With more sex offenders, probation officers want more money

Florida Sex Offender News

With an increase in some of the state’s most dangerous sex offenders living outside of prisons and on probation, some of the state officers assigned to watch them have asked the Legislature for a raise to keep the most experienced on board.

As of last month, 1,812 community supervision officers with the Florida Department of Corrections watched 166,966 people sentenced to probation, house arrest, parole or awaiting trial. Only the experienced officers were assigned to supervise the most dangerous, 4,724 high risk sex offenders. That’s a 30 percent jump from the 3,231 under watch 10 years ago, according to reports provided by the agency.

But as the need for experienced officers goes up with dangerous sex offender caseloads, the state’s ranks are eroding as new officers are lured away by better paying jobs. At least 60 percent of them quit after two years, an agency report stated.

“They go through training and they may know the mechanics of the job, but the balance of the paperwork and doing visits and going to court takes time,” said Tammy Marcus, who supervises the state’s Fort Lauderdale probation office. “It’s that lack of experience that can get them in trouble.”

Retired state probation officer Michael Manguso said lawmakers don’t realize how often people convicted of the worst crimes don’t actually go to prison. The combination of dangerous criminals and inexperienced probation officers will become a problem in the future, Manguso said.

“I think it would scare the hell out of them if they knew some of these criminals who commit dangerous crimes get sentenced to community supervision,” Manguso said. “These are those violent crimes like aggravated battery, sex offenses, you name it.”

Marcus and the Florida Police Benevolent Association want the Legislature to set aside $9 million in next year’s state budget to give probation officers a pay raise. Part of the money would give $2,500 pay raises to probation officers, which is similar to the state prison officers received in this year’s budget. The rest would be aimed toward rewarding experienced officers by length of service.

 State probation officers last received a substantial raise about 10 years ago in the wake of outrage over the 2004 torture and murder of six people and a dog at a home in Deltona. Suspect Troy Victorino was already on probation for a violent offense and had been arrested before he took part in the case known as the “Xbox murders.”  His probation officer failed to report him for the pre-murder arrest.

Victorino, 40, was sentenced to death and four probation officers were fired, but the Legislature subsequently approved pay raises from 2004 to 2006.

Starting salary for probation officers is now $33,478, and requirements for the job include a bachelor’s degree. Probation supervisors make $50,000 and many of them have master’s degrees, said Marcus, who has been with the agency for 26 years.

“Think of that salary when a county jail wants to hire you at $45,000, or a local police agency,” Marcus said. “But with the pay, having to go into some of the worst neighborhoods and no overtime, would you stay?”

Gov. Rick Scott had included probation officers in his proposal to give state corrections officers raises in this year’s budget. But the probation officers were cut from the plan.

Prisons Secretary Julie Jones said she would be willing to help the probation officers, but no one has approached her, yet. Scott did not include the raises in the $87.4 billion recommended budget he unveiled on Nov. 14.

Sen. Rob Bradley, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said he was disappointed probation officers were not included in the raises given to prison guards, but next year’s budget will also be tight.

Lawmakers have already been told by state economists to expect more a than $600 million increase in costs from the state’s Medicaid program and climbing school enrollment. The state’s pension fund also will need an extra $50 million and costs from the recovery of Hurricane Irma could exceed $127 million.

“That being said, I would like to do something in the 2018 budget to help our hard-working probation officers, if possible,” said Bradley, a Fleming Island Republican.

Manguso warned lawmakers to not wait until tragedy occurs to bump up salaries. He worked as a probation officer for 29 years before he was promoted to a position in the agency’s headquarters in Tallahassee.

“You think about more sex offenders going on probation and the people watching them are either overworked, inexperienced or both,” Manguso said. “You hate to think that anything to happen but lawmakers are not known for getting ahead of an issue like this.”

State probation officers were included in pay raises given this year to other state agency employees. The increases ranged from $1,400 for those earning less than $40,000 annually and $1,000 for those who made more than $40,000.

Lawmakers approved a similar pay increase in 2013.

Agency data show the average caseload in October was 33 sex offenders per probation officer, well within a 40-case threshold. But those numbers will vary wildly among the roughly 150 offices around the state. Usually, caseloads are high due to turnover.

“None of the reports you’ll see will show you what officers are seeing in those offices, sometimes 20 to 25 percent over what they’re supposed to be,” Manguso said. “Each time someone quits, their cases go to someone else.”


10 thoughts on “With more sex offenders, probation officers want more money

  • November 28, 2017

    Maybe this will be a wake-up call to release the least trouble sex offenders from the registry to free up some of the officers to watch the more violent offenders…

  • November 28, 2017

    what are the probation officers caseloads other then sex offenders. the way they talk the caseloads are primarily
    sex offenders only. where are the statistics and numbers.?
    just another scare tactic to intimidate the public about
    sex offenders what about other crimes like domestic violence, drug dealings or any other low-level or high level crimes committed. I understand the need to be paid will in order to raise your family. stop using sex offenders as a primary need for a raise. people open your eyes and look at the truth.

  • November 28, 2017

    I can’t speak for everyone, but if the ‘charges’ that my probation officer watches over are like me, she could spend her days at the beach and have nothing to worry about. Could it be that the case loads are increasing because Florida doesn’t want to let go of anything? I wonder if Florida knows the difference between ‘dangerous’ and ‘not the least bit dangerous’? As in most cases the bureaucrats are their own worst enemy. They are masters at creating problems and solving few if any.

  • November 28, 2017

    If the State wasn’t so quick to convict almost every person that goes before the Judge, And wasn’t handing out Sex Offender Convictions like candy, These Probation Officers wouldn’t have such a huge Caseload !!!. I know for a FACT that a Probation Officers job is to “Find a Way to VIOLATE the Offender” so they get sent to prison !! So why even put someone on probation ???. The whole”System” is Corrupt !!!

  • November 28, 2017

    Imagine how the system would collapse is all parolees and probationers just stopped checking in every month. Most importantly, stopped paying.

    • November 28, 2017

      You’re right. But getting any group of people to unite for any cause like that would be damn near impossible unfortunately.

  • November 28, 2017

    Well duhhhhh. If Florida would stop creating sex offenders out of thin air with these damn scam sting operations just so they could get federal money, then there wouldn’t be so many damn sex offenders to monitor! There’s an idea, why don’t they just use the millions of dollars they get from the Feds for the stings to give the PO’s a raise. …..GOOD! I’m so glad. I hope every freakin PO in the state strikes or quits. I hope the whole damn system just collapses on itself. It’s going to happen eventually.

  • November 29, 2017

    Capt., you are so correct on this, and Dave too. No more needs to be said.

  • November 30, 2017

    Ugh the verbiage in the article – they are all dangerous. Makes me sick…..

  • December 2, 2017

    Best quote from article, “None of the reports you’ll see will show you what officers are seeing in those offices, sometimes 20 to 25 percent over what they’re supposed to be,” Manguso said.

    So, all probation officers are falsifying their reports?

    Also, by definition, any sex offender on probation is considered to be high-risk, so we can assume there are only 4,724, out of 166,966 (2.8%) sex offenders on probation! How many murderers are on probation? Elder batterers? Wife beaters? Aggravated assaulters? But only the sex offenders are causing officers to quit and require a pay increase? More smoke and mirrors to bilk the taxpayers.


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