Zuckerberg Is Keeping the Wrong People off Meta Platforms – Registered Sex Offenders

As a result of a statewide survey of Florida law enforcement agencies that found that 146 out of 271 reported instances of social media platforms used in human trafficking were attributable to Meta platforms, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody is demanding that Mark Zuckerberg explain the high volume of human trafficking across Meta platforms.  

Moody stated that these findings were extraordinary.  They are extraordinary when you consider that over half of these reported instances in human trafficking used a Meta platform – platforms that people who are registered as a sex offender are not allowed to use.

So, the safeguards are not working.  The registry is failing the public again because the overwhelming number of future sex offenses will be by people NOT on the registry who are currently allowed on these platforms.

Think about it:  A group of people is NOT allowed on Facebook, etc., yet the 90+% who will be committing future sex offenses and are not on the registry are allowed.

Moody and Zuckerberg need to understand that what they are doing is not working, i.e., not allowing people with a past sex offense who are not sexually re-offending to be on Meta platforms.  Until they understand the research, they will never come up with a solution to fight human trafficking.

The “Public safety threat” is making policies NOT based on research.


33 thoughts on “Zuckerberg Is Keeping the Wrong People off Meta Platforms – Registered Sex Offenders

  • July 27, 2023

    I’m a registered citizen. I’m using fake names and only log into my social media accounts when I’m using the wifi at the library. No problems so far.

    [The moderator reminds Florida registrants always to be sure to register any screen names or usernames associated with social media accounts used by the registrant, regardless of whether whether they’re used on public or private devices].

  • July 20, 2023

    Question: If it’s only a Facebook policy to kick us off and not against the law for us to have a Facebook account, why not just create a pseudonym account? No laws are violated because of the First Amendment and the Pacingham decision. And Facebook would never know because LE couldn’t alert them.

    • July 20, 2023

      Because you would in violation of the registry. You wouldn’t have notified law enforcement of all internet identifiers.

      • July 20, 2023

        How so considering the Packingham decision, which is binding precedent from SCOTUS?

        • July 20, 2023

          It’s my understanding that if you create an alias account, that you then use to be on Facebook, without notifying law enforcement in Florida, you would then be in violation of the registry. Florida has that stipulation in it’s registry. As I understand Packingham, government cannot keep registrants not under supervision, from using the internet. But as Meta, Next-door, and others are private entities, they can bar registrants under their terms of use. I wouldn’t mind being wrong here on all counts.

          • July 21, 2023

            Not arguing, just pointing out something. Nearly all of us who post here use pseudonyms, nick names, handles, or monikers. Does everyone register them in Florida? Yet, we all exercise our First Amendment rights in this social/news forum. How is this different than so called “social media”? I’m not being sarcastic, just actually confused. Please explain.

          • July 21, 2023

            FAC’s website is not social media. It is a news site.

          • July 21, 2023

            42 U.S. Code § 1862w – NSF support of research on impacts of social media on human trafficking states: “(a)Definitions
            In this section:
            (1)Human trafficking
            The term “human trafficking” means an act or practice described in section 7102(11) of title 22.

            (2)Social media platform
            The term “social media platform” means a website or internet medium that—
            (A)permits a person to become a registered user, establish an account, or create a profile for the purpose of allowing users to create, share, and view user-generated content through such an account or profile;
            (B)enables 1 or more users to generate content that can be viewed by other users of the medium; and
            (C)primarily serves as a medium for users to interact with content generated by other users of the medium.”


          • July 21, 2023

            Above is a definition contained in Federal statute. But the requirement to register internet identifiers is state law, not federal. The above quoted definition is not part of the state internet identifier law and does not apply to the registration of internet identifiers. See below for a clarification from the court.


          • July 21, 2023

            Why was this moderated? I wanted to see all of it. Censoring is so bad. We need ALL info!

          • July 21, 2023

            Pretty much everything that I’ve ever experienced with Florida’s registry is designed for confusion . To my understanding that Meta requires a person to give a certain amount of personal information before opening an account on Facebook. If you’re registered and give false information in order to create such an account, it seems to me that the registrant has committed a violation. If I’m wrong on this, I won’t mind, but creating a fake account just to get on Facebook seems like a bad idea.

    • July 28, 2023

      Creating a pseudonym social media account only violates the rules of that particular social media platform as long as you correctly report that account to the FDLE Cyber registry.
      If the platform moderator/company regularly cycles through the registrations for each state then they’ll simply shut down the account.
      Ultimately YOU are responsible for all activities and comments made online.

  • July 17, 2023

    Zuck is getting too rich to care.

    Just imagine the backlash if LGBT we disallowed access to any META platforms. The media and advocates would pounce in their defense and demand change immediately.

    And there-in illustrates why things will never change for human beings forced to register – The main problem with us changing public opinion on this is because people simply are NOT outraged that we’re being devalued and marginalized. Hell, many encourage and condone us being banned along with other nefarious measures!

    Society simply does not GAF when it comes to our rights, liberties and freedoms. They smugly take comfort in knowing that we are being punished and displaced.

    • July 17, 2023

      LGBT has nothing to do with sex offending.

      • July 17, 2023

        and Jacob you missed the take away. The connection was if the (I will let you fill in the blank) group that is publicly supported was banned from the META sites. The backlash would be as loud as a sonic boom. HOW DARE THEY…. BUT, because we are the scourge of the Earth, we dont get a second look. Right, wrong, indifferent we have all seen the truth in my comment. Stay safe.

      • July 17, 2023

        Yeah, but a large portion of the population didn’t used to see it that way. It used to be nearly taboo for a same sex couple to adopt.
        If anyone should be able to empathize with our plight, you’d think it’d be the LGBTQ community.

    • July 17, 2023

      Exactly so!
      People simply are NOT outraged that we’re being devalued and marginalized.
      Society simply does not GAF when it comes to our rights, liberties and freedoms. They smugly take comfort in knowing that we are being punished and displaced.
      There is a small cadre of thinking persons who are outraged at this Second-Class Citizenship.
      But what did other second-class citizens do when they were treated outrageously? …
      There was the MLK crowd and there were the Black Panthers.
      I believe that the Black Panthers had their place!
      There are dovish, peaceful Palestinians, and there are those who throw rocks in the Intifadas.
      Maybe it is time for some of us to organize our own militant martyrdom?
      Just sayin’…. Just supposition…


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