Women Forced to Register Speak Out on FAC Membership Call

Reminder-Florida Action Committee(FAC) Monthly Membership Call tonight Thu March 7 at 8pmET. Topic: Women Forced to Register are Speaking Out. Guests: Women’s group SHINE and their public speaking team called VOICES. To listen to these courageous women, call 319-527-3487 or text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for callback to be connected at no charge.

In 1980, U.S. President Jimmy Carter declared the week of March 8 National Women’s History Week, urging everyone in the United States to participate. According to Carter, “too often the women were unsung and sometimes their contributions went unnoticed. But the achievements, leadership, courage, strength, and love of the women who built America was as vital as that of the men whose names we know so well.”  Today, the entire month is reserved to Women’s History Month and it is not only the inventors that are honored.

This year, President Joe Biden said in his proclamation declaring Women’s History Month that during this time, “we celebrate the courageous women who have helped our Nation build a fairer, more just society.”  That describes our courageous group of women forced to register (WFR) that have come together to speak out on the injustices of the Registry and the impact on communities and families, especially the children.

Join us tonight on the FAC Monthly Membership Call when the women’s support group SHINE (Sisters Healing Injustices, Networking for Encouragement) and their public speaking element called VOICES (Victory Over Injustices, Courageous Educating Sisters) will share their purpose, and provide an insight to their upcoming activities and speaking engagements.


To listen to these courageous women, call 319-527-3487.  If you have any problem connecting to the call for free, you can text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.


For more information about SHINE, to to schedule VOICES for a speaking engagement, contact Danell at fac.region4b@gmail.com or leave message at 772-494-1947.



The Membership Team

Florida Action Committee (FAC)

2 thoughts on “Women Forced to Register Speak Out on FAC Membership Call

  • March 16, 2024

    Any playback of this call available for those who could not participate? Perhaps a section of the website [Media Committee] could be allocated for such playbacks of calls and significant events such as zoom calls or live events such as marches?

  • March 16, 2024

    This is somewhat confusing to me. What are the conditions that women are forced to register and do they differ from the conditions that require men to register. Are the requirements that women face more stringent? Are there additional conditions that are applied to women only?
    I can’t draw any conclusions on something like this until all the facts are laid out.


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