FAC Invokes Marsy’s Law on Behalf of Registrants in Osceola

FAC sent a letter to the Osceola Sheriff today, invoking Marsy’s Law on behalf of registrants and their family members, in anticipation of the release of an individual who used the registry to target and attempt to kill four persons required to register.

A copy of the letter can be found here:

Letter re vigilante release


17 thoughts on “FAC Invokes Marsy’s Law on Behalf of Registrants in Osceola

  • June 6, 2022

    Many of us have been targeted on the registry which is easy to look up where we live even if we are not the owner, we still have to register publicly where we live.

    Not trying to compare a recent event but did kind of make me think “Yeah that is how we feel”. Several judges have been killed by people they sentenced, looked them up, found their address and killed them. Now the powers that be are calling to have judges addresses and information made private.

    How many of us have to be killed by people we didn’t even do anything to?


  • June 6, 2022

    Perhaps Gail’s Letter on Behalf of FAC, is a Reminder to the Sheriff and a Kind Professional Reminder at that.

    It has been Written and Has Been Sent; Whether the Sheriff acknowledges the letter and responds, that is a different matter.

    The Fact that the letter was written and submitted, is evidence in any potential future proceedings-hope that does not have to happen!

    The Pendulum Swings in Both Directions!

  • June 5, 2022

    The sheriff will probably wait until this guy actually kills a registered citizen, then get him locked up for life and say, “There. We took care of it for you.”
    Sort of like closing the barn door after the horse escapes.


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