A Member Submission – Thanksgiving

I am thankful for the support I receive from being involved in this community.  

I am thankful that others with greater challenges than I will ever know still have the capacity to demonstrate so much empathy for others engaged in this daily struggle.  

I am thankful for the growing number of small victories we see happening in courts around the country.  There are fearless judges asking the toughest questions, “How is that not punishment; Where are the studies to suggest that approach is needed; Where are the studies that show that approach ever worked; Is there an actual purpose other than punishment to that requirement; How is that the least intrusive method; How is that not compelled speech?”  I am thankful each and every one of these judges thinks, questions and is firm when others wilt to the challenge.

I am thankful that some in legislative bodies listen when advised that no studies exist that correlate residency restrictions to child safety and the sole result of these policies is economic hardship, isolation, homelessness and the creation of community blight; not improved child safety. 

I am thankful for the support of my family.  They are the rocks in the ever flowing river of challenge that is my life.

I am thankful for the support of my friends.  That can never be over appreciated or understated.

I am thankful for the support for a number of my neighbors.  Waiving while driving by, or stopping to talk while I walk the dog is a daily revelation in the power of community healing.

I am thankful for a broader support group of professionals that treat me like a professional.  I always need that.

And, I am thankful I have found how much I love me.  Without that, I would have never shed shame, picked myself up and committed myself to dedicating each day to being the person I want to be and need to be.  

Not everyone will have the Thanksgiving day they want as families remain separated.  We know some of you are separated by incarceration, mandatory separation rules, broken relationships, or whatever the cause may be.  Please know many of us are thinking of you.

11 thoughts on “A Member Submission – Thanksgiving

  • November 28, 2023

    I have been so busy and not had time to read recent posts. But I am pretty sure I know who wrote this, and I am so thankful for your role in FAC at this time of my life, which is affected by incarceration. You and so many others like you in FAC have made it all bearable. Thank you! JB

  • November 23, 2023

    I am grateful for each of you, for FAC, for my family and friends. I believe that Truth will win out but it is in God’s timing – not mine. All we can do is keep the faith and keep doing what’s needed to convince the powers that be to do what is right. Thank you for the great comments and advice.

  • November 23, 2023

    I am thankful for everyone of you that helps us continue this fight thank you and I hope that you all have a wonderful thanksgiving.

  • November 22, 2023

    We all have a lot to give thanksgivings for. And yes FAC is there to help. Sure some of us are not free from this registry yet many still have leg monitors which is a man made burden or something that is weighting them down, or even the hell that goes with this registry inducement whether mental or physical. Some have barriers, stipulations and guidelines because of this sex registry yet we all press on.

    Many were in prison physically and some are still prisoners of they own mindset. Call it a fear factor or whatever yet the bible says fear no evil. Sure we are all different in many ways yet we all look for hope and release from much of this registry. Coming together in this sex registry battle is a blessing and even government is seeing the light and the errors of their ways. Yes the registry is in many ways going against the grain of true in many respects.

    Bless everyone for standing up for this injustice and speaking out.

    • November 23, 2023


      The Bible says to “Put on the whole armor of God”. This is more of a spiritual battle, however, it is time for us to kick our fight into an actual battle. We have been pushed around and held down by oppression for so long, many have given up.
      We have many things to be thankful for, but we also have many more things to be up in arms against and ready to take up the legal battles that could possibly bankrupt some of these smaller cities that ban people from existing.
      I would be a better warrior for the cause if I could get off the registry, but it seems it was not my time yet when I applied. My health is bad, and my parents are elderly. Most if not all of us have since done our time, and yet we seem to be doing life instead, which is unjust and, in my opinion, unconstitutional.
      By the way, my parents went out of town and since I was not comfortable traveling, I sit at home alone on Thanksgiving. But I still am giving thanks to He who is, and was and is to come.


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