Brevard County Commissioners Unanimously Pass Amendment Allowing Businesses to Certify as Parks

We didn’t expect anything otherwise, but the Brevard County Commissioners unanamously passed the Amendment allowing businesses to self-certify as parks, thereby preventing anyone on the registry from coming within 1000 feet of their businesses.

The good news is there is already a lawsuit in place.

73 thoughts on “Brevard County Commissioners Unanimously Pass Amendment Allowing Businesses to Certify as Parks

  • August 3, 2022

    Ummm, what if you have no restrictions?

  • August 3, 2022

    Does anyone ever bring up the way things were PRIOR TO the registry? Just curious if anyone at these meetings has the balls to say: “We didn’t have these ordinances/laws prior to the registry and there were still people convicted of sex crimes back then, too. So what exactly is the point of this?”

    • August 3, 2022

      I’d also like to add this; would anyone have the courage to say “Well, if a registered person cannot go an patronize a business and spend their money there, shall we also make it an ordnance/law that anyone with an armed robbery conviction can’t be anywhere near a cash register or ATM machine?”

      Y’all gotta start asking the kinds of questions that will leave them dumbfounded and scrambling for answers they know they don’t have.

      • August 3, 2022

        You did not have the balls or courage to attend and frankly don’t know what you’re talking about. You actually imagine that saying these things would have influenced them?

        Ordinarily responses like mine might violate FAC posting rules, but I am not the one questioning the ‘balls’ and ‘courage’ of our Brevard attendees.

        • August 4, 2022

          I didn’t have the balls to attend?
          Well, for 1: I don’t live in Florida.
          2: I’m no longer on the registry.
          3: if you don’t like that I still keep up with what’s going on with registered people, too bad for you. Get over yourself.
          And that’s what you get for playing “internet psychic”…. it made you look a bit foolish. Try again.

          • August 4, 2022


            Thank you for staying active with FAC even after being removed from the registry. That means a lot to me personally because I would probably do the same thing.

            I haven’t met a single person on here. (Well maybe someone when I register but would have no idea that they are on FAC) but feel I have at least made some like minded virtual friends.

            I have to go now, I might start crying haha (Doesn’t take much to make me cry, I am a big softy).

      • August 3, 2022


        They would reply “We didn’t create the registry; we are just complying with the statues”.

        My take is, why do counties, cities, and states get to make their own registered person ordinances? They are going well beyond what the law states we have to do. At some point we are going to basically be back on probation of sorts. Afraid to leave our homes for fear we might make a left turn instead of a right and enter into a registry free zone. When will the new street signs be posted reading ” NO sex offenders allowed beyond this point”?

  • August 3, 2022

    What kind of park are local businesses allow to become?
    National parks
    State parks
    Amusement parks
    Baseball parks
    Water parks…….
    Religious parks……

    I think you get the point.

  • August 3, 2022

    Was the meeting broadcasted? I would like to watch this circus. More material to rally supporters with.

  • August 3, 2022

    Everyone on the hit list in that county needs to tell all their friends who have kids to take them to those businesses and let them get a game of baseball going in the parking lots, or let them go inside the businesses and tell them to run around and play tag. After all, they’re now parks, right? Parks are meant for kids to run around and have fun, screaming and hollering and such. Thats what kids do. And if a car windshield happens to get broken while the kids are outside playing baseball, oh well. The car shouldn’t have been parked on the playing field.
    These idiot business owners can’t have it both ways. They need to allow kids to treat them as parks and say nothing, or get with the program. No one at a park tells a kid to stop running around or to sit down and be quiet.

    • August 3, 2022


      You just gave me an idea. On the 4th of July they set off fireworks at many local parks. So, any of these businesses that become a park better look out as my uncle says he will donate an 18-wheeler full of fireworks. Then, the next 4th of July we can shoot off said fireworks at all the new declared “parks”. Party time. So we don’t get in trouble we might have to do a Fireworks “Drive-by”. LOL 🙂

  • August 3, 2022

    I know I’m going to say this and nobody will understand my point, however, I’m going to say it anyway…
    How are registrants supposed to eat? It’s bad enough that there are already some restaurants within the 1,000 foot buffer zone, eliminating registrants from patronizing an establishment… and, of course, this would eliminate ANY McDonald’s… One of the consequences to this “law” would be that there would be fewer places to eat and shop, and in turn, some establishments near sex offender homeless sites could charge more to the homeless because the establishment knows the homeless cannot go anywhere else to buy foods and goods… it would seem to me that this is legal torture/murder for many sex offender homeless people… if all establishments around a homeless sight got on board with this, then a sex offender couldn’t even leave the sight because he/she is surrounded by this rule, and then couldn’t patronize… that’d be like waving a t-bone in front of a starving caged dog but not letting him eat it… this is definitely “cruel and unusual punishment” and dangerous.

    • August 3, 2022

      Amen, agree 100%


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