42 thoughts on “7th Circuit upholds lifetime GPS for repeat offenders

  • July 4, 2022

    Another state is taking away early releases and seems to be geared towards sex offenses and repeat and or violent offenders.

    They mention a high rate of re-offended.

    “Because of the way this was drafted, this is a loophole we should close,” said Republican Sen. Mark Obenshain. He read from a list of the most serious offenses committed by the inmates among the first batch of early releases, and insisted that some of those people would go on to offend again.

    “We’re going to hear about it when one of these 41 rapists commits another rape,” he said.


    • July 6, 2022

      I’ll add Sen. Obenshain’s name to the Phase IV Media Blitz project.

  • July 3, 2022

    1)Trust your health care to those who profit from the illness.
    2)Trust your freedom to those who profit from your incarceration.
    3)Trust your laws to those who profit from breaking them.
    What could go wrong?

    • July 4, 2022


      My contribution to your list of trusted sarcasms.

      4) Trust your health to minimum wage fast food workers. (Actually now they get $15 dollars an hour, more than I made as a cop back in the 1980s, $14.85 to start)

    • July 3, 2022

      Jack, as I am sure you know, there is a category of people in this country who are above the law, and they need to have that superiority protected. The common man will just have to adjust to this burden.

      • July 4, 2022

        Although it is true that some will never be held accountable, I respectfully disagree that we must simply accept it and adjust. When you wrote that, I suspect your tongue was firmly planted in your cheek. I believe all citizens should keep fighting for justice where we can. How ironic that people with authority get a pass, when they are precisely the ones who should be held to a higher standard of accountability.

        • July 4, 2022

          Ed C, you are absolutely right about my tongue and my cheek. I get the stiches out tomorrow. I will fight the low life tyrant political bureaucrats with my last breath. I am sick and tired of where they are trying to take this nation and I am ‘pissed off’ at citizens who are letting them do it because taking a stand will get them away from their video games, cell phones, and afternoon mint julips…poor babies!

      • July 4, 2022


        Although I doubt this will happen, but was hoping maybe by them getting a “Taste of their own medicine”, they might have some sympathy or compassion for us. Then I woke up from that dream and came back to reality. 🙁

    • July 4, 2022

      Correct because there is a law saying you can’t do that to supreme court justices. We don’t matter…

      • July 4, 2022

        Facts, that deserves a double amen…AMEN, AMEN!!

    • July 5, 2022


      As per a new bill [CS/HB 1571] passed this past 2022 session, residential picketing is now against the law in Floriduh:


      It’s only a one-pager, but does the job.

      • July 5, 2022


        But, but your Honor, we were not picketing, we were “Gathering”. lol

        • July 6, 2022

          Isnt there somewhere in that pesky thing people call the constitution that gives the right to the people to peaceably assemble ? Guess just like the rest of it we read it wrong good thing the government is there to decifer it for the sheep. Oops people

          • July 6, 2022

            That sounds good until a mob of angry people are outside of your house and your grandkids are crying in fear. I agree with peaceful assembly in parks, and places that are not someone’s home. Go after someone in court, not at their homes.

            To add to that, justices can own weapons and if need be, could ward off attacks from those who go from peaceful assembly to causing harm. Those on the registry are lucky if we can own a baseball bat to protect ourselves. And again, if they want to kill me, that is one thing, but when they go after your family, even if unintentionally, where is the justice in that?

            People should be able to live in peace with their families in their own home and be left alone. Protesting sounds great until it happens to you.

          • July 6, 2022

            I know what you are saying cherokee I have been targeted and I agree, we all should be able to live in peace. My real point was when it comes to any of us the constitution is trampled on. they make it as if it does not pertain to us. But when it comes to any government person’s its the holy grail and they need to enact new laws and rules just to protect them so THEY can live in peace and not feel threatened. But as my wise old pappy used to say if they are treating others how they want to be treated and being fair and just with there laws and rules and applying them with the justice and mercy that our foundation fathers fought and died to protect , then they have nothing to fear from the people.

  • June 30, 2022

    a slightly off topic but still relevant observation.. Anyone see the Supreme Courts West Virginia V EPA ruling?
    why am I mentioning a SC decision verse the EPA in a sex offender page?
    read the decision. The SC determined that branches of government created by executive order dont have the authority to create their own laws and regulations BUT must send everything every time through congress for approval first…. SORNA anyone? Will this be a pick and choose which executive order organizations can do whatever and which ones cant or can this be a landmark nail in coffin?

    • July 1, 2022

      Dear Obvious,

      I had the exact same thought when that opinion was released this week. No, I’m not addicted to hopiates. Haha. I read the opinion and it seems to apply to SORNA since much of this BS has been done administratively, not through congress. An example is Merrick Garland ordering a Californian to register at the federal level, even though the RC is not required to register at the state level. FAC, covered this case in a recent post. What gets me is, there’s no place for that RC to register yet he/she faces criminal penalties for failing to register.

      • July 2, 2022

        Here is a great old saying that pertains to what they have done to that person.

        “Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive”.

        They are double talking out of the side of their mouths. Just like was done to many of us being retroactively placed on a registry even though we had already been sentenced when no registry existed.

        They expect us to be truthful in the courtroom, but many judges, cops, prosecutors, law makers and other various officials, get a free pass on deception, smooth talking, lying and painting with a broad brush of flim-Flammary. The entire lot of them should go work for the circus. They have openings since they got rid of all the animals acts.

    • July 2, 2022

      They damned sure didn’t take this ruling in thr Gundy case, and I see little difference in the two cases other than one affects the cultural environment and the other the physical environment.

      In the Gundy ruling, it seems SCOTUS just did not want to rule on that case because it benerfited us, although they worried at the time the EPA regulations would be the next to be attacked, which it was.

  • June 30, 2022

    As a offender i can say the system is biased from front to back. Constantly being fired from jobs because a coworker found my past and is “uncomfortable”, cant get housing funding because of my past, jobs are now doing pre-interview google searches to disqualify people, apartments mostly run by management companies are 90% of available units and refuse to rent.

    Tbh narsol has done nothing. They continue to say “we wanna do this but not now” nobodys fight regardless of legitimacy is thier concern unless it serves thier interests. Same as everyone else in this country.


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