?
            Any individual who traveled internationally and was denied entry into a country based upon a notification believed to have been made in error by the USMS may make a complaint. The complaint form can be located here. Note that this form is only for the individual who was the subject of a USMS notice, and not family members or other traveling companions.


          • January 25, 2022

            I have thought alot about this situation, as I love to travel and my partner is reluctant because of these issues. I was thinking of going to the embassy of the country to talk with them and see if there is anything we can do. Is that crazy?? I know the US has made the request that countries deny us entry, but they need our tourist dollars, so maybe there is a way around these rules???
            Also, using initials like IML etc, don’t mean anything unless told what they mean. Please consider a page on the acronyms so we know what they mean.

          • January 26, 2022

            oh yes go to the embassy tell them your a RSO planning
            to enter there country make sure though you wear a big bullseye on your shirt so they know you arrived…

            as for the using initials you will learn them all in time expecially
            when you start traveling AWA IML SO RPs RSO Rsol Etc…
            you must be new to all this
            you contact any embassy tell them your RSO RP, you blessed yourself with a blacklist Letter along with deportation
            just sayin your opening Pandoras box for a load of trouble you cant close.

      • March 30, 2021

        can you elaborate on why this is to be kept on it after your off registry

        • January 26, 2022


          Just my opinion but, being former law enforcement, unless your criminal record is sealed, you will be forever still listed as a felon with a sex crime, therefor held against you. And with a sex crime, we have the least chance of any group of getting our records sealed or expunged. Well maybe right up there with terrorist.
          Add to that, they (who is they anyway?) want to maintain some control over us.

          • April 23, 2022

            Past history from late 70’s for lewdness which are disorderly convictions.
            No problems for decades, no restrictions to travel.
            I am I allowed to vacation in the USVI or Jamaica without any issues?
            Went to DR a few years ago no problem there, coming back when my passport was scanned I was asked to go downstairs.
            Customs was very polite and professional just said “you were arrested in the 70’s”. I replied “yes sir and no issues for decades”.
            “Have a nice day, your free to go”.
            However, it was embarrassing.
            Is this something that I’ll be dealing with anytime I decide to take a trip out of the US?

          • April 24, 2022

            dont sweat it mine from 90 and no issues now..
            im abroad now if you are not on the registry it shouldn’t be an issue IML dont follow you

          • April 24, 2022

            new learning experience
            “criminal record is sealed,”

            not anymore under a so called law which I haven’t been able to find a sealed record is public to DHS USCIS and a few others this I know as fact due to Visa denial..and married 10 yrs.

            they use AWA to justify their actions of being able to use it..along with Adjudication withhold Alfred Plea and the rest are considered “convictions under AWA

          • April 25, 2022


            The more we push back on the registry in courts, with fireworks, the lawmakers counter attack us with Nukes. Right now we are Ukraine and the law makers are Russia. It seems we are gaining ground and getting some wins, then they blow up a day care.

            Using this analogy because our families are also paying the price. And yes, we committed an offense so we are partly to blame for pain our family endures. Having said that, why should our families endure the backlash of a retroactive registry? This causes our kids, and grandkids to not be able to play with the neighbors kids due to the parents not wanting their children to associate with sicko creeper’s kids.

            Consequences of war, the war on us and our families, and, even anyone who would dare associate with us.

          • April 25, 2022

            The analogy is spot on very well said
            war raging everywhere..

    • March 16, 2021

      Please take this comment section or the moderators with a grain of salt. No one has maximized all their resources.

      If you do your research, hire the right lawyers and you spend the money to hire lawyers that work on immigration in the travel destination you want to go to you can travel there.

      The majority of people on these forums don’t have the money to do so and are just traveling blindly and getting denied.

      See the travel restrictions of that country, speak to a few immigration attorneys of that country and I guarantee they can help you with your travels.

      All it takes is money. I have gone to Mexico as a SO and every single post on here just is people crying and complaining without providing any real solution when there is some out there.

      I also got a second citizenship with investment property in Turkey and I had my first and last name changed with my Turkish passport. There is a LOT of ways to work around this system legally.

      Don’t be discouraged. If you have the money and you do your research you can do it. But you first need the disposables income.

      • March 16, 2021

        Thanks for that information…would you mind sharing your contact? If not, once you resolved Mexico were your able to every time or did you need an attorney each time? And how much was it to resolve Mexico?

