Brevard County Commissioners Unanimously Pass Amendment Allowing Businesses to Certify as Parks

We didn’t expect anything otherwise, but the Brevard County Commissioners unanamously passed the Amendment allowing businesses to self-certify as parks, thereby preventing anyone on the registry from coming within 1000 feet of their businesses.

The good news is there is already a lawsuit in place.

73 thoughts on “Brevard County Commissioners Unanimously Pass Amendment Allowing Businesses to Certify as Parks

  • August 2, 2022

    This is not a surprise, especially given how this unprofessional commission took extra steps to stop people from attending.

    However, they have provided evidence that their intent was to harm registered persons and that will work against them in the pending litigation.

    • August 3, 2022

      Really…will it really? I doubt it will make any difference at all. Sure it is clearly the intent but the entire thing is an obvious flagrant cluster_f^ck of unfair stupidity and has been for years.

      Nothing has change and it just keeps getting piled on so if you want to feel better about it fine but the reality is that this was done in 2022 and things have been added each year since this list was made!

      I see no change in the future other than continued assault on registered persons aka “business as usual” with the promise of useless lawsuits that are either outright dismissed or simply tied up in courts for years with no end in sight.

      • August 3, 2022

        Truth, so the lawsuit that was filed against Brevard County was useless? How so? The case hasn’t even been heard yet and the commission already rolled back the restriction on attending public meetings. The mere presence of registrants at the meeting (which was not allowed to happen in 2020) is a change. Why would you call it a useless lawsuit when it’s already proven to have utility?

        I personally have spent weeks of work trying to find a first amendment rights firm to take our case, endured virtual doors getting slammed in my face left and right until FJI agreed to pick the case and tons of effort since it kicked off. Oh… and since I mentioned FJI, did you forget that they WON the internet identifier lawsuit a few years ago or do you think that was “useless” too, Mr. “Truth”? How about that we have have two active cases in federal court, one that SURVIVED a motion to dismiss (so no “outright dismissed”) and the second had oral arguments in the 11th Cir. this past May?

        I’m sorry you have such a pessimistic outlook and you think the hundreds of hours of volunteer time and thousands of dollars of personal savings individuals like myself put into our efforts are useless, but if you’re going to come into the FAC forum and crap on our efforts educate yourself “Mr. Truth”. And since you’re so ungrateful and unappreciative – do something yourself.

        • August 3, 2022

          Speaking of FJI, do we know whether they need $ to continue to fund this challenge (or to be persuaded to take others like it)?

          Or are they less hard up than we are

          • August 4, 2022

            FYI is less hard up than we are, plus they (unlike FAC) are a lawfirm that would be entitled to fees for prevailing. Based on the action taken thus far, it’s likely they will be awarded their fees.

        • August 3, 2022

          Having hope and doing something is better than doing nothing and complaining.

          I agree with both of you.
          On the post of truth, I agree sometimes we all get frustrated.
          But in FAC defense, just having an FAC has changed my outlook. Yes I have a family that loves me, yes I believe in and know God would walk through fire for me.
          But having a place where I can share my frustrations and my hopes with other likeminded people who are experiencing the same frustrations, has really given me an outlet. I try not to not complain as best as possible, but I have in the past gotten under someone’s skin volunteering for FAC. We are all human, we all have emotions, and we ALL say stupid things sometimes.

          Peace, love and much prayer for all of us.

          Final note, “Together we stand, divided we fall.”

      • August 3, 2022

        Everyone wants the Hail Mary pass that wins the game but remember that in order to get to that game winning play, an entire game was played to get to that point. A Hail Mary TD doesn’t matter if we’re down by a hundred.

        Last night was NOT the end of the game. As I posted earlier in the day, I’ve seen teams win games after getting shut out in the first half. You look at the tape, make adjustments.

        Sorry, OT, but I think you’re wrong on this on. FAC can tell you I disagree with them a lot, but I think in this case FAC has been handling the Brevard County Commission pretty well with limited resources. Brevard is playing more defense than you’re realizing.

  • August 2, 2022

    PS: The words “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” also come to mind (for those directly affected on a daily basis).
    Ask you lawyer about it, Brvard Registrants. (It’s worth a fortune!)

  • August 2, 2022

    I would hope that any family members of a Registered Citizen, would not patronize any business that would claim they are a PARK! I also hope there will be a list of these businesses that FAC can add to the weekly summary.

    • August 3, 2022

      During the meeting, Tobia seemed to agree to finally make the off-limits list available.

      • August 3, 2022

        Tobia apologized that no businesses appeared to be certified yet and promised to promote the certification law to local businesses. Pretty slick of him.

    • August 3, 2022

      Don’t just boycott the business. Sue them. They’ll back off the moment litigation is filed because most small businesses can’t handle it and would be eager to settle quickly.

  • August 2, 2022

    I sincerely hope this ends up costing the taxpayers a big bundle of money and that this is made very very public afterwards.

  • August 2, 2022

    County commissioners can pass whatever they want. Doesn’t make it constitutional.

  • August 2, 2022

    ADD MCNAMEE to Lawsuit. Absolutely BULL S ***


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