When sex offender moved in, neighbors petitioned to force him out

Thousands of people have been convicted of sex crimes in New York state and those convicted of the most serious crimes appear on the public portion of the state’s Sex Offender Registry, which makes it easy for residents to look up the identities of sex offenders living in their neighborhoods.

Frequently, the arrival of a sex offender causes disquiet among neighbors.

In the Glenville case, another neighbor, Mike Cusano, launched an online petition on change.org titled #NotInMyNeighborhood that as of Tuesday had 572 supporters. An updated message in bold letters by the author declared victory, as the man had put the home up for sale.

Daniel Lambright, a senior staff attorney with  New York Civil Liberties Union, said sexual abuse is mostly carried out by someone known to the victim or the victim’s family.

“There’s no empirical evidence that residency restrictions work in protecting children or protecting families, and restrictions are primarily based on a false premise that there’s that stranger lurking in the bushes that is going to come out and attack their child,” he said.


25 thoughts on “When sex offender moved in, neighbors petitioned to force him out

  • November 12, 2021

    Bryan Gonski will be so obsessed with getting a neighbor to move, that he’ll neglect to protect his own kids from their youth coach, youth pastor, and uncle.

    Oh, wait, Bryan Gonski doesn’t even HAVE kids. No wonder he has such strong opinions about this.

    • November 12, 2021

      Well I have found through my years, many of those who point fingers at others, are trying to take the focus off of themselves. For example, when I use to live in a neighborhood with a H.O.A, the president of the HOA was trying to get me kicked out of the neighborhood.
      A few years later he was caught using HOA money to build an illegal playground with our money without a vote, without permits and without getting approval. After much wrangling and fines, it got approved anyway. Come to find out he built the playground so that I could be kicked out since it was only 150 feet from my house.
      My lawyer showed up at the HOA meeting to inform everyone they had wasted their money for nothing since they could not legally “Retroactively” make me move. Eventually I did move on my own just because I could no longer afford to pay the mortage and sold while the prices were up.
      My point again though was, that those who make the biggest fusses about us are often hiding something in their own past. It is funny, one place I lived I never caused a problem but everyone was moving out because I wouldn’t.
      So even though I had lived there for years, they created a problem that didn’t exist? What is these people’s problems. You see they never knew I lived there until someone on facebook spread it around and mass hysteria took place. People are so reactive and predictable.
      Where I live now there is no HOA. I have lived in peace for years now, that is until this stupid Nextdoor came out and we are not even allowed to go on there to see what is being said about us.


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