      • March 16, 2021

        Daniel – that’s great to hear you’ve had success with this route (right lawyers etc.). I’ve often thought of exploring this path but wasn’t sure how successful it was. I’m sure my milage may vary from country to country, but it sounds like with a good lawyer it IS possible.

        Did you work with one in the states or with the receiving country? Was it someone who specialized in immigration? I’m just curious as I’m happy to spend a few extra bucks (well, I’m sure it’s more than that) to ensure I can get into a country.

      • March 16, 2021

        Did you use a Mexican attorney? And can’t folks just walk into Mexico or do they need your passport before entering I haven’t been in so long and I am looking to relocate out of the United states

        • March 16, 2021


          I know when I was a kid, my Dad and his sailor buddies would drive to Tiajuana and all you had to do was show your drivers license. If you were in Military uniform, they would just wave you through.

          I think those days are over but I could be wrong. Especially since we have been so hard on their citizens coming here, I think we got retribution for us making it harder for them to waltz right in.

          The difference is (And not being racist towards Mexicans) when we go there, we are boosting their economy. When they come here, many actually cost us money by us having to support them. There are some who come here legit but many come looking for a better life on our dime. (I do feel bad for their way of life in Mexico though)

      • March 24, 2021

        Can you please share the contact in Mexico I would like to work on it for my husband. And how much money are we looking like for that? How long was your process?

          • May 1, 2021

            Is this a lawyer? Can they help with a permanent solition to allowing a so in?

          • April 14, 2022

            I come across information today
            lets say you’re fortunate enough to be cleared to enter the Philippines
            The problem is if your still a registered citizen and under the eyes of angelwatch.

            the philippines STILL GETS NOTIFICATIONS that a RSO is in route to the philippines ..take a guess what happens next…… no need to elaborate on this but just a warning on the possibilities I’ve spoken to 2 Registered citizens who stated that it happen to them even there attorney warned them that as long as your on the registry notices will go out clearance to enter letters or not

          • May 2, 2021


            I was going to ask FAC if they vetted this person before allowing you to post this.

            However, after doing some research I found this:

            Matthew Ameika advocates for various migrant and non-migrant visas from the United States. He is licensed to practice law and supervise all aspects of US visa applications. Education and Professional Experience: Matthew Ameika has been licensed to practice law in the State of New York since 2009.Matthew Ameika advocates for various migrant and non-migrant visas from the United States. He is licensed to practice law and supervise all aspects of US visa applications. Education and Professional Experience: Matthew Ameika has been licensed to practice law in the State of New York since 2009.

      • April 3, 2021

        Was this before 2017 when the international megan’s law took affect?

        • April 4, 2021

          No it was this year. This law from mexico wasn’t passed till 2018

      • May 6, 2021

        How did you get your Turkish citizenship? The one-year-prior-criminality check rule? Or otherwise?

      • March 19, 2022

        Just wanting to know are you still traveling to Mexico? My husband comes home June 2023. I want to go to Mexico with him.

      • March 20, 2022

        When was the last time you went to Mexico? Was it by plane or just driving through the California Mexico border?

      • June 12, 2022

        Do you have a referral on how to get the turkish citizenship did you work with an agency or attorney?

    • October 11, 2021

      when did you term out? 10yrs done
      not all are bound by IML I know personally..

  • March 15, 2021

    Why can’t all these denials of entry by a majority of countries be used to challenge IML? I believe the previous challenge was before it took effect. Now we see the damage it has caused.

    • March 15, 2021


      There is a guy who is from FL who now lives in Germany who is working on challenging these laws on the international stage. You can see his work at

      His charge has gone before the German court (I think at the international level) to challenge the SO laws are a human rights violation. If it passes muster in Germany it could be adopted internationally. What amusing (sadly) is while there is a larger number of countries out there that have signed onto this human rights treaty, the United States is not one of them. So in theory, if it passes, travel to other countries could become easier and it could nullify the IML for folks post-sentence, but that’s my pie-in-the-sky dream at this point.

      I also expect that if the international community agrees that this is an inhumane law that the United States will go “that’s cute, but we’re not about to let SO’s have ANY break – ever!”

