A Demographic Review of Florida’s Registry

A review of December data on the Florida Registry shows the following:

Total Individuals On the Registry 85,224 100%
Absconded 1,108 1.3%
Civil Commitment 508 .6%
Confinement 19,606 23%
Deceased 1,058 1.2%
Deported 3,526 4.1%
Citizens Forced to Register (59,418)
  • Don’t reside in Florida
30,492 35.8%
  • Reside in Forida
28,926 33.9%




A further breakdown of the 28,926 citizens forced to register:



Supervised – FL DOC 6,114 21.1%
Supervised – FL Dept Juv Justice 21 .1%
Supervised – US Govt 732 2.5%
Registered 22,059 76.3%



Further Status: 

Juvenile 247 1%
Offender 24,701 85%
Predator 3,978 14%



Asian 140 .5%
Black/African American 6,916 23.9%
Indian/Indigenous 40 .1%
Undeclared 102 .4%
White 21,728 75.1%
*Hispanic is not separated or distinguished




Male 28.112 97.2%
Female 814 2.8%




Under 20 39 .1%
20-29 1,090 3.8%
30-39 3,962 13.7%
40-49 6,705 23.2%
50-59 7,272 25.1%
60-69 6,228 21.5%
70-79 2,810 9.7%
80+ 820 2.8%



Date of Permanent Address: 

Prior to 12/31/04 2,283 7.9%
01/01/05-12/31/09 2,304 7.9%
01/01/10-12/31/14 3,414 11.8%
01/01/15-12/31/19 7.016 24.4%
01/01/20-end of 2023 13,465 46.5%
Without Permanent Address 444 1.5%


Source:  FDLE Sexual Offenders and Predators Search


This reporting should be used figuratively and generally versus literal and particular breakdowns of the data.  Debate will always exist over decisions made to include/exclude in different categories.  Rounding has occurred with percentages which may affect totals.

41 thoughts on “A Demographic Review of Florida’s Registry

  • January 11, 2024

    This is my most chilling takeaway from these statistics:

    34% of registrants are 60 years of age or older.

    What is their future on the registry when chronic diseases, senility, dementia or Alzheimer’s set in? No nursing home wants them. They will either die in prison or on the streets.

    This is a human rights issue that must be addressed.


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