Wrongful Convictions: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver explains why it’s so difficult to be exonerated for a wrongful conviction, even when there’s compelling evidence to prove your innocence.

32 thoughts on “Wrongful Convictions: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

  • March 13, 2022

    You know, I keep hoping someday, someone like John Oliver or Michael Moore would cover the absurdity of sex offense laws.

    • March 14, 2022


      To me it seems a double edged sword. On the one hand we want coverage and to get the word out there for our cause and plight. On the other hand it brings out all the haters and the law makers who are damn determined to undermine all our progress. For each win for our cause, a new law comes out twice as harsh as the last one.

      And even those who advocate for us, get pressure from higher ups to stand down or even down right threats to themselves and their families. Some think this is a game with the registry, but from personal experience myself and even you know, people truly want to do us physical harm.

      • March 14, 2022

        Ever saw the movie Dr Strange? At least go to Youtube and look for the “Dormammu, I’ve Come To Bargain” scene if you’ve never seen it and never want to see it.

        This is how I feel about the last few years. I’ve had my life threatened, been falsely accused of stalking and theft, and hit with SLAPP suits, I’ve had my name dragged in the mud even by members of this movement, I’ve had multiple websites devoted to taking me down, and yet here I am, and “I’ve come to bargain.”

        I’ve already taken the worst of it. What’s anyone else’s reason for not coming to bargain.

        • March 15, 2022


          Everyone is different and have different roles. Not everyone can be a Hero but many can be supporters. Their are those on the frontlines, and those in the shadows. There are leaders and followers. Outspoken and the shy.

          Although anyone on the registry and their family all want this to end, not everyone has money to give (Many on the registry are homeless). We all have different roles to play. I try and encourage those who want to give up and not let the enemy win.
          Now even for me, watching the people of Ukraine not just fold and let the sleeping giant win. It is so inspiring to watch the citizens stand up and battle against Goliath like David did in the Bible.

        • March 15, 2022


          I admire your outspokenness and courage to say what you believe even if others find it offensive. This movement isn’t about offending others and we should all come together regardless of our differences. On here and other forums I’ve had my comments censored; which sometimes I type the wrong thing and sometimes I’m like what’s wrong with what I wrote. Personally I’m not here to offend people, but I can see the other person’s viewpoint and sometimes I found comments that made me mad. You’ve done a lot for Florida’s registrants even if FAC didn’t stand shoulder to shoulder with you even if they disagreed with your approach. Keep doing what your doing and never stop being Derek the Outspoken from OnceFallen.

  • March 12, 2022

    It’s very nice to see Oliver reporting and taking this stance. In the past, I’ve not agreed many times with the content of his shows, but he hits it pretty hard and dead on here. Brabo


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