      • March 15, 2021

        Generally speaking Sweden and Switzerland have been some of the most liberal countries. Not sure if that has changed since I traveled many years ago. We traveled through 5 borders/countries never once showing our passports.

        I was kind of mad because I got to visit the countries but no proof in the form of a passport stamp. One time there was actually a border agent wave us through. I asked the guide if I could ask them to stamp my passport. They said to “Let it go” or “you might agitate them and be held for further scrutiny”.

  • April 27, 2021

    Has anyone got to Dominica (not Dominican Republic)?

    • October 10, 2021

      I just went with my family in August 2021 and a breeze through immigration. Had a great family vacation. I actually felt like a normal human being for once.

      • October 10, 2021

        I have a few follow up questions.

        Where did you travel exactly?

        Are you on the SO registry?
        Is your passport marked and did you give a 23 day notice?

        Any hiccups going or coming back?


      • October 11, 2021

        Where did you go? Did you give the 21 day notice? Is your passport stamped?

  • April 30, 2021

    A lot of countries don’t do criminal history checks even though they bar “criminals” as tourists.
    I went to the Ukraine government’s website and it states you must have a certificate from your last country of residence stating you have no criminal convictions to get a TRP. I am curious how this turns out. Please post an update if you actually receive a TRP.
    The interesting thing about Ukraine is the site says you only need $100,000 for an investor’s visa. This is one of the lowest amounts out there but still out of reach for most registrants. If i were a registrant I would borrow the $100,000, move out of the country and tell the bank good luck collecting their $100,000 because the government has made most registrants unemployable.
    It’s a shame these laws have led to a whole class of people to seek ways to leave their country perhaps to never see their friends and families again.
    I say stay and fight.

    • April 30, 2021

      For a permanent residency you need to have a good certificate from your country but for a temporary residency they don’t check. You can get a 3 year TPR and re-new it every 3 years. I opened a business there

      • May 1, 2021

        You opened a business where? What kind of business did you open?

        • May 2, 2021

          In Ukraine! A marketing/graphic design company

          • May 3, 2021

            Do you speak Russian?

          • May 5, 2021

            Hey Shawn; can you keep us updated on your TRP for Ukraine? I noticed you applied and were successfully able to open the LLC which is good but interested to see the outcome.

          • May 5, 2021

            I will! I was successful at getting my work permit as well.

          • May 6, 2021

            That is incredible.

            Congratulations to you sir, you are making great strides. Super interested to see how the TRP works out. The work permit is a huge deal.

          • May 6, 2021

            That is awesome! Can’t wait to see your results. Best of luck.

          • May 23, 2021

            Were you able to get the TRP?

          • May 23, 2021

            I will be flying to Turkey to apply. I opened my business and received my work permit already

    • April 30, 2021

      You’d borrow $100,000 without intending to repay it?

      For a registrant to do such a thing, surely would qualify as recidivism!

      But I am glad you are not a registrant and agree with “stay and fight” (not just in U.S., but in Florida specifically). A registrant could move to Ukraine and discover unpleasant conditions they weren’t expecting (underdevelopment, cultural differences, etc.)

      • April 30, 2021


        I agree, the grass is NOT always greener on the other side of the fence. I learned that the hard way when I sold my house, and moved to California for 3 days. When I got back home to unregister, the Florida officials gave me a copy of the California laws and rules for the registry and said “Go sit down and read these before you make a decision you will regret”.

        I am glad the guy told me that because after reading what was going on at the time in California, I would have been no better off (Still lifetime registration) AND I would have been away from my family and friends.

        So imagine moving to another country where you are an outsider and do not speak the language (Which is much harder to learn as an adult). I visited 9 countries while being registered (Before everything got real bad for us). Some wonderful places to be a visitor, not so much to live there.

        To make matters worse, if you give up your citizenship, you may not ever be able to get it back if you change your mind. That just happened to a guy from New zealand (not on the registry) who served as a U.S marine and was promised citizenship, they have been trying to deport him for years and he did nothing wrong.

        My point is, if they the U.S government treats a decorated Marine that way for doing nothing wrong, what chance do we have?

      • July 6, 2021

        Jacob and others, I think the loan idea was to get a loan from a family member or friend.
        (No bank is going to lend anyone any money unless you have a good credit score, steady employment and, preferably, good collateral. A bank is not going to lend you money to move to a foreign country and never return. 😒 Shhsss! 🙄)

  • May 27, 2021

    Has anyone tried going to Maldives? Nevis?

