California Men Sue Over Gay Sex Stings

Five California Men are Suing the City of San Jose after being arrested in a “gay sex sting.” The charges against them were eventually dismissed, but undoubtedly much damage was done regardless.

The men claim their Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated when they were arrested for “loitering” during a 17-month operation conducted beginning 2014 at a park known to be a meeting place for Gay and Bisexuals. In total, during the 17 months, only 19 men were arrested. Six fought the charges and ultimately got them dismissed, another was dismissed by the court for insufficient evidence. The rest took plea deals offered by the prosecutor.

The Mercury News reports that the men are seeking a million dollars in damages through their federal lawsuit. We hope they get every penny!

The entrapment victims were approached by an undercover officer who made lewd requests. If they responded, they were arrested. One of the six claimed to have rejected the offer – but was still arrested.

Attorneys for the men claim the police did not target females or who they perceived to be heterosexual men. The police also claimed they conducted the sting in response to citizen complaints, but records showed only one single complaint. Complaints against other crimes complained of, such as drugs, did not result in a 17-month sting.

The enforcement attempt screams discrimination and the judge in their criminal trials seems to have agreed. In his ruling, he wrote, “unpopular groups have too often been made to bear the brunt of discriminatory prosecution or selective enforcement.”

Now that the criminal charges against them have been dismissed, five of the six men are pursuing civil action against the City of San Jose. They may even be seeking to bring in other plaintiffs from other jurisdictions for a class action to end, so called, “bag the fag” operations.

A couple of months ago, similar stings were conducted in Florida, which according to this report yielded some very disturbing results. It wrote, “Unmentioned in news reports, Florida police have long tracked what they identified as sex deviants.  In 2012, a local gay publication, the South Florida Gay News (SFGN), revealed that the Palm Beach County police had conducted a five-year undercover operation targeting gay men cruising in local parks.  SFGN reported that “more than 600 arrests [were] made …”  It noted, “only a handful of the arrests – four to be exact — were between two men. The rest of them involved an undercover detective soliciting another man for sex using tactics that one lawyer called ‘disgusting,’ while another lawyer questioned the legality of the detectives’ behavior.

As individuals familiar with the “Craigslist sex offender stings” know all too well, police use some VERY shady tactics to entrap individuals into alleged behavior they never intended to commit. They will contact men in adult dating ads, engage in a thread of sexually suggestive correspondence with the target thinking they are communicating with an adult – then introduce a fictitious “underage” individual, only to finally take all the correspondence out of order and context to make it seem like the target was soliciting minors.

In the Counterpunch story, it was reported that in New York police “spied on men through the slats in the dividers in the men’s bathroom and then claimed the men were engaged in lewd conduct.” Never mind that the officer’s behavior in watching men through slats in a bathroom stall divider is illegal (and pretty sick) in and of itself!

These “stings” don’t prevent crime, they create hypothetical crimes. When the stings are created with the intent of targeting a disfavored group, they become especially heinous.


6 thoughts on “California Men Sue Over Gay Sex Stings

  • November 20, 2017

    I was one of the “victims” of the craigslist sex stings here in FL in 2011. I was a well known teacher and coach and had my whole life ruined. I had been meeting people on there for 5 years and NEVER encountered any ad like the one I got caught in. My guard was down and since I never would have suspected that on craigslist, that’s what eventually got me. The picture they used in the ad was of someone standing on the beach in a wetsuit with their face SHADED and you couldn’t really tell what the person looked like. It looked like someone who was in their early 20s. (I was in my late 20s at the time). Of course, no matter what angle I used to argue entrapment with my lawyer, he always downplayed it. It’s such a disgrace and injustice, and I just hope and pray that one day I can slam Florida for what they did to me.

    On a side note, the detective that over saw my sting operation and was actually the main person I was conversing with online, was arrested in Santa Rosa Co. for molesting three 8-year old boys! See here:

    And a report just came out today about Florida’s legislature being “on fire” for sexual misconduct. See here:

    I don’t believe in Karma, but rather what the Bible calls “you reap what you sow.” I wish me and all the, literally, thousands of men who have been arrested in these stings in Florida can somehow get their revenge and their lives back. But finding a lawyer who would be willing to lead the charge for us, seems futile at this point. I just hope and pray and believe that there has to be a way!

  • November 20, 2017

    A little off topic but I have always wondered particularly in my case If the police pretend to be below legal age while on a adult dating site such as craigslist aren’t they violating the sites terms of service policy which states you must be at least 18 years of age. By saying they are younger should void anything that is said because they shouldn’t be on the site in the first place or am I the only one who see’s this as a problem

    • November 20, 2017

      I tried to argue all of that with my lawyer and no matter what angle I took, I was always shot down as to why it wasn’t a valid argument. I think he just wanted my money and just get me a plea deal.

  • November 20, 2017

    My Lawyer never gave me a clear answer as to why this wasn’t a valid reason to have the whole thing tossed. I asked for proof of age because the detective used words older than a person the age they were claiming be and they sent me a cartoon picture my lawyer could help me with that one either apperently in Florida all they have to do is say they are underage and don’t have to prove it even when asked. I just like so many others I just want my life back

  • November 21, 2017

    Of course, the ironic part is that in many jurisdictions if you do something improper with say a 15 year old, you are guilty EVEN if you were honestly mistaken about their age. It is a strict liability crime. So it should follow if someone claims to be a 15 year old girl but is actually a hairy 50 year male cop, no crime, right? Only the ACTUAL age of the “victim” should matter. Not so fast, The law has been manipulated that you can be convicted of the crime of “attempt” when had you actually gone though with it with the person in question, it would not have been a crime. Funny how things work.

    • November 21, 2017

      Joe M The next time a official asks my age I’m going to just throw out a random number when they say prove it I will tell them law enforcement doesn’t have to so why should I


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