Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling Gives Hope to Some Sex Offenders on Lifetime GPS

This report from the Wisconsin Capital Times shows what can happen when sex offenders challenge state officials’ personal interpretation of state law. Sometimes courts must step in to point out to the state that the statute means what it says and not what they wish it to mean. 

The journalist reporting on this case interviewed not only state officials but affected registrants, resulting in a balanced and in-depth report. If you appreciate the article, consider submitting a letter to the editor


4 thoughts on “Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling Gives Hope to Some Sex Offenders on Lifetime GPS

  • July 19, 2023

    I just learned something that may or may not help end the registration.

    Here is an excerpt:

    “For the last several years, I served as a steering committee member on the Illinois HIV Action Alliance (IHAA). IHAA successfully mobilized to repeal an outdated and harmful HIV criminalization law that discriminated, prosecuted, and incarcerated people living with HIV (PLWH). In July 2021, Governor JB Pritzker signed House Bill 1063 into law, ending criminal penalties for those living with HIV in Illinois. In that capacity, I had an opportunity to build relationships with folks at Howard Brown Health, ACLU and staff from AFC. I was impressed by the commitment and passion IHAA members had towards ending HIV criminalization. It is also in that space, I learned more about AFC’s mission and a bit more about Getting to Zero Illinois (GTZ-IL).”



    I was shocked that people with HIV were being incarcerated because they had HIV, even more so because [moderated: off-topic claim about vaccines].

    But this legal fiction was ended in 2021. What an evil, ignorant law, just like the registries.

    Any chance this precedence could apply to ending the registries? All the ignorant legal fictions MUST end NOW.

  • July 16, 2023

    Señora la verdad es que esto que está pasando aquí en florida y me atrevería a desir en la mayoría de los US solo responde a la eliminación de los derechos siviles en ejecución y solo mantenidos en papel para que parezcan y todas las asociaciones organizaciones de derechos humanos existentes están en silencio y como es lógico ya con un poder debilitado. Si las cosas están así + no hay abogados que se presten para una defensa justa. Si quiere saber de mí escribame a spcjdrb2023@yajoo.com. Que Dios me cuide a su hijo, bendito sea.

  • July 9, 2023

    The problem with Florida is that the state, and the courts seem to work hand in hand when money/power are involved. In my son’s case, the ICAC officer took the stand (under oath) and was asked by the prosecutor, are the police allowed to bend and break the rules and even violate the laws of the state of Florida to catch a criminal” the officer answered “yes”. My son was no criminal. The rules/laws don’t apply to them.

  • July 9, 2023

    Wisconsin has sent out over 1200 letters of the lifetime requirement since Schimel’s interpretation.


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