Florida is bad, but Louisiana is worse

We have been watching Louisiana’s HB 166 for a month hoping that it would quietly die, as it should.  Unfortunately, that has not happened, yet.  Instead, WDSU News 6 with ABC New Orleans is reporting that it has passed committee and is headed to the house for debate.  

If this bill were to ever pass into law requiring vasectomies, lawsuits would start flying.



8 thoughts on “Florida is bad, but Louisiana is worse

  • April 6, 2024

    Here is a question, what would happen to the people who already have one and what actual protection is it. Plus as we see women also do this so how would a woman get punished in this regard. As for me I got a vasectomy as a birthday gift to myself will I was engaged,as I didn’t want anymore children with the woman I was with and couldn’t trust her to trick me again. I love my son, after the vasectomy 3 months before I got arrested and then the infection down there prior to arrest it did damage said area and prevent it from working and then mentally eliminated desire. But my issue maybe a one off thing to happen,but regardless I was still charged with attempting a 3some with a mother and daughter. One day our corrupt system will change.

  • April 5, 2024

    Well, it wouldn’t affect any registrants that do not plan on having a child. However, this is for sure punishment, but in the past, I have seen where people on the registry were ordered to take sexual urge repression pills to lower the chance of having urges.
    Believe it or not, not all urges are in the loins, some are in your thoughts and not much can be done to treat that other than a lobotomy.

    • April 6, 2024

      I’d consider a forced vasectomy a form of Eugenics. It doesn’t matter if the registrant is twenty years old or seventy. I agree that this is malicious punishment.

  • April 5, 2024

    I’m pretty sure this is pretty much runs smack into Skinner v. Oklahoma if the purpose is just to sterilize people, which is the point of a vasectomy. But who knows, what does precedent mean these days anyway.

  • April 5, 2024

    God forbid this passes. My imagination allows me think that if it does, the powers that be will find a way to make it retroactive.

    • April 8, 2024

      Or other states would think this is a wonderful idea and pass similar nonsense.

  • April 5, 2024

    Such a law would violate the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Proposing these types of bills shows that laws aimed at persons forced to register are based on animus, not the rule of law.

    Does the proposed law also require sterilization of females who are forced to register? If it does not, then it would violate the 14th Amendment as well as the 8th.

    • April 6, 2024

      Good question.


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