    • August 12, 2021

      I am curious about travel to the Maldives as well. I am planning a trip there soon, but really want to know if it is a waste of my time and money beforehand. Please let me know if you hear anything. Thanks.

  • June 20, 2021

    Are the travel restrictions the same whether the offense was involving a minor or not?

    • June 21, 2021

      Depends whose travel restrictions we’re referring to— Federal, state, or the receiving country.

      • June 21, 2021

        How do I find out for Jamaica and some of the islands and Thailand?

      • June 21, 2021


        I heard once they colonize Mars, there will be a huge Billboard at the landing site that reads “No registered sex offenders beyond this point”. (Science fiction or reality? You decide)

  • July 6, 2021

    Anyone denied by Greece NEEDS to submit a travel experience report to RTAG. Use the link above.

    So that RTAG can add it to the matrix and then other registrants don’t make the same mistake of attempting to enter Greece with their family.

    Registrants considering where to travel, are more likely to view the matrix than read this discussion.

    • July 7, 2021

      Can you send a link to the comments and the person who wrote their experience. I can’t seem to find it for some reason.

      This is a major issue that should be looked into further. This is the first report from Greece. Further details are important.

      • July 7, 2021

        This is why Greece travellers are urged to submit a Travel Experience Report to RTAG using the above link. Even though Greece travel experience details are right here on this very page, it’s a challenge for prospective Greece travelers to find them.

  • July 23, 2021

    Has anyone traveled to Portugal recently or knows if Portugal is letting in SO’s?

    • August 13, 2022

      I traveled to Spain and Portugal august 2019 for two weeks. I didn’t have my mark on passport at the time. Got into country but when leaving, was stopped by two officers asking me where I stayed. They said US contacted them to follow up. New passport has the mark now.

  • October 4, 2021

    Looking for advise!!!

    The judge gave me permission to move abroad. My supervised probation got turned into unsupervised. I have my passport, but It does not have the endorsement inside. I was planning on flying on my passport. I have seen stories where peoples passports got canceled and some that people has no issues

    • October 4, 2021

      Read my post that relates to your situation

      • October 4, 2021

        Which post?

    • October 4, 2021

      If you’re planning on permanently moving then your current passport without the endorsement will be fine to travel as long as they haven’t sent you a letter in the email revoking your passport.

      • October 4, 2021

        Thank you!

      • October 4, 2021

        as long as a Green notice isnt sent out first..

      • October 4, 2021

        “A registrant and his wife were removed by from a plane they had already boarded in Los Angeles earlier this week. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials who removed them from the plane, the registrant’s passport had been revoked because it lacked the unique identifier required by the International Megan’s Law (IML).

        According to the registrant, he received no notice that his passport had been revoked prior to boarding the flight from Los Angeles to Amsterdam. After the registrant was removed from the plane, the DHS officials demanded that he surrender his passport to them. The registrant complied with that demand and is now required to apply for a new passport.”

  • October 4, 2021

    Green Card holder here and RSO. This all has me worried about leaving the US on my non US passport, which does not have any markings as the US has no power over it. Planning on returning to Europe and last thing I want is to be stopped and detained. Planning on giving the 21 day notice, but, definitely concerned

  • December 3, 2021

    Can a SO travel for any part of Africa ? Nigeria Ghana etc

  • December 25, 2021

    Hi, does anyone know if SO’s are allowed to enter El Salvador?

  • January 24, 2022

    Has anyone traveled to Puerto Rico recently? Did you have to do anything while you were there? My husband is RSO no probation no restrictions. We recently traveled to US Virgin Islands. No issues, but he did have to go to a government office and check in while we were there. And upon leaving during customs he was taken to a small room and asked questions. All was well. But wondering does he have to do that for Puerto Rico as well? Puerto Rico is different because it doesn’t have customs for US travelers. Thank you

    • January 24, 2022

      Puerto Rico is considered the US as far as travel is considered, like traveling to another state. Check with it’s local ordinances and all should be well.

      • January 24, 2022

        Thank you. I’m trying to find information on their website but it’s all in Spanish.

      • February 22, 2022

        Has anyone traveled to Puerto Rico? We have a trip planned there. But I can’t find anything on who to contact about my travel there. The only thing I did find out was that Puerto Rico does not require notification. However, this was from a third party website and I just want to make sure that is true.

    • January 24, 2022

      “And upon leaving during customs he was taken to a small room and asked questions.”

      That is The Problem: When you Leave The USVI’s a ‘Person Forced to Register’, Homeland Security(TSA) Along With Customs Border Patrol are Creating a New Scheme That is Not Governed By Codified Numerical Statute….The Homeland Security Dude/Dudette Takes Your ID and Tells You to Follow him/her and tells you “new procedure you have to follow”
      and Takes you to a Locked Windowed Room with a Goon from Customs Border Control and Then They Question You and They Make you fill out a Customs Declaration Form….Well, The USVI is Part of the USA and no other persons leaving the USVI’s HAVE TO fill out this form and be further questioned!..IT IS TOTAL TOTAL HOGWASH!


      Again, Made up PHENOMENA, like Compliance Checks!

      • January 24, 2022

        And these asinine things are one of the reasons I do not travel. The second is, I am so broke, I cannot even pay attention. 🙁

        • January 24, 2022


          I only Travel When I Have Too…

          To See My Mom for 71 Hours Per Annum….

          And, For Business Purposes, When I Have to!

          Other Than That, I am, Happy to Have Google Duo!

  • April 13, 2022

    I am a registered sex offender (Tier 1). Just received my new US passport (April 8, 2022) , but there is no “unique identifier” anywhere in the passport. I did submit a signed statement with my passport application notifying that I am a covered sex offender under IML .
    Is it OK travel to India to see my 92-year-old mother who is very sick and return to USA with this passport? Will it be revoked?
    Also, has anyone travelled to India? Will I be refused entry to India?

    • April 13, 2022

      might as well give it a shot…50/50 crap shoot..
      be better too to get some kind of proof from dr or what ever to prove your grandmother is Ill some ppl do have a heart. not like the US where they are heartless

    • April 15, 2022

      I am in the same boat as you as I plan to travel to India(I am an Indian origin but no longer have Indian passport or no longer being Indian citizen. So I am wondering if anyone with Indian origin travelled to India and denied?

      • August 1, 2022

        Hi Pranav, please share if you were able to travel to India. I am in same situation and feeling hopeless. Thanks AK

        • August 1, 2022

          Are you Indian too? Are you moving back to India? What state are you in? Do you have a child case?

        • August 1, 2022

          I haven’t had a chance to travel to India but I plan to go by end of this year or January. Are you a US citizen or do you have valid indian visa? I hold Overseas citizen of India(OCI) however I no longer have Indian citizenship.

        • September 26, 2022

          Hi, Here’s my situation: have child case recently got US citizenship and planning to visit India. Am tier1 with SOR for 10 years only. Will I get denied entry to India for a family visit? Please share your thoughts and experience. Thanks

          • September 26, 2022

            Please give me a call so that we can get in touch. I am travelling to India soon and I have a child case as well. I am a us citizen now and have OCI card.

            My number is REDACTED

          • September 27, 2022

            Looks like we cannot share our #. Share your Linkedin profile or first part of your gmail or yahoo etc

          • September 27, 2022

            here is my first part of my yahoo: punreddy1983

      • August 1, 2022

        Did you travel to India? What state are you in? Do you have a child case?

    • October 9, 2022

      You will be turned away at customs. You will then have to fly back home on any flight they can get you on immediately. Then you will have to go through customs at every airport. Once you’re back home you will receive a letter to surrender your passport and reapply and pay for a new one. I know from my personal experience trying to go to Punta Cana. It was horrible how they treated me in a country where English was not their first language and I had a valid passport.

    • October 10, 2022

      I am in the same boat as you. I believe you are travelling to India this month? Can you please reach out to me so that we can go over the travel experience? I knew a person travelled to India this year.

      My email is:

  • June 18, 2022

    Hi, does anyone know if Guatemala or El Salvador is letting in SO or not?

  • July 8, 2022

    Has anyone succeeded in this?
    My wife is in Mexico and I’m in the USA. I tried to get my Mexican citizenship through my wife but was denied. Anyone know what I can do to get my Mexican citizenship approved?

    • January 18, 2024

      Does anyone know if Ecuador is letting in SO’s?


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