Wildwood man attempts to use pickup to run over registered sex offender

“A 67-year-old Wildwood man has been jailed after allegedly attempting to use a pickup to run over a convicted sex offender.”  (Villages – News, July 16, 2023)

Florida’s Marsy’s Law was approved by Florida voters as a constitutional amendment in 2018.  Among other things, this amendment enumerates specific rights to victims of crimes, including the right to “prevent the disclosure of information or records that could be used to locate or harass the victim or the victim’s family.”

The Villages – News did not name the victim but did say he lived on County Road 121.  Additionally, the article mentions that tracks were left in front of the residence by the pickup, all information that will make it easy to identify who the victim was.  Then one can go straight to the registry to find personal information that Marsy’s Law is supposed to prohibit.

I look forward to the day when a registered person files a lawsuit against the state of Florida for its failure to fully implement Marsy’s Law for all Florida citizens.

8 thoughts on “Wildwood man attempts to use pickup to run over registered sex offender

  • July 20, 2023

    I can tell you this, from being on the offender list since 2005, I have heard of cases and had a few instances myself with so called vigilante people.
    I can say this, I don’t run, I don’t talk I just do what I have to do,no matter what, have had a gun pulled on me before,was threatened with a bat a few times,but with all these people,take a stand,show some force and 99% will back down and leave.
    That driver is lucky it wasn’t me he tried to run down, he would have had a bad day in the intensive care unit.


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