A man arrested for stealing a meat pastry took his own life after police incorrectly labelled him a pedophile

A man arrested for stealing sausage rolls is alleged to have killed himself after police release papers incorrectly stated he’d been accused of a child sex offense, an inquest heard.

Brian Temple, 34, was arrested for the alleged theft from British bakery chain Greggs in Teesside, England in 2017, according to Teesside Live.

When discharged, his custody release papers wrongly stated that he had been detained for “engaging 13-15 year old in sexual activity,” a court heard, per the outlet.

Temple showed his release papers with a girlfriend without realizing the error, and she told others about the false child sex abuse charge, which led to him becoming a target in his community.

He was verbally abused and physically attacked and was even hit in the head with a golf club, Teesside Live said.


3 thoughts on “A man arrested for stealing a meat pastry took his own life after police incorrectly labelled him a pedophile

  • June 29, 2022

    Another story that fails to give enough detail as to how this all occurred. Was the alleged girlfriend not aware of his past? Did the false paper not trigger any of the UK’s registrant guidelines? I’m jaundiced enough to believe that this was a malicious move by the police, not that they expected the conclusion. This incident will likely fade away because the community will say that it’s one less criminal to deal with. Nothing will be said about the vigilantes. I’m just sick of this world.

  • June 28, 2022

    How the hell does something like this happen? How can the police not notice they incorrectly listed the charge on the man’s paperwork?
    What about the people who attacked him? Are they going to be located and charged? Why didn’t the man take his paperwork back to the police station and say, “Hey, what’s up with this?” and get it corrected?
    Too many questions and not enough answers, which is unacceptable.

    • June 30, 2022

      Read more into it, he did mention the error to no avail, and the woman claimed she didn’t spread the rumor. Also she was pregnant with his son!


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