Former Camden County Police Department (NJ) “Officer of the Week” fathered child with 15 year old.

We do not post stories about police offers or teachers who sexually assault minors to call them out or shame them. We post these stories to demonstrate that it’s not registered sex offenders who you need to worry about when sending your children to school, but their teachers and coaches. It’s not necessarily the random guy on a list who is preying on children, but can just as easily be the police officer or politician who are enforcing or passing laws supposed to protect them.

Today we read this story of a NJ detective who impregnated a 15 year old, but we could run these stories every day.

These stories prove that the registry is not identifying potential predators, as 95% of them are NOT on the registry and can be anyone – even the ones you are supposed to trust. These stories also prove that the registry creates a false sense of security – convincing parents that it’s a substitute for vigilant supervision, when it’s only a distraction.


2 thoughts on “Former Camden County Police Department (NJ) “Officer of the Week” fathered child with 15 year old.

  • September 22, 2017

    Ant that the truth you said it it can be anyone the reg don’t work and it only there to punish us more after we did are time years ago I’m 46 i was18 when my shit happened

  • September 22, 2017

    Wait…someone in law enforcement is a hypocrite…who could imagine that?

    Probably everyone who reads this forum since we deal with them at LEAST once a year (more likely multiple times) and we KNOW how they are!

    A few bad apples they will say…WELL I say they are ALL bad apples!


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