Women intimately involved with registrants: Zoom presentation

Thank you to ACSOL for sharing this event.

Dr. Lisa Anne Zilney will give a Zoom lecture on her book, Impacts of Sex Crime Laws on the Female Partners of Convicted Offenders: Never Free of Collateral Consequences (Routledge, 2020).

This event will be Wednesday, February 23 at 9:30 AM Pacific Time, 12:30 PM Eastern time.

To attend, email Dr. Emily Horowitz at ehorowitz@sfc.edu. She will email you the Zoom link.

Dr. Zilney explores the experiences of women involved in intimate relationships with those on sex offense registries, focusing both on women who were involved with their partners prior to their offense and who stayed with them post-conviction, and those who became involved with their partners after their sex offense conviction. Zilney provides a unique look at the women who are the unstudied victims of draconian sex offender laws and one of the few sources of support for those living on registries